1. What is this app?
Upload an excel/csv file and produce a summary report of the data.
2. Where to upload? How to produce results?
- Click on Browse Files and upload.
- Make sure the csv file has the correct delimiter chosen in the text box.
- Once uploaded, check the Analyse box.
(Note : By default, a sample .csv file is used for demonstration at the start).
3. What is covered in this page?
1. Overview - Column info, Sample data and Numerical description.
2. Column Information - Column info, Distribution of numerical data, Descriptive stats of categorical data
3. Missing Data - Summary, Correlation Heatmap, Column vs Column comparison
4. Why did I create this app?
- I follow these basic steps during EDA on Notebooks and BI tools. Hence, I decided to implement them directly
before taking further visualization steps.
- The idea was inspired from pandas-profiling tool -->