Multispectral Object Detection with Yolov5




Official Code for Cross-Modality Fusion Transformer for Multispectral Object Detection.

Multispectral Object Detection with Transformer and Yolov5


If you use this repo for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Cross-Modality Fusion Transformer for Multispectral Object Detection},
  author={Fang Qingyun and Han Dapeng and Wang Zhaokui},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00273},


Python>=3.6.0 is required with all requirements.txt installed including PyTorch>=1.7 (The same as yolov5 ).

Clone the repo

git clone

Install requirements

$ cd  multispectral-object-detection
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


-[FLIR] download A new aligned version.

-[LLVIP] download

-[VEDAI] download


Download the pretrained weights

yolov5 weights:

CFT weights:

Add the some file

create runs/train, runs/test and runs/detect three files for save the results.

Change the data cfg

some example in data/multispectral/

Train Test and Detect

train: python

test: python

detect: python


Dataset CFT mAP50 mAP75 mAP
FLIR 73.0 32.0 37.4
FLIR ✔️ 77.7 (Δ4.7) 34.8 (Δ2.8) 40.0 (Δ2.6)
LLVIP 95.8 71.4 62.3
LLVIP ✔️ 97.5 (Δ1.7) 72.9 (Δ1.5) 63.6 (Δ1.3)
VEDAI 79.7 47.7 46.8
VEDAI ✔️ 85.3 (Δ5.6) 65.9(Δ18.2) 56.0 (Δ9.2)
  • 关于训练文件缺失的问题


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/fhl/src/rgbt-det/multispectral-object-detection/", line 1028, in train_rgb_ir(hyp, opt, device, tb_writer) File "/home/fhl/src/rgbt-det/multispectral-object-detection/", line 519, in train_rgb_ir model = Model(opt.cfg or ckpt['model'].yaml, ch=6, nc=nc, anchors=hyp.get('anchors')).to(device) # create File "/home/fhl/src/rgbt-det/multispectral-object-detection/models/", line 188, in init self.model, = parse_model(deepcopy(self.yaml), ch=[ch]) # model, savelist File "/home/fhl/src/rgbt-det/multispectral-object-detection/models/", line 529, in parse_model elif m is CMAFF: NameError: name 'CMAFF' is not defined


    opened by 116508 4
  • Could you provide the checkpoint on FLIR dataset?

    Could you provide the checkpoint on FLIR dataset?

    Thank you for your nice work.

    I train the model with the option as below :

    parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, default='./models/transformer/yolov5l_fusion_transformerx3_FLIR_aligned.yaml', help='model.yaml path')

    Then, I can't reproduce the results on FLIR dataset in the paper.

    The results of training process


    The result of best checkpoint


    Could you provide the checkpoint on FLIR dataset?

    Also, i got difference baseline result when i train the add-fusion model.

    image image

    opened by socome 3
  • 您好,能向您要一份您的yolov5 format的LLVIP数据集吗?

    您好,能向您要一份您的yolov5 format的LLVIP数据集吗?

    # train and val data as 1) directory: path/images/, 2) file: path/images.txt, or 3) list: [path1/images/, path2/images/] train_rgb: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/rgb/align_train.txt # 128 images val_rgb: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/rgb/align_validation.txt # 128 images train_ir: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/ir/align_train.txt # 128 images val_ir: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/ir/align_validation.txt # 128 images 对于这种方式的目录结构和.txt的内容不是很清楚,所以想像你要一份yolov5 format的llvip数据,非常感谢!

    opened by Hiram1026 3
  • about cls loss is zero

    about cls loss is zero

    How do you do? May I ask why CLS is always 0 when I train Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls total labels img_size 3/199 7.64G 0.04769 0.02945 0 0.07714 7 640: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6013/6013 [24:45<00:00, 4.05it/s] Class Images Labels P R [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]:.95: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 866/866 [01:19<00:00, 10.83it/s] all 3463 7931 0.821 0.803 0.802 0.289 0.371

    opened by wlc-git 3
  • I can't reproduce the result of paper with provided checkpoint.

    I can't reproduce the result of paper with provided checkpoint.

    I can't reproduce the result of paper with provided checkpoint. There is a small difference. Could you give me the label files of FLIR datsets..? Also, Do you have the mAP result of single modality on each of the topics..? and Could you provide it ..?

    Thank you so much, looking forward to your reply!

    paper image

    result with provided checkpoint


    opened by socome 1
  • 我在你发布的模型yolov5l_transformerx3_llvip_s1024_bs32_e200上跑detect没有效果呢?


    python .\ --weights=./pre_models/yolov5l_transformerx3_llvip_s1024_bs32_e200 --source1=C:/HMZ/work/project/datasets/LLVIP/infrared/test --source2=C:/HMZ/work/project/datasets/LLVIP/visible/test --img-size=1024 --device=0


    opened by Hiram1026 1
  • about yolov5s_fusion_add_vedai.yaml

    about yolov5s_fusion_add_vedai.yaml

    According to the image in your paper, the YAML file should be two streams of input RGB image and IR image respectively. Why the input of the second stream [-4, 1, Focus, [64, 3]],-4 means from layer 6 instead of IR images? Why not for example [-10,1, Focus, [64, 3]] (of course this will not work)

    opened by mzzjuve 1
  • 关于在LLVIP数据集上的复现结果


    作者你好, 如这里所述,LLVIP数据集自发表以后被更新了一次,更新后的LLVIP数据集的行人检测精度也提高了,即: image 从图中可以看出,更新后的LLVIP仅在infrared模态上的检测结果(0.67)就优于您论文中的结果(0.636): image 考虑到LLVIP被更新过一次,于是我将您的代码在新的LLVIP上重新训练了一次,batch_size=8x4gpus, image_size=1024. cfg is here, hyp is here. 我训练的结果为0.656,远低于LLVIP中仅使用infrared的结果。 image 为了实验的公平性,我已确认您的代码和LLVIP开源的代码都是YOLOv5 (version5.0)。请看LLVIP作者的回复,以及您之前的回复.



    opened by XueZ-phd 1
  • Issue in path

    Issue in path

    Namespace(augment=False, batch_size=64, conf_thres=0.001, data='/home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/data/multispectral/FLIR_aligned.yaml', device='', exist_ok=False, img_size=640, iou_thres=0.5, name='exp', project='runs/test', save_conf=True, save_hybrid=False, save_json=False, save_txt=True, single_cls=False, task='val', verbose=False, weights='/home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/') /home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/data/multispectral/FLIR_aligned.yaml YOLOv5 🚀 387dc3e torch 1.13.0+cu117 CPU

    Fusing layers... Model Summary: 1015 layers, 206209480 parameters, 0 gradients val Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/utils/", line 875, in init raise Exception(f'{prefix}{path_rgb} does not exist') Exception: val: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/rgb/align_validation.txt does not exist

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 339, in opt=opt File "", line 94, in test prefix=colorstr(f'{task}: '))[0] File "/home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/utils/", line 236, in create_dataloader_rgb_ir prefix=prefix) File "/home/delll/mark1/multispectral-object-detection/utils/", line 899, in init raise Exception(f'{prefix}Error loading data from {path_rgb,path_ir}: {e}\nSee {help_url}') Exception: val: Error loading data from ('/home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/rgb/align_validation.txt', '/home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/ir/align_validation.txt'): val: /home/fqy/Data/FLIR_ADAS_1_3/align/yolo/rgb/align_validation.txt does not exist See

    opened by nineRishav 1
  • 'SPPF'


    image #Can't get attribute 'SPPF' on <module 'models.common' from 'G:\pythonfile\multispectral-object-detection-main\multispectral-object-detection-main\models\'> How to solve this problem?

    opened by 1phil1 1
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