ST++: Make Self-training Work Better for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation



This is the official PyTorch implementation of our paper:

ST++: Make Self-training Work Better for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation.
Lihe Yang, Wei Zhuo, Lei Qi, Yinghuan Shi and Yang Gao.

Getting Started

Data Preparation

Pre-trained Model

ResNet-50 | ResNet-101 | DeepLabv2-ResNet-101


Pascal | Augmented Masks | Cityscapes | Class Mapped Masks

File Organization

├── ./pretrained
    ├── resnet50.pth
    ├── resnet101.pth
    └── deeplabv2_resnet101_coco_pretrained.pth
├── [Your Pascal Path]
    ├── JPEGImages
    └── SegmentationClass    # replace the official folder with above augmented masks 
├── [Your Cityscapes Path]
    ├── gtFine               # replace the official folder with above class mapped masks 
    └── leftImg8bit

Training and Testing

export semi_setting='pascal/1_8/split_0'

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -W ignore \
  --dataset pascal --data-root [Your Pascal Path] \
  --batch-size 16 --backbone resnet50 --model deeplabv3plus \
  --labeled-id-path dataset/splits/$semi_setting/labeled.txt \
  --unlabeled-id-path dataset/splits/$semi_setting/unlabeled.txt \
  --pseudo-mask-path outdir/pseudo_masks/$semi_setting \
  --save-path outdir/models/$semi_setting

This script is for our ST framework. To run ST++, add --plus --reliable-id-path outdir/reliable_ids/$semi_setting.


The DeepLabv2 MS COCO pre-trained model is borrowed and converted from AdvSemiSeg. The image partitions are borrowed from Context-Aware-Consistency and PseudoSeg. Part of the training hyper-parameters and network structures are adapted from PyTorch-Encoding. The strong data augmentations are borrowed from MoCo v2 and PseudoSeg.

Thanks a lot for their great works!


If you find this project useful, please consider citing:

  title={ST++: Make Self-training Work Better for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Yang, Lihe and Zhuo, Wei and Qi, Lei and Shi, Yinghuan and Gao, Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05095},
  • About comparison with other sota methods

    About comparison with other sota methods

    Sorry for bothering you again! First, I have re-trained several models, i.e., CPS, U2PL, and AEL. But my results are far below their reported results. Among these SOTA methods with public codes, I can only reproduce expected results based on your ST++ (e.g. 74.15 for 1/16 pascal). Appreciate it! I found there are several different settings within former methods, i.e., stronger backbone(resnet_stem), auxiliary decoders, larger crop_size, OHEM loss, Sync_bn, and several training tricks, which are extremely unfair for comparisons. Then, I wonder whether the reviewers ask you to compare yours with these methods? Is it necessary to re-train your ST++ with the same settings? Just for curiosity.......

    opened by Luffy03 9
  • Unable to generate pseudo label?

    Unable to generate pseudo label?

    作者你好,我在windos下pycharm复现您代码的时候,无论在VOC还是自己数据集下都无法生成伪标签, pred = Image.fromarray(pred.squeeze(0).numpy().astype(np.uint8), mode='P')会报维度3>2的错误。我的pytorch版本为1.6.0 , python=3.6.13,pillow=8.3.1,numpy=1.16.3,下面是完整信息: 很感激期待您的回复!

    Namespace(backbone='resnet101', batch_size=2, crop_size=321, data_root='./ywDataset/', dataset='pascal', epochs=2, labeled_id_path='./dataset/splits/pascal/1_8/split_1/labeled.txt', lr=0.000125, model='deeplabv3plus', plus=None, pseudo_mask_path='./outdir/pseudo_masks/pascal/1_8/split_1', reliable_id_path='./outdir/pseudo_masks/1_8/split_1', save_path='./outdir/models/pascal/1_8/split_1', unlabeled_id_path='./dataset/splits/pascal/1_8/split_1/unlabeled.txt')

    ================> Total stage 1/3: Supervised training on labeled images (SupOnly)

    Params: 59.3M

    ==> Epoch 0, learning rate = 0.0001 previous best = 0.00 Loss: 0.712: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:44<00:00, 8.92s/it] mIOU: 33.15: 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:05<00:00, 1.99it/s]

    ==> Epoch 1, learning rate = 0.0001 previous best = 33.15 Loss: 0.589: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:42<00:00, 8.56s/it] mIOU: 33.15: 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:05<00:00, 1.79it/s]

    ================> Total stage 2/3: Pseudo labeling all unlabeled images 0%| | 0/25 [00:07<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/ST-PlusPlus-master/", line 359, in main(args) File "D:/ST-PlusPlus-master/", line 94, in main label(best_model, dataloader, args) File "D:/ST-PlusPlus-master/", line 331, in label pred = Image.fromarray(pred.squeeze(0).numpy().astype(np.uint8), mode='P') File "C:\Users\admin\anaconda3\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2840, in fromarray raise ValueError(f"Too many dimensions: {ndim} > {ndmax}.") ValueError: Too many dimensions: 3 > 2.

    opened by QiJiawei1 6
  • About the `evaluation bug'

    About the `evaluation bug'

    Hi, I'm a beginner in semantic segmentation, and thanks for your great work. It seems ST++ is the only method which select `reliable DT mask' for unlabeled images.

    I'm interested in the `evaluation bug' metioned on Table.1 image Could you give me a brief introduction about it?

    opened by Haochen-Wang409 6
  • Supervised training

    Supervised training

    Hello, thank you very much for your work!

    I'd like to ask what is the purpose of doubling the training ids when the number of labeled images is less than 200?


    opened by ltb801 4
  • Pascal VOC with split_0, 1/16 setting get 55.17 mAP?

    Pascal VOC with split_0, 1/16 setting get 55.17 mAP?

    We use your code to reproduce the experimental results in your paper. Our settings are pascal_batchsize_16_resnet50_deeplabv3plus_pascal_1_16_split_0 but get 55.17mAP In your paper, it's about 73 mAP with ST++

    opened by djh-dzxw 3
  • Results about Cityscapes

    Results about Cityscapes

    Congrats on CVPR first, nice work! The detailed results about the cityscapes are not reported in the preprint. I wonder that have you compared your results with other sota methods on the cityscapes dataset?

    opened by Luffy03 3
  • Question about the reported results

    Question about the reported results

    Although this work is very insightful, I have some questions about the report results. After running the code for several times, I found that the biggest gap in baseline(Stage 1)is 0.47 of mIoU. This value is even greater than the ST++'s improvement over ST in some data splits. So what is your principle for those reported results?


    opened by 4-0-4-notfound 3
  • Using the best model to do pseudo labeling

    Using the best model to do pseudo labeling

    Hi thanks for your work.

    I noticed that you use the best checkpoint to do the pseudo labeling

    The best model is selected by the evaluation on the val set with ground truth label. Do you think this cause an information leaking?

    Although the ground truth doesn’t explicitly involve in the training. it does provide some information for the model checkpoint selection.

    When we train our model, we should make sure that we can touch nothing about the val set.

    Have you tried to train your method without this selection? Say just use the final checkpoint?


    opened by geocccc 2
  • Why

    Why "Re-initialize S" in Algorithm2?

    Hi! Thanks a lot for your great work!

    In Algo2, after computing score $s_i$, ranking by the scores to get $D^{u_1}$ and $D^{u_2}$, there is a line saying "Re-initialize S".

    Does it mean to re-initialize the weight of the student model to the initialized random parameters? Why the re-initialization is needed? I think I did not find the relevant words in the text.


    opened by yd-yin 2
  • pseudo- labels生成之后,更新labelled data的问题

    pseudo- labels生成之后,更新labelled data的问题

    你好,谢谢你的工作。我有个小问题,请问pseudo- labels生成,是实时就加入 原来的labelled data里面,保持一直的训练模式,还是人为地需要把生成的pseudo- labels 放入原来的labelled data,再开始重新训练模型。

    那如果是人为地加入pseudo-labels, 是不是就应该可以理解成分阶段循环训练模型。ô 请问是不是有end-to-end, 就是pseudo-labels generating 和 re-train模型合并的,就不分阶段,实时地进行生成伪标签和重新训练模型

    opened by XiaoyanQian 2
  • 关于cutout



    1. 是否可以解释一下代码中cutout的实现呢?这两个变量分别代表什么意思呢?

    erase_w = int(np.sqrt(size / ratio)) erase_h = int(np.sqrt(size * ratio))

    1. 请问是否有尝试过用cutmix代替cutout的实验呢?
    opened by Renp1ngs 2
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