Council-GAN - Implementation for our paper Breaking the Cycle - Colleagues are all you need (CVPR 2020)



Implementation of our paper Breaking the Cycle - Colleagues are all you need (CVPR 2020)


Ori Nizan , Ayellet Tal, Breaking the Cycle - Colleagues are all you need [Project]






Temporary Telegram Bot

Send image to this telegram bot and it will send you back its female translation using our implementation


Install requirements

conda env create -f conda_requirements.yml

Downloading the dataset

Download the selfie to anime dataset:

bash ./scripts/ U_GAT_IT_selfie2anime

Download the celeba glasses removal dataset:

bash ./scripts/ celeba_glasses_removal

Download the celeba male to female dataset:

bash ./scripts/ celeba_male2female

use your on dataset:

            └── ...
            └── ...
            └── ...
            └── ...

and change the data_root attribute to ./datasets/DATASET_NAME in the yaml file


Selfie to anime:

python --config configs/anime2face_council_folder.yaml --output_path ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256 --resume

Glasses removel:

python --config configs/galsses_council_folder.yaml --output_path ./outputs/council_glasses_128_128 --resume

Male to female:

python --config configs/male2female_council_folder.yaml --output_path ./outputs/male2famle_256_256 --resume


for converting all the images in input_folder using all the members in the council:

python --config configs/anime2face_council_folder.yaml --output_folder ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256 --checkpoint ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256/anime2face_council_folder/checkpoints/01000000 --input_folder ./datasets/selfie2anime/testB --a2b 0

or using spsified memeber:

python --config configs/anime2face_council_folder.yaml --output_folder ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256 --checkpoint ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256/anime2face_council_folder/checkpoints/ --input_folder ./datasets/selfie2anime/testB --a2b 0

Download Pretrain Models

Download pretrain male to female model:

bash ./scripts/ pretrain_male_to_female
Then to convert images in --input_folder run:
python --config pretrain/m2f/256/male2female_council_folder.yaml --output_folder ./outputs/male2famle_256_256 --checkpoint pretrain/m2f/256/01000000 --input_folder ./datasets/celeba_male2female/testA --a2b 1

Download pretrain glasses removal model:

bash ./scripts/ pretrain_glasses_removal
Then to convert images in --input_folder run:
python --config pretrain/glasses_removal/128/galsses_council_folder.yaml --output_folder ./outputs/council_glasses_128_128 --checkpoint pretrain/glasses_removal/128/01000000 --input_folder ./datasets/glasses/testA --a2b 1

Download pretrain selfie to anime model:

bash ./scripts/ pretrain_selfie_to_anime
Then to convert images in --input_folder run:
python --config pretrain/anime/256/anime2face_council_folder.yaml --output_folder ./outputs/council_anime2face_256_256 --checkpoint pretrain/anime/256/01000000 --input_folder ./datasets/selfie2anime/testB --a2b 0

Test GUI:


test GUI on pretrain model:

python --config pretrain/m2f/128/male2female_council_folder.yaml --checkpoint pretrain/m2f/128/ --a2b 1
glasses Removal
python --config pretrain/glasses_removal/128/galsses_council_folder.yaml --checkpoint pretrain/glasses_removal/128/ --a2b 1
python --config pretrain/anime/256/anime2face_council_folder.yaml --checkpoint pretrain/anime/256/ --a2b 0

Open In Colab


  title={Breaking the Cycle - Colleagues are all you need},
  author={Ori Nizan and Ayellet Tal},
  booktitle={IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR)},


In this work we based our code on MUNIT implementation. Please cite the original MUNIT if you use their part of the code.

  • Comparing Different models

    Comparing Different models

    Hi, Could you please tell me how you compared different models? Did you use the same learning rate, number of epochs, Number of decay epochs, image size, optimizer among all models? Also, did you collect test results using the final saved generator or did you use the best results testing all saved generators at different epochs?

    opened by mohammadshahabuddin 2
  • pretrained model loading error

    pretrained model loading error

    I downloaded pretrained selfie to anime model,

    when using python, in trainer.gen_b2a_s[i].load_state_dict(state_dict['b2a']), I got an error, it says:

    {RuntimeError}Error(s) in loading state_dict for AdaINGen: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "enc_content.model.2.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.2.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.0.model.0.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.0.model.0.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.0.model.1.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.0.model.1.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.1.model.0.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.1.model.0.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.1.model.1.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.1.model.1.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.2.model.0.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.2.model.0.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.2.model.1.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.2.model.1.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.3.model.0.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.3.model.0.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.3.model.1.conv.weight", "enc_content.model.3.model.3.model.1.conv.bias", "enc_content.model.3.model.4.model.0.conv.weight", "enc_...

    opened by arufus 2
  • modified Dockerfile line 34 curl -> wget line 73 add '\'

    modified Dockerfile line 34 curl -> wget line 73 add '\'

    To download miniconda using curl command is not working so I changed curl -> wget To using wget I add word at line 15

    At line 73 there is no '' so It caused error. so I added ''

    opened by kmkwon94 1
  • Copy yaml file error while training

    Copy yaml file error while training

    When running the model, it tries to copy the config yaml file to the output directory along with timestamp using shutil. But, it does not copy because of ":" in the datetime.

    It is in line 98 in I suggest to change str([:19] with str([:19].replace(':', '')

    opened by SomarajuHarsha 0
  • 256x256 pretrained model for glass removal

    256x256 pretrained model for glass removal

    Hi, I downloaded the pretrained models, found both 128x128 and 256x256 versions for selfie2anime and male2female, but only 128x128 for glasses removal. Could you release the 256x256 model for glasses removal? Thanks.

    opened by xunings 0
ori nizan
Computer Vision & Deep Learning PhD student
ori nizan
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