A simple version for graphfpn


GraphFPN: Graph Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

Download graph-FPN-main.zip

For training , run:

python train.py

For test with Graph_fpn, run

python test.py

If You need COCO API for test, you can download from here.

Folder structure

└── checkpoint/
└── COCO/    
│   └── coco/
│   │    ├── .config 
│   │    ├── 2017/
│   │
│   ├── downloads/
└── data_demo/
|   ├── data/
|   |    ├── coco
|   |    ├── checkpoint
|   ├── data.zip
├── results/
├── src/     
|   ├── configs/
|   |    ├── configs.py
|   |
|   ├── detection/
|   |    ├── datasets/
|   |    |      ├── coco.py
|   |    ├── utils/
|   |
|   ├── model/
|   ├── init_path.py
|   ├── demo.py
|   ├── train.py
|   ├── test.py
├── README.md 
└── requirements.txt


[1] Graph-FPN: GraphFPN: Graph Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

In addition, we provide more detection frameworks that can support GraphFPN

Download graph-mmdet.zip 

this code uses mmdetecion as the base framework, you can set yourself env based on mmdetection
this can simply run

sh train.sh

get the result of Contextual Graph Layers (CGL-1) in graphFPN, however, you should add other components from graph-FPN-main.zip to run the complete GraphFPN. Note that, based on the code of graph-mmdet.zip, you can easily construct the complete graph-fpn strcuture. Please reference the code of graph-FPN-main.zip.

  • 请问是Graph FPN的原作者吗?

    请问是Graph FPN的原作者吗?

    您好,这边看到了您在github仓库里发的代码中的graph-fpn-main.zip是我在去年11月份开始做的一直做到今年的一月份的一个学校project,当时您的代码还为开源,我这边自己手动尝试做了一些复现。很高兴我的代码能被您引用,可以麻烦您在readme中加入我的链接吗? https://github.com/lhcezx/Graph-FPN.git

    opened by lhcezx 4
  • About the edges in graphFPN

    About the edges in graphFPN

    How did you connect the nodes at the contextual level and hierarchical level? Did you connect the nodes in the contextual level based on K maximum similarity or did you connect a node to all the other nodes?

    opened by Lewislou 0
  • GraphFPN中输入变量的格式问题


    您好,我在调试fpn.py中的FPN类中遇到问题:请问变量img_metas的格式是什么?如果您能分享您的原始数据,我将十分感谢![email protected] def forward(self, inputs, img_metas): """Forward function.""" assert len(inputs) == len(self.in_channels) #sp_values = [] sp_positions = [] #sp_edges = [] for i in range(len(img_metas)): img_meta = img_metas[i] filename = img_meta['ori_filename'][0:-4:1] for scale in range(4): filename = '/data1/zhaogangming/cob_train_'+str(4**(scale))+'_superpixel/'+filename #sp_value_name = filename+'value.npy' sp_position_name = filename+'position.npy' #sp_edge_name = filename+'edge.npy' if os.path.exists(sp_position_name): sp_positions.append(np.load(sp_position_name, allow_pickle=True)) #sp_values.append(np.load(sp_value_name, allow_pickle=True)) #sp_edges.append(np.load(sp_edge_name, allow_pickle=True)) else: sp_positions.append([])

    opened by Idiom1999 2
  • 关于GraphFPN的一些细节。


    作者您好,我对您的GraphFPN 非常感兴趣,想将其用于目标检测 `,但是在阅读源码过程中遇到一些问题,我在mmdet版本的GraphFPN代码中看到有fpn,fpnv1,fpnv2以及fpnv3.请问这四个有什么区别吗。 GraphFPN

    另外我看到代码中写到 #sp_values = [] sp_positions = [] #sp_edges = [] for i in range(len(img_metas)): img_meta = img_metas[i] filename = img_meta['ori_filename'][0:-4:1] for scale in range(4): filename = '/data1/zhaogangming/cob_train_'+str(4**(scale))+'_superpixel/'+filename #sp_value_name = filename+'value.npy' sp_position_name = filename+'position.npy' #sp_edge_name = filename+'edge.npy' if os.path.exists(sp_position_name): sp_positions.append(np.load(sp_position_name, allow_pickle=True)) #sp_values.append(np.load(sp_value_name, allow_pickle=True)) #sp_edges.append(np.load(sp_edge_name, allow_pickle=True)) else: sp_positions.append([]) #sp_positions.append(np.load('/data1/zhaogangming/cob_train_1_superpixel/000000434183position.npy', allow_pickle=True)) #sp_values.append(np.load('/data1/zhaogangming/cob_train_1_superpixel/000000434183value.npy', allow_pickle=True)) #sp_edges.append(np.load('/data1/zhaogangming/cob_train_1_superpixel/000000434183edge.npy', allow_pickle=True)) 这部分代码的作用是什么。 期待您的回复

    opened by Zhangming001 9
  • How to get Multiscale Superpixel Hierarchy

    How to get Multiscale Superpixel Hierarchy

    Hello, how I can get Multiscale Superpixel Hierarchy? and how is the Superpixel Hierarchy used in graph_FeaturePyramid?

    Looking forward to your help, thank you very much.

    opened by yxecho115 2
  • Configuration environment problem

    Configuration environment problem

    Hello, I am going to run this code. There is an error while configuring the environment that I cannot resolve, the error is shown in the image below. The DGL library is already installed. How to solve it? Looking forward to your help, thank you very much. image

    opened by qmf2020 5
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