HyConsole is a way to get data on players and leaderboards from the Hypixel Minecraft server from the command line. Keep in mind I have no affiliation with the Hypixel Server
installation: work in progress
syntax: if you have it as an executeable and it is not on PATH, you will use ./HyConsole, then use one of various arguments using -l will return leaderboard data using -p will return player data
-p is still in progress, but -l currently is fully functional it will take you through selecting the leaderboard, then print out the leaderboard keep in mind this can be quite slow, as the speed varies based on internet connection, etc this is because it is required to convert every uuid to a username with the Mojang api one at a time I am currently working on fixing this but for now be patient A graphical user interface in the command line will be coming soon