NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection (CVPR 2020)


NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection

This project hosts the train and inference code with pretrained model for implementing the NAS-FCOS algorithm for object detection, as presented in our paper:

NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection;
Ning Wang, Yang Gao, Hao Chen, Peng Wang, Zhi Tian, Chunhua Shen;
In: Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020.

The full paper is available at: NAS-FCOS Paper.


  • News: Accepted by CVPR 2020. (24/02/2020)
  • Upload solver module to support self training. (06/02/2020)
  • Support RetinaNet detector in NAS module (pretrained model coming soon). (06/02/2020)
  • Update NAS head module, config files and pretrained model links. (07/01/2020)

Required hardware

We use 4 Nvidia V100 GPUs.


This NAS-FCOS implementation is based on maskrcnn-benchmark. Therefore the installation is the same as original maskrcnn-benchmark.

Please check for installation instructions. You may also want to see the original of maskrcnn-benchmark.


The train command line on coco train:

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node=4 \
    --master_port=1213 \
    tools/ --config-file "configs/search/R_50_NAS_retinanet.yaml"


The inference command line on coco minival split:

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node=1 \
    tools/ --config-file "configs/search/R_50_NAS_densebox.yaml"

Please note that:

  1. If your model's name is different, please replace models/R-50-NAS.pth with your own.
  2. If you enounter out-of-memory error, please try to reduce TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH to 1.
  3. If you want to evaluate a different model, please change --config-file to its config file (in configs/search) and MODEL.WEIGHT to its weights file.

For your convenience, we provide the following trained models (more models are coming soon).

Model Multi-scale training AP (minival) AP (test-dev) Link Fetch Code
Mobile_NAS No 32.6 33.1 download 3dm9
Mobile_NAS_head No 34.4 34.7 download -
R_50_NAS No 38.5 38.9 download f88u
R_50_NAS_head No 39.5 39.8 download -
R_101_NAS Yes 42.1 42.5 download euuz
R_101_NAS_head Yes 42.8 43.0 download -
R_101_X_32x8d_NAS Yes 43.4 43.7 download 4cci

Attention: If the above model link cannot be downloaded normally, please refer to the link below. Mobile_NAS, Mobile_NAS_head, R_50_NAS, R_50_NAS_head, R_101_NAS, R_101_NAS_head R_101_X_32x8d_NAS

All results are obtained with a single model and without any test time data augmentation such as multi-scale, flipping and etc..

Contributing to the project

Any pull requests or issues are welcome.


Please consider citing our paper in your publications if the project helps your research. BibTeX reference is as follows.

    author = {Wang, Ning and Gao, Yang and Chen, Hao and Wang, Peng and Tian, Zhi and Shen, Chunhua and Zhang, Yanning},
    title = {NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection},
    booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month = {June},
    year = {2020}


For academic use, this project is licensed under the 2-clause BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details. For commercial use, please contact the authors.

  • No output when executing fpn module and the code exited without any error.

    No output when executing fpn module and the code exited without any error.

    Hi, I have tested your code on coco dataset. no matter training or testing, there is no output when executing fpn module and the code exited without any errors.the code is as follows: in : image there is no output and the code is exited without any errors or warnnings: image training script:python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=1213 tools/ --config-file "configs/search/R_50_NAS_retinanet.yaml" testing script:python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 tools/ --config-file "configs/search/R_50_NAS_retinanet.yaml"

    Have you met this problem?could you explan the reason? thanks!

    opened by bobzhang123 5
  • Could you please upload the pretrained model on Google Drive?

    Could you please upload the pretrained model on Google Drive?

    Thank you for sharing your great works!

    I'm trying hard but I think it's maybe impossible to download it from Baidu for non-china people as it's so hard to make even just an account for that site. So, please I would like to ask you to share the pretrained model on dropbox or google drive.

    Thank you so much!

    opened by dedoogong 2
  • The trained model you provided is NAS FPN model, not NAS FPN + head model

    The trained model you provided is NAS FPN model, not NAS FPN + head model

    Hi, I found the trained model you provided (R_50_NAS) is NAS FPN model, not NAS FPN + head model. In the paper, you say "It turns out that our NAS-FCOS model still achieves better performance (AP = 38.9 with FPN search only, and AP = 39.8 with both FPN and Head searched) than the DeformFPN-FCOS model (AP = 38.4) under this circumstance." So, the R_50_NAS is NAS FCOS of FPN search only?

    opened by iimmortall 1
  • Inference speed of your best model(NAS-FCOS, w/ improvement, X-64x4d-101, Box AP = 46.1)

    Inference speed of your best model(NAS-FCOS, w/ improvement, X-64x4d-101, Box AP = 46.1)

    Hi, thanks for your work! I wonder what is the GPU latency(e.g., on a TITAN-Xp) of your best model (NAS-FCOS, w/ improvement, X-64x4d-101, Box AP = 46.1 on coco test-dev).

    opened by Yuxin-CV 0
  • Requirement of data on device

    Requirement of data on device


    I was wondering if it is necessary to have dataset on device. For example to train a model for a resource constrained device (Say Tx2 or mobile phone), does the implementation require the dataset (COCO) to be present on the target device.

    Could you let me know a possible solution in a situation wherein we cant load the entire data on a resource constrained device

    opened by varghesealex90 0
  • How to install this project?

    How to install this project?

    I read the following installation instructions for the project you gave me, which is the installation process of maskrcnn_bench. How to install your open source project and search the network on your own dataset for target detection?Thank you very much for your answers in your spare time

    opened by never-to-never 0
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