Knowledgeable Prompt-tuning: Incorporating Knowledge into Prompt Verbalizer for Text Classification


KPT source code

This is KPT's source code (Paper)


python 3.7.10

Zero-shot text classification

bash scripts/

Few-shot text classification

bash scripts/


Other scripts are for different experiments (including ablation study). Please refer to the paper for details. The impletation includes some unnecessary and dirty codes in prior experiments. I will clean it in the future or release a new version together with our future work. Due to some change in the version of package, the replicated results may differ slightly with results in the paper, but general trend is preversed.

Link to originial experiment record

If you are interested, you can comment on the doc. (But sincerely speaking, I can't remember all the meaning of the numbers.)


  title={Knowledgeable prompt-tuning: Incorporating knowledge into prompt verbalizer for text classification},
  author={Hu, Shengding and Ding, Ning and Wang, Huadong and Liu, Zhiyuan and Li, Juanzi and Sun, Maosong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02035},
  • 实验相关问题


    (1)在根据频次优化时(Frequency Refinement),体现在代码中,是否为: myverbalizer = KnowledgeableVerbalizer(tokenizer, classes=class_labels, candidate_frac=cutoff, pred_temp=args.pred_temp, max_token_split=args.max_token_split).from_file(f"{args.openprompt_path}/scripts/{scriptsbase}/knowledgeable_verbalizer.{scriptformat}"),其中的cutoff是否为实验中提到的阈值呢?不知道理解的对不对。 (2)在few-shot实验中,为何没有将support set的label值remove掉呢? 我看论文中提到的是“ . Our proposed Contextualized Calibration utilizes a limited amount of unlabeled support data to yield significantly better results”, 但是,在实验中是,却将其注释掉了,这里有些不解。 image **

    opened by Hou-jing 2
  • 运行fewshot.py出现错误


    OSError: Can't load the configuration of '../plm_cache/roberta-large'. If you were trying to load it from '', make sure you don't have a local directory with the same name. Otherwise, make sure '../plm_cache/roberta-large' is the correct path to a directory containing a config.json file

    opened by qinglongheu 1
  • Is it correct? Manual prompt is better than KPT ?

    Is it correct? Manual prompt is better than KPT ?

    for the up-to-date code of KPT, I get the bellow result on dataset Agnews for Zeroshot:

    KPT: Acc: 0.5125 Manual: Acc: 0.6589473684210526

    Is it correct ?

    opened by znsoftm 1
  • Question


    我下载解压roberta-large,但是依然提示: OSError: ../plm_cache/roberta-large is not a local folder and is not a valid model identifier listed on '' If this is a private repository, make sure to pass a token having permission to this repo with use_auth_token or log in with huggingface-cli login and pass use_auth_token=True.

    opened by xiao432 1
  • How to obatain knowledgeable_verbalizer.json?

    How to obatain knowledgeable_verbalizer.json?

    Thank you for sharing your work. In my understanding, the knowledgeable_verbalizer.json is coming from the "OpenPrompt/scripts/TextClassification/yahoo_answers_topics/knowledgeable_verbalizer.json" (yahoo for instance).

    I think the high-quailty knowledgeable_verbalizer is very important. Could you generate knowledgeable_verbalizer.json automanticlly? When I searched "Society & Culture" in, I found that the returned words are slightly different with the verbalizer in knowledgeable_verbalizer.json of yahoo dataset. So I just want to confirm that knowledgeable_verbalizer.json is from the original returned results from How to obatain the relevance scores from

    Maybe it is an unimportant part in your method. I will be appreciate if you can answer my simple question.

    opened by unlabeledData 0
  • A very simple question, how to do ablaiton experiment

    A very simple question, how to do ablaiton experiment

    Thanks for your excellent work! As I'm a totally beginer about prompt learning, I want to know how to do the ablation experiment "-RR""-LR" and "PT+CC" QQ截图20221014180044

    Thanks to anyone who answer my stupid question

    opened by passermyh 0
  • Received a fatal error!!

    Received a fatal error!!

    test, get the below fatal error.

    pytorch 1.10.0

    for step, inputs in enumerate(train_dataloader):
                if use_cuda:
                    inputs = inputs.cuda()
                logits = prompt_model(inputs)
                labels = inputs['label']
                loss = loss_func(logits, labels)
                loss.backward()  # it causes the fatal error.
                torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(prompt_model.parameters(), 1.0)
                tot_loss += loss.item()

    one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [20, 1076]], which is output 0 of SoftmaxBackward0, is at version 1; expected version 0 instead. Hint: the backtrace further above shows the operation that failed to compute its gradient. The variable in question was changed in there or anywhere later. Good luck!

    opened by znsoftm 7
  • Error of running zero-shot on dbpedia dataset

    Error of running zero-shot on dbpedia dataset

    I have already installed the latest openprompt package. And the script for KPT is

    DATASET=dbpedia #agnews dbpedia imdb amazon yahoo
    TEMPLATEID=0 # 1 2 3
    SEED=144 # 145 146 147 148
    SHOT=0 # 0 1 10 20
    VERBALIZER=kpt #
    CALIBRATION="--calibration" # ""
    FILTER=tfidf_filter # none
    cd $BASEPATH
    --model_name_or_path $MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH \
    --result_file $RESULTPATH \
    --openprompt_path $OPENPROMPTPATH \
    --dataset $DATASET \
    --template_id $TEMPLATEID \
    --seed $SEED \
    --verbalizer $VERBALIZER $CALIBRATION \
    --filter $FILTER

    And I got the error:

    ##Num of label words for each label: [217, 256, 214, 211, 324, 294, 215, 766, 345, 408, 880, 181, 246, 666]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/mnt/data2/xuandong/prompt/KPT/", line 113, in <module>
        support_dataloader = PromptDataLoader(dataset=dataset["support"], template=mytemplate, tokenizer=tokenizer,
      File "/mnt/data2/xuandong/prompt/KPT/openprompt/", line 100, in __init__
      File "/mnt/data2/xuandong/prompt/KPT/openprompt/", line 126, in wrap
        wrapped_example = self.template.wrap_one_example(example)
      File "/mnt/data2/xuandong/prompt/KPT/openprompt/", line 207, in wrap_one_example
        text = self.incorporate_text_example(example)
      File "/mnt/data2/xuandong/prompt/KPT/openprompt/", line 107, in incorporate_text_example
        text[i] = d["add_prefix_space"] + d.get("post_processing", lambda x:x)(getattr(example, d['placeholder']))
    TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

    Could you please check about it?

    opened by XuandongZhao 5
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