Spotify Playlist
project files
This repo contains all the Installation
1 - clone repo 2 - create a virtual environment and activate pip install virtualenv virtualenv envname source envname\scripts\activate[for Mac users]
- requests, BeautifulSoup, spotipy, SpotifyOAuth
Project Description
A GUI Application that creates a Spotify Playlist from any year in the past, by just entering your preferred date
if you think that these can be improved in any way, please do suggest.
Authentication with Spotify
In order to create a playlist in Spotify you must have an account with Spotify. If you don't already have an account, you can sign up for a free one here:
Once you've signed up/ signed in, go to the developer dashboard and create a new Spotify App:
- Once you've created a Spotify app, copy the Client ID and Client Secret into your Python project.
Authenticating with Spotify is quite complicated, especially when you want to access a user's account. So use, one of the most popular Python Spotify modules - SPOTIPY to make things easier.
3.1. Use as your Redirect URI. You're looking to get the currentuser id (your Spotify username). As per the documentation, make sure you set the redirect URI in the Spotify Dashboard as well.
- Run the program and wait for a while, but first make sure your have your
Client ID and Client Secret
stored into a variable provided in the program HINT 4: If successful, you should see the page below show up automatically (be sure to click Agree):
You'll get a new URL copy the entire URL from the address bar, finally you need to paste the URL into the prompt in PyCharm:
Now if you close PyCharm and restart, you should see a new file in this project called token.txt