Python SDK for Thepeer


Thepeer Python SDK

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Python SDK for Thepeer.

Quick Start

  1. Install thepeer-sdk
pip install thepeer-sdk
  1. Signup to get your API keys here



from thepeer_sdk import ThepeerSdkClient

thepeer_sdk_client = ThepeerSdkClient(

# Get the list of all indexed users

Available Methods


  • index_user : Index a particular user on Thepeer


    • name(str)
    • identifier(str) : unique user identifier
    • email(str)

    returns: dict

  • list_users : Get the list of all indexed users


    • page(int) : page number to return
    • perPage(int) : amount of records to return per page

    returns: dict

  • update_user : Update your user's identifier when they make a profile update to their identifier on your platform.


    • user_ref(str) : the reference returned when the user was indexed
    • user_identifier(str) : unique user identifier

    returns: dict

  • delete_user : Delete a user in the event that a user deactivates their account on your platform


    • user_ref(str) : the reference returned when the user was indexed

    returns: dict


  • get_user_links : This returns all linked accounts associated with a user.


    • user_ref(str) : the reference returned when the user was indexed

    returns: dict

  • get_link : Get a linked account details


    • link_id(str) : link ID

    returns: dict


  • verify_receipt : Verify a particular receipt.


    • receipt_ref(str) : reference of the receipt to process

    returns: dict

  • process_receipt : Process receipts generated from Thepeer inline.


    • receipt_ref(str) : reference of the receipt to process
    • event(str)

    returns: dict

Direct Charge

  • charge_link : Charge your user's linked account at any time


    • link_id(str) : id of the link to charge
    • amount(int) : amount to charge
    • remark(str) : narration of the charge

    returns: dict

  • authorize_charge : authorize direct charge request via webhooks


    • charge_ref(str) : direct charge reference
    • event(str)

    returns: dict


pip install --upgrade thepeer-sdk


Visit the official Thepeer documentation for more information.



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