Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network


Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network

alt text

This paper is available at the 2017 DAVIS Challenge website.

Check our results in this video.

Contact: Jingchun Cheng (chengjingchun at gmail dot com)

Cite the Paper

If you find that our method is useful in your research, please cite:

  author = {J. Cheng and S. Liu and Y.-H. Tsai and W.-C. Hung and S. Gupta and J. Gu and J. Kautz and S. Wang and M.-H. Yang}, 
  title = {Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network}, 
  journal = {The 2017 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation - CVPR Workshops}, 
  year = {2017}

About the Code

  • The code released here mainly consistes of two parts in the paper: foreground segmentation and instance recognition.

  • It contains the parent net for foreground segmentation and training codes for instance recognition networks.

  • The matlab_code folder contains a simple version of our CRAF step for segmentation refinement.



  • Train the per-object recognition model.
    cd training
    python solve.py PATH_OF_MODEL PATH_OF_SOLVER
    Foe example, on the 'choreography' video for the 1st object, run:
    python solve.py ../pretrained/PN_ResNetF.caffemodel ../ResNetF/testnet_per_obj/choreography/solver_1.prototxt


  • Test the general foreground/backgroung model.
    python infer_test_fgbg.py PATH_OF_MODEL PATH_OF_RESULT VIDEO_NAME
    Foe example, on the 'lions' video, run:
    python infer_test_fgbg.py pretrained/PN_ResNetF.caffemodel results/fgbg lions

  • Test the object instance model.
    python infer_test_perobj.py MODEL_ITERATION VIDEO_NAME OBJECT_ID
    For example, on the 'lions' video for the 2nd object, run:
    python infer_test_perobj.py 3000 lions 2

  • Run example_CRAF.m in the matlab_code folder for a demo on CRAF segmentation refinement.

Download Our Segmentation Results on 2017 DAVIS Challenge

  • General foreground/background segmentation here
  • Instance-level object segmentation without refinement here
  • Final instance-level object segmentation with refinement here


The model and code are available for non-commercial research purposes only.

  • 09/2017: code and model released
  • 03/2018: pre-trained model updated
  • Does this repo contain the implementation of SPN

    Does this repo contain the implementation of SPN

    Hi Dear Authors,

    I've read your paper about this project, and thanks a lot for sharing your code! I have a question: does this repository contain an implementation on SPN? It seems missing, right? Thanks.

    opened by glhfgg1024 4
  • compatible caffe installation

    compatible caffe installation

    Hi, I am facing the following issue : Check failed: ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: pretrained/PN_ResNetF.caffemodel

    I guess, its an issue with the caffe installation. I have tried both, the latest build of caffe and the one you used for SegFlow(which I think was based on flownet2) and the issue remains the same. Could you provide some pointers to solve the issue or share the caffe version/build? Thanks

    opened by amankh 1
  • about SPN network in paper

    about SPN network in paper

    The paper proposes the spatial propagation network (SPN) as a refinement module, which learns the affinity entities and refine the coarse mask. But I didn't find the SPN code and pretrained SPN model. Could you submit the corresponding code for us.

    opened by zhui064 1
  • Davis annotation

    Davis annotation

    Hi ,How do you handle the multiple instances tag for Davis 2017 dataset? Is it converted into two categories? How do you visualize Davis 2017 data sets?Because Davis is not a different category with different colors. For example, the label color of bear is the same as that of bicycle.Thank you!

    opened by InstantWindy 0
  • Pre-trained prototxt

    Pre-trained prototxt

    Thank you very much for the source code.I am facing a issue when I was training the parent network for foreground segmentation,If you can release the training details of parent model that network's training prototxt and solver prototxt, I will be very grateful to you.

    opened by EternityZY 0
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