profile tools for pytorch nn models




nnprof is a profile tool for pytorch neural networks.


  • multi profile mode: nnprof support 4 profile mode: Layer level, Operation level, Mixed level, Layer Tree level. Please check below for detail usage.
  • time and memory profile: nnprof support both time and memory profile now. But since memory profile is first supported in pytorch 1.6, please use torch version >= 1.6 for memory profile.
  • support sorted by given key and show profile percent: user could print table with percentage and sorted profile info using a given key, which is really helpful for optimiziing neural network.


  • Python >= 3.6
  • PyTorch
  • Numpy

Get Started

install nnprof

  • pip install:
pip install nnprof
  • from source:
python -m pip install 'git+'

# or install after clone this repo
git clone
pip install -e nnprof

use nnprf

from nnprof import profile, ProfileMode
import torch
import torchvision

model = torchvision.models.alexnet(pretrained=False)
x = torch.rand([1, 3, 224, 224])

# mode could be anyone in LAYER, OP, MIXED, LAYER_TREE
mode = ProfileMode.LAYER

with profile(model, mode=mode) as prof:
    y = model(x)

print(prof.table(average=False, sorted_by="cpu_time"))
# table could be sorted by presented header.

Part of presented table looks like table below, Note that they are sorted by cpu_time.

│ name                 │ self_cpu_time     │ cpu_time          │   hits │
│ AlexNet.features.0   │ 19.114ms (34.77%) │ 76.383ms (45.65%) │      1 │
│ AlexNet.features.3   │ 5.148ms (9.37%)   │ 20.576ms (12.30%) │      1 │
│ AlexNet.features.8   │ 4.839ms (8.80%)   │ 19.336ms (11.56%) │      1 │
│ AlexNet.features.6   │ 4.162ms (7.57%)   │ 16.632ms (9.94%)  │      1 │
│ AlexNet.features.10  │ 2.705ms (4.92%)   │ 10.713ms (6.40%)  │      1 │

You are welcomed to try diffierent profile mode and more table format.


Any issues and pull requests are welcomed.


Some thoughts of nnprof are inspired by torchprof and torch.autograd.profile . Many thanks to the authors.

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