This repository contains the source code for the paper "DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Compact Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks",

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Deep Learning DONERF

DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Compact Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks

Project Page | Video | Presentation | Paper | Data


The majority of this project is licensed under CC-BY-NC, except for adapted third-party code, which is available under separate license terms:

  • nerf is licensed under the MIT license
  • nerf-pytorch is licensed under the MIT license
  • FLIP is licensed under the BSD-3 license
  • Python-IW-SSIM is licensed under the BSD license


This repository contains the source code for the paper "DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Compact Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks", as well as a customized/partial port of the nerf-pytorch codebase by Yen-Chen Lin.

The codebase has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 using an RTX2080TI with 11 GB of VRAM, and should also work on other distributions, as well as Windows, although it was not regularly tested on Windows. Long file paths generated for experiments might cause issues on Windows, so we recommend to use a very shallow output folder (such as D:/logs or similar).

Repo Structure

configs/ contains example configuration files to get started with experiments.

src/ contains the pytorch training/inference framework that handles training of all supported network types.

requirements.txt lists the required python packages for the code base. We recommend conda to setup the development environment. Note that PyTorch 1.8 is the minimum working version due to earlier versions having issues with the parallel dataloaders.


Our datasets follow a similar format as in the original NeRF code repository, where we read .json files containing the camera poses, as well as images (and depth maps) for each image from various directories.

The dataset can be found at

Training / Example Commands

To train a network with a given configuration file, you can adapt the following examplary command, executed from within the src/ directory. All things in angle brackets need to be replaced by specific values depending on your use case, please refer to src/util/ for all valid configutation options. All configuration options can also be supplied via the command line.

The following basic command trains a DONeRF with 2 samples per ray, where the oracle network is trained for 300000 iterations first, and the shading network for 300000 iterations afterwards.

python -c ../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini --data <PATH_TO_DATASET_DIRECTORY> --logDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> 

A specific CUDA device can be chosen for training by supplying the --device argument:

python -c ../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini --data <PATH_TO_DATASET_DIRECTORY> --logDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --device <DEVICE_ID>

By default, our dataloader loads images on-demand by using 8 parallel workers. To store all data on the GPU at all times (for faster training), supply the --storeFullData argument:

python -c ../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini --data <PATH_TO_DATASET_DIRECTORY> --logDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --device <DEVICE_ID> --storeFullData

A complete example command that trains a DONeRF with 8 samples per ray on the classroom dataset using the CUDA Device 0, storing the outputs in /data/output_results/ could look like this:

python -c ../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini --data /data/classroom/ --logDir /data/output_results/ --device 0 --storeFullData --numRayMarchSamples 8 --numRayMarchSamples 8

(Important to note here is that we pass numRayMarchSamples twice - the first value is actually ignored since the first network in this particular config file does not use raymarching, and certain config options are specified per network.)

Testing / Example Commands

By default, the framework produces rendered output image every epochsRender iterations validates on the validation set every epochsValidate iterations.

Videos can be generated by supplying json paths for the poses, and epochsVideo will produce a video from a predefined path at regular intervals.

For running just an inference pass for all the test images and for a given video path, you can use src/

This also takes the same arguments and configuration files as src/ does, so following the example for the training command, you can use src/ as follows:

python -c ../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini --data /data/classroom/ --logDir /data/output_results/ --device 0 --storeFullData --numRayMarchSamples 8 --numRayMarchSamples 8 --camPath cam_path_rotate --outputVideoName cam_path_rotate --videoFrames 300


To generate quantitative results (and also output images/videos/diffs similar to what src/ can also do), you can use src/ To directly evaluate after training, supply the --performEvaluation flag to any training command. This script only requires the --data and --logDir options to locate the results of the training procedure, and has some additional evaluation-specific options that can be inspected at the top of def main() (such as being able to skip certain evaluation procedures or only evaluate specific things).

src/ performs the evaluation on all subdirectories (if it hasn't done so already), so you only need to run this script once for a specific dataset and all containing results are evaluated sequentially.

To aggregate the resulting outputs (MSE, SSIM, FLIP, FLOP / Pixel, Number of Parameters), you can use src/ to generate a resulting .csv file.


If you find this repository useful in any way or use/modify DONeRF in your research, please consider citing our paper:

author = {Neff, T. and Stadlbauer, P. and Parger, M. and Kurz, A. and Mueller, J. H. and Chaitanya, C. R. A. and Kaplanyan, A. and Steinberger, M.},
title = {DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Compact Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
volume = {40},
number = {4},
pages = {45-59},
keywords = {CCS Concepts, • Computing methodologies → Rendering},
doi = {},
url = {},
eprint = {},
abstract = {Abstract The recent research explosion around implicit neural representations, such as NeRF, shows that there is immense potential for implicitly storing high-quality scene and lighting information in compact neural networks. However, one major limitation preventing the use of NeRF in real-time rendering applications is the prohibitive computational cost of excessive network evaluations along each view ray, requiring dozens of petaFLOPS. In this work, we bring compact neural representations closer to practical rendering of synthetic content in real-time applications, such as games and virtual reality. We show that the number of samples required for each view ray can be significantly reduced when samples are placed around surfaces in the scene without compromising image quality. To this end, we propose a depth oracle network that predicts ray sample locations for each view ray with a single network evaluation. We show that using a classification network around logarithmically discretized and spherically warped depth values is essential to encode surface locations rather than directly estimating depth. The combination of these techniques leads to DONeRF, our compact dual network design with a depth oracle network as its first step and a locally sampled shading network for ray accumulation. With DONeRF, we reduce the inference costs by up to 48× compared to NeRF when conditioning on available ground truth depth information. Compared to concurrent acceleration methods for raymarching-based neural representations, DONeRF does not require additional memory for explicit caching or acceleration structures, and can render interactively (20 frames per second) on a single GPU.},
year = {2021}
  • specify the compatible versions of ptflops

    specify the compatible versions of ptflops

    As the add_flops_counting_methods() has been removed from flops_counter after version 0.6.7. The compatible versions of ptflops should be specified.

    And the requirements.txt has been tested to be correct.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by AlbertHuyb 3
  • pin error

    pin error

    Any idea what this problem might be? @thomasneff Using the code out of the box with pavillon dataset for training.

    WARNING! - import of cuda kernels for 'disc_depth_multiclass' failed - falling back to PyTorch
    Training config: lo_l1.0_0.0_SpPoDir[128]-relu0(256x8)-CD-128-5-5_l1.0_10.0_RayMarchFromPoses_nSD[2_LSfCD_128_0.0](nerf(10-4))-relu1(256x80..63-7.63.)-RGBARayMarch (../configs/DONeRF_2_samples.ini)
    no Checkpoints found
    no Checkpoints found
    epoch=21         loss=0.13672528:   0%|                                                                                    | 20/300001 [00:03<7:07:22, 11.70it/s]
    Exception in thread Thread-4:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/", line 870, in run
        self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 28, in _pin_memory_loop
        idx, data = r
    ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
    epoch=21         loss=0.13672528:   0%|                                                                                   | 21/300001 [00:08<34:03:39,  2.45it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 344, in <module>
      File "", line 329, in main
      File "", line 136, in pre_train
        batch_iterator = iter(train_config.train_data_loader)
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 349, in __iter__
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 852, in _reset
        data = self._get_data()
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 1029, in _get_data
        raise RuntimeError('Pin memory thread exited unexpectedly')
    RuntimeError: Pin memory thread exited unexpectedly
    opened by alex-111-gh 2
  • Adding Code of Conduct file

    Adding Code of Conduct file

    This is pull request was created automatically because we noticed your project was missing a Code of Conduct file.

    Code of Conduct files facilitate respectful and constructive communities by establishing expected behaviors for project contributors.

    This PR was crafted with love by Facebook's Open Source Team.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by facebook-github-bot 0
  • Adding Contributing file

    Adding Contributing file

    This is pull request was created automatically because we noticed your project was missing a Contributing file.

    CONTRIBUTING files explain how a developer can contribute to the project - which you should actively encourage.

    This PR was crafted with love by Facebook's Open Source Team.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by facebook-github-bot 0
  • How to get the 'depth_range_warped_log' in dataset_info.json

    How to get the 'depth_range_warped_log' in dataset_info.json

    Thanks for your great work! I want to run DONeRF with my own dataset rendered from Blender, and I am stuck with how to get the 'depth_range_warped_log' by 'depth_range' that is measured by depth map. Because I create my dataset by keeping 'depth_range_warped_log' the same as 'depth_range', and the output is not well.

    opened by YeJiangnan1029 0
  • torch.eig is deprecated for a long time and is being removed

    torch.eig is deprecated for a long time and is being removed

    PyTorch's torch.eig was deprecated since version 1.9 and is being removed by Please use the torch.linalg.eig function instead if you want your code to continue to work with the latest PyTorch.

    Affected file:

    opened by kit1980 1
  • Cannot understand the classification mechanism of Sampling Oracle Network

    Cannot understand the classification mechanism of Sampling Oracle Network

    Hello sir. :)

    I have a question about section5.1 in your paper.

    1. What is the classification class mean? In the paper, each class corresponds to discretized segment along the ray; for every discrete ray segment, a high value indicates it should receive multiple samples. I'm confusing about the "class ray segment classified" and "receiving multiple samples" meaning.

    2. And how can multi-class target can be provided?.. The paper said it leads to binary classification.

    Entirely, I can't understand the classification mechanism of the network.

    Can you explain in detail?


    opened by min-jung-shin 0
  • How to use the dataset's transforms?

    How to use the dataset's transforms?

    Thank you very much for your excellent work! While use your dataset, how can i get every image's camera to world pose?

    How do I apply the transform I get from the .json? Do I need to convert from blender coordinate system to opencv coordinate system like nerf?

    opened by QiukuZ 2
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