・Discord ⋮
・Getting started ⋮
PyExtractor was made by
〢 Features
or py2exe
(.exe --> .py)
Encrypted pyinstaller executables
and detects pyarmor
〢 Getting started with PyExtractor!
First go ahead and download Git
[email protected] or higher
Open cmd in a chosen directory and do the following:
$ git clone https://github.com/Rdimo/PyExtractor.git
$ cd .\PyExtractor
$ start setup.bat
$ echo Done!
# Downloading as zip
$ Press big green code button top right of the screen
$ Press download ZIP
$ Drag the zip out to your desktop or some other place
$ Extract it. . .
$ Open the extracted folder
$ Run setup.bat
$ Done!
Make sure to open config.json and change the settings to your preferences ⇣⇣⇣
"detailed_logs": false, //Console logs the binary sections and general info
"error_stack_logs": true, //Send out full error message
"time_stamp_logging": true, //Timestamp in the logs.log file
"analyse_file": true, //Checks the file(s) for suspicious words, discord webhooks, discord invites, pastebins, urls, ips etc..
"malware_recognize": true //Check if the file hash is a known malware/virus
〢 ideas/todo?
- Check for more things
- Better malware recognizer
- Remove chdir
- More config options
〢 ChangeLog
v0.0.3 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Cleaner code
v0.0.2 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Bug fixes
v0.0.1 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Official release