Cardano SundaeSwap ISO SPOs vote ranking
This Python 3 script uses the database populated by cardano-db-sync from the Cardano blockchain to generate an unofficial ranking of the SundaeSwap ISO (Initial Stakepool Offering) stake pool operators vote that occured epoch 302.
You need to use the 12.0.0-pre5
tag of cardano-db-sync
to get the exact same results as prior versions miss some rewards.
The script produces a sundae_votes.json
JSON dictionary output whose keys are stake addresses and values an array with the following fields:
- [0]: wallet balance at beginning of epoch 302
- [1]: vote 1 id
- [2]: vote 2 id
- [3]: transaction hash
Votes SPOs ids can be found in the sundae.json
file included and imported from SundaeSwap website.