Time series annotation library.


CrowdCurio Time Series Annotator Library

The CrowdCurio Time Series Annotation Library implements classification tasks for time series.

A screenshot of the Time Series Annotator.


  • Support for feature annotation tasks.
  • Support for interactive practice tasks.
  • Support for multivariate time series.
  • Support for medical time series in EDF format.
  • Integrated support for CrowdCurio.

Build Process

We use Browserify, Wachify and Uglify in our build processes. All three tools can be installed with NPM.

npm install -g browserify

npm install -g watchify

npm install -g uglify-js

To build the script bundle without minification, run:

browserify lib/main.js -o bundle.js

To build with minification, run:

browserify lib/main.js | uglifyjs bundle.js

To watch for file changes and automatically bundle without minification, run:

watchify lib/main.js -o bundle.js


Mike Schaekermann, University of Waterloo

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  • Not able to run

    Not able to run

    Im not able to run it.

    when i run this: browserify lib/main.js -o bundle.js and then watchify lib/main.js -o bundle.js I get nothing in command prompt. Can you please help me out?

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  • image


    browserify lib/main.js -o bundle.js browserify lib/main.js | uglifyjs bundle.js watchify lib/main.js -o bundle.js

    I am running this lines but not getting the image, please help me to get the image https://camo.githubusercontent.com/33ce37ac86f85e75df3f80f72d5035be5bab172a/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f637572696f2d6d656469612f6769746875622d6d656469612f74696d652d7365726965732d616e6e6f7461746f722e706e67

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