A Pytorch Implementation for Compact Bilinear Pooling.



A Pytorch Implementation for Compact Bilinear Pooling. Adapted from tensorflow_compact_bilinear_pooling


Install pytorch_fft by

pip install pytorch_fft


from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from CompactBilinearPooling import CompactBilinearPooling

bottom1 = Variable(torch.randn(128, 512, 14, 14)).cuda()
bottom2 = Variable(torch.randn(128, 512, 14, 14)).cuda()

layer = CompactBilinearPooling(512, 512, 8000)

out = layer(bottom1, bottom2)


Yang Gao, et al. "Compact Bilinear Pooling." in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2016).
Akira Fukui, et al. "Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for Visual Question Answering and Visual Grounding." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01847 (2016).
  • Complex product should be used in eltwise product

    Complex product should be used in eltwise product

    I was investigating differences in results of this package and of the original Caffe version. Things found so far:

    1. Rfft can be used directly, it is provided by pytorch_fft
    2. Complex product should be used here: https://github.com/DeepInsight-PCALab/CompactBilinearPooling-Pytorch/blob/master/CompactBilinearPooling.py#L91, the tf.multiply does complex product, original caffe version does complex product
    3. Output should be mutliplied by output_dim in order to achieve full equivalence with original caffe version
    opened by vadimkantorov 6
  • No module named _th_fft

    No module named _th_fft

    Hi, thanks for your job! lt looks like there is no module named _th_fft when follow the command as you said. Do you have any idea about it? Thanks a lot~ ` dl@dl:~/wxptest$ sudo python wxp.py

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "wxp.py", line 3, in from CompactBilinearPooling import CompactBilinearPooling File "/home/dl/wxptest/CompactBilinearPooling.py", line 6, in import pytorch_fft.fft.autograd as afft File "/home/dl/wxptest/pytorch_fft/init.py", line 1, in from . import fft File "/home/dl/wxptest/pytorch_fft/fft/init.py", line 1, in from .fft import * File "/home/dl/wxptest/pytorch_fft/fft/fft.py", line 3, in from .._ext import th_fft File "/home/dl/wxptest/pytorch_fft/_ext/th_fft/init.py", line 3, in from ._th_fft import lib as _lib, ffi as _ffi ImportError: No module named _th_fft `

    opened by kopingwu 4
  • pytorch_fft install

    pytorch_fft install

    when I install pytorch_fft,the problem is: error in pytorch_fft setup command: 'C:\Users\14375\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-6vh12s8w\pytorch-fft\build.py:ffi' must be of the form 'path/build.py:ffi_va riable' Including CUDA code. ---------------------------------------- ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

    opened by 1437539743 3
  • Possible error in computation

    Possible error in computation

    According to the existing code beginning here https://github.com/DeepInsight-PCALab/CompactBilinearPooling-Pytorch/blob/56e23d01e687dad067dfeb9a07bb4d012430e1df/CompactBilinearPooling.py#L92 the product of two complex numbers(a+ib, x+iy) is {(ax-by) + i(ax+by)}.

       `temp_rr, temp_ii = fft1_real.mul(fft2_real), fft1_imag.mul(fft2_imag)
        fft_product_real = temp_rr - temp_ii
        fft_product_imag = temp_rr + temp_ii
        cbp_flat = afft.Ifft()(fft_product_real, fft_product_imag)[0]`

    However the correct product is {(ax-by) + i(ay+bx)} in which case the following product is wrong.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    opened by dormantrepo 1
  • NotImplementedError in fft

    NotImplementedError in fft

    I am getting this particular error while running sample test given in readme.

      File "CompactBilinearPooling/test.py", line 14, in <module>
        out = layer(bottom1, bottom2) 
      File "anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 491, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "CompactBilinearPooling/CompactBilinearPooling.py", line 91, in forward
        fft1_real, fft1_imag = afft.Fft()(sketch_1, Variable(torch.zeros(sketch_1.size())).cuda())
      File "anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_fft/fft/autograd.py", line 16, in forward
        return fft(X_re, X_im)
      File "anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_fft/fft/fft.py", line 25, in fft
        raise NotImplementedError

    Now this is due to this function fft.py:

        if 'Float' in type(X_re).__name__ :
            f = th_fft.th_Float_fft1
        elif 'Double' in type(X_re).__name__: 
            f = th_fft.th_Double_fft1
            raise NotImplementedError
        return _fft(X_re, X_im, f, 1)

    Because inputs to fft() are tensors, type(sketch_1) does not include 'Float' or 'Double'. Any help is appreciated.

    opened by gullalc 1
  • No parameters for optmizer

    No parameters for optmizer

    Thanks for your working, when I apply your code, I meet the situation that model.parameters() is empty and fail to creat optimizer. Model is compactbilinearpooling(1536,1536,400). Am I wrong? Thanks for answering

    opened by bupt-zsp 1
  • How's the output

    How's the output

    Thank you for your job! I have some question, if x = (4,512,64,64), y = (4,512,64,64), a=CompactBilinearPooling(x,y) , what the shape of a ? And How I can make the a‘s shape is (batch_size,channels,height,width) which the same as x and y?

    opened by Paranoidv 1
  • In the code seem to be different from the setting of the paper.

    In the code seem to be different from the setting of the paper.

    rand_h_1 = np.random.randint(output_dim, size=self.input_dim1) and rand_s_1 = 2 * np.random.randint(2, size=self.input_dim1) - 1 in the code seem to be different from the setting of the paper. In the paper, hk is {1,2,...,k}, sk is {+1 ,-1}.

    opened by roseif 0
  • multi GPUs error: RuntimeError: arguments are located on different GPUs

    multi GPUs error: RuntimeError: arguments are located on different GPUs

    For multi GPU, it outputs:

    RuntimeError: arguments are located on different GPUs at /pytorch/torch/lib/THC/generic/THCTensorMathBlas.cu:236

    How to fix it?

    opened by JingyunLiang 3
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