Neural Architecture Search with Random Labels(RLNAS)
This project provides an implementation for Neural Architecture Search with Random Labels (CVPR 2021 poster) on Pytorch. Experiments are evaluated on multiple datasets (NAS-Bench-201 and ImageNet) and multiple search spaces (DARTS-like and MobileNet-like). RLNAS achieves comparable or even better results compared with state-of-the-art NAS methods such as PC-DARTS, Single Path One-Shot, even though the counterparts utilize full ground truth labels for searching. We hope our finding could inspire new understandings on the essential of NAS.
- Pytorch 1.4
- Python3.5+
Search results
1.Results in NAS-Benchmark-201 search space
2.Results in DARTS searh space
Architeture visualization
1) Architecture searched on CIFAR-10
RLDARTS = Genotype(
('sep_conv_5x5', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1),
('dil_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_5x5', 2),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('dil_conv_5x5', 3),
('dil_conv_5x5', 1), ('dil_conv_3x3', 2)],
normal_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5],
('sep_conv_5x5', 0), ('dil_conv_3x3', 1),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_5x5', 2),
('dil_conv_3x3', 1), ('sep_conv_3x3', 3),
('max_pool_3x3', 1), ('sep_conv_5x5', 2,)],
reduce_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5])
2) Architecture searched on ImageNet-1k without FLOPs constrain
RLDARTS = Genotype( normal=[
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1),
('sep_conv_3x3', 1), ('sep_conv_3x3', 2),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_5x5', 1),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1)],
normal_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5],
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1),
('sep_conv_5x5', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 2),
('sep_conv_5x5', 0), ('sep_conv_5x5', 2),
('sep_conv_3x3', 2), ('sep_conv_3x3', 4)],
reduce_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5])
3) Architecture searched on ImageNet-1k with 600M FLOPs constrain
RLDARTS = Genotype(
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1),
('skip_connect', 1), ('sep_conv_3x3', 2),
('sep_conv_3x3', 1), ('sep_conv_3x3', 2),
('skip_connect', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 4)],
normal_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5],
reduce=[ ('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('max_pool_3x3', 1),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('skip_connect', 1),
('sep_conv_3x3', 0), ('dil_conv_3x3', 1),
('skip_connect', 0), ('sep_conv_3x3', 1)],
reduce_concat=[2, 3, 4, 5])
3.Results in MobileNet search space
The MobileNet-like search space proposed in ProxylessNAS is adopted in this paper. The SuperNet contains 21 choice blocks and each block has 7 alternatives:6 MobileNet blocks (combination of kernel size {3,5,7} and expand ratio {3,6}) and ’skip-connect’.
Architeture visualization
- RLNAS in NAS-Benchmark-201
1)enter the work directory
cd nas_bench_201
2)train supernet with random labels
bash ./scripts-search/algos/ cifar10 0 1
3)evolution search with angle
bash ./scripts-search/algos/ cifar10 0 1
4)calculate correlation
bash ./scripts-search/algos/ cifar10 0 1
- RLNAS in DARTS search space
1)enter the work directory
cd darts_search_space
search architecture on CIFAR-10
cd cifar10/rlnas/
or search architecture on ImageNet
cd imagenet/rlnas/
2)train supernet with random labels
cd train_supernet
3)evolution search with angle
cd evolution_search
cp ../train_supernet/models/checkpoint_epoch_50.pth.tar ./model_and_data/
cp ../train_supernet/models/checkpoint_epoch_0.pth.tar ./model_and_data/
4)architeture evaluation
cd retrain_architetcure
add searched architecture to
- RLNAS in MobileNet search space
The conduct commands are almost the same steps like RLNAS in DARTS search space, excepth that you need run 'bash' before evolution search.
Note: setup a server for the distributed search
tmux new -s mq_server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server
sudo service rabbitmq-server start
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user test test
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test '.*' '.*' '.*'
Before search, please modify host and username in the config file evolution_search/
If you find that this project helps your research, please consider citing some of the following papers:
title={Neural Architecture Search with Random Labels},
author={Zhang, Xuanyang and Hou, Pengfei and Zhang, Xiangyu and Sun, Jian},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
title={Angle-based search space shrinking for neural architecture search},
author={Hu, Yiming and Liang, Yuding and Guo, Zichao and Wan, Ruosi and Zhang, Xiangyu and Wei, Yichen and Gu, Qingyi and Sun, Jian},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
title={Single path one-shot neural architecture search with uniform sampling},
author={Guo, Zichao and Zhang, Xiangyu and Mu, Haoyuan and Heng, Wen and Liu, Zechun and Wei, Yichen and Sun, Jian},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},