Sample report generated in this function
Usage example
from utils.gen_report import generate_report
if __name__ == '__main__':
# def generate_report(test_type, ID, age, duration, wrong_num, path, txt_file_name, date_time):
# Input:
# test_type (string): 'Supermarket' or 'City Navigation - Night' or 'City Navigation - Day'
# ID (string): patient_id 'HKE001'
# age (int): '20'
# duration (float): '30.2'
# wrong_num (int): the wrong select choice or hit time
# path (string): the full path of the folder to save reports
# txt_file_name(string): the name of the target txt or csv file generated from Unity demo
# date_time (string or date type): the test date '2012-01-01'
# Return:
# no returns, but generate reports into target folder
generate_report('Stair Navigation - Night', 'Philip', 30, 43, 1, './x/x/x', './x/x/x', '2012-01-01')
# Described in requirements.txt. Can be installed by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The copyright belongs to ACE Virtual Reality Ltd, Hong Kong, CHINA