粤语编程语言.The Cantonese programming language.



  Hello World


粤语编程语言系咩? 佢系一门用粤语嚟同计算机沟通嘅编程语言。


Hello World

用粤语写嘅第一个程序Hello World:

畀我睇下 " Hello World! " 点样先?


讲嘢 |A| 系 1
讲嘢 |B| 系 2


讲嘢 |A| 系 1
起底: |A|




讲嘢: |start| 系 0
    讲嘢: |start| 系 |start + 1|
    畀我睇下 |start| 点样先?
玩到 |start < 100| 为止


|A| 从 1 行到 100
    畀我睇下 |A| 点样先?


讲嘢: |A| 系 2
如果 |A 系 2| 嘅话 -> {
    畀我睇下 "A 系 2" 点样先?
唔系嘅话 -> {
    畀我睇下 "A 唔系 2" 点样先?


用 Cantonese 实现嘅阶乘:

$factorial |项数| 要做咩:
    如果 |项数 系 0| 嘅话 -> {
        返转头 1
    唔系嘅话 -> {
        返转头 |factorial(项数 - 1) * 项数|


$get_max |数字1, 数字2| 要做咩:
    如果 |数字1 比唔上 数字2| 嘅话 -> {
        返转头 |数字2|
    唔系嘅话 -> {
        返转头 |数字1|


用下 |get_max(23, 17)|


掟个 |ImportError| 来睇下?


谂下: |1 + 1 == 3| ?


Traceback (most recent call last):



执嘢 -> {
    讲嘢: |A| 系 |B|
揾到 |NameError| 嘅话 -> {
    畀我睇下 "揾到NameError" 点样先?
执手尾 -> {
    畀我睇下 "执手尾" 点样先?
    讲嘢: |A| 系 1
    讲嘢: |B| 系 1
    畀我睇下 |A, B| 点样先?

调用 Python 库

使下 os
使下 math


声明对象duck, 继承至object, 分别有两个方法游水同埋睡觉, 仲有一个属性性别:

咩系 |duck|?
    佢个老豆叫 |object|
    佢嘅 |性别| 系 "公"
    佢识得 |游水| -> {
        畀我睇下 "Duck is swimming" 点样先?
    佢识得 |睡觉| -> {
        畀我睇下 "Duck is sleeping" 点样先?


用下 |duck().游水()|
用下 |duck().睡觉()|


Duck is swimming
Duck is sleeping



使下 datetime
畀我睇下 |宜家几点| 点样先?


2021-01-17 09:16:20.767191


使下 time
瞓阵先 /* 暂停2s */
瞓 5s /* 暂停5s */


使下 random
讲嘢: |A| 就 |求其啦|




老作一下 -> {
    首先: |画个圈(100)|
    跟住: |写隻字("Made By Cantonese\n")|
    最尾: |听我支笛()|






Cantonese 语言运行喺 Python 虚拟机上,环境净系支持 Python3,因为噉先符合广东人先进嘅思想!

python src/cantonese.py [-文件名]

将 Cantonese 转化成 Python:

python src/cantonese.py [文件名] -to_py


python src/cantonese.py examples/helloworld.cantonese -to_py


print(" Hello World! ")


本项目代码写得很陋(烂),欢迎各个粤语同埋编程爱好者一齐讨论同贡献!为粤语文化遗产嘅保护贡献出自己嘅一份力量! 今后要做咩:

  • 完善语法错误检查
  • 加多啲语句
  • 编写编辑器插件
  • #37 添加交互环境, 现仅支持单行语句

    #37 添加交互环境, 现仅支持单行语句

    #37 当前运行效果如下: Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 1 22 41 AM

    本想将交互部分放在单独文件,但为用 cantonese_run 仍放在了同一文件中。今后为支持更复杂的语句段,还需逐步改进,代码量恐怕还会有相当增加。 建议尽早考虑拆分重构源码,以方便复用、避免积重难返:https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/issues/25#issuecomment-881839389

    opened by nobodxbodon 3
  • 更正錯別字


    「扑」响廣州話係讀 bok1,解作敲打;「撲」讀音 pok3,後簡化作「扑」。

    puk1 解作跌倒,同上面兩個來源嘅「扑」都無關。puk1 正寫係「仆」,同僕 buk6 的簡化字「仆」同形。

    內地有唔少媒體都係用錯「扑」,應該係錯誤理解「puk1 gaai1」嘅來源,以為係「撲向地面」咁解。實際上「仆」本身就係跌倒,四字成語「前仆後繼」個「仆」正正就係呢個意思。「仆」讀作 fu6 係文讀音,白讀音就係 puk1,係同一個字來。

    opened by hfhchan 3
  • `six` package dependency error

    `six` package dependency error

    Hello, after installing Cantonese, it fails to run because of the import six that isn't included in your list of dependencies. https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/blob/3072e3b346225cf2b62538fb6823ae32bee165a6/src/stack_vm.py#L9


    You only support Python 3 in setup.cfg and the README, so it doesn't look like you would need six for Python 2 interoperability. https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/blob/4870538b948d5a03d2a83b72febeb5bcf2df36f6/setup.cfg#L30

    It doesn't seem like you are using six at all. Can we delete the import six line?

    % Cantonese
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/bin/Cantonese", line 5, in <module>
        from src.cantonese import main
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/src/cantonese.py", line 12, in <module>
        from src.stack_vm import *
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/src/stack_vm.py", line 9, in <module>
        import six
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'six'

    The workaround is to pip install six, but this shouldn't be necessary.

    opened by dosentmatter 2
  • 命令与参数的母语化


    刚看到 to_web 等参数 (complie 好像是拼写笔误?),不妨考虑也母语化,比如 木兰重现里用的

     --版本,         -版   显示版本
     --python变木兰, -兰   将 Python 源码转换为木兰源码
     --语法树,       -树   语法树信息

    对了在 pypi 发布的时候可以把命令也母语化,像这样:

        entry_points = {
            "console_scripts": ['木兰 = 木兰.中:中']

    就可以运行 $ 木兰 了。

    opened by nobodxbodon 1
  • 没有做参数检查


    python3 cantonese.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "cantonese.py", line 702, in main() File "cantonese.py", line 690, in main with open(sys.argv[1], encoding = "utf-8") as f: IndexError: list index out of range

    opened by RonYoung666 1
  • Is the interactive interpreter (REPL) supposed to work?

    Is the interactive interpreter (REPL) supposed to work?

    • Running any statement does not seem to do anything.
    • The only way to exit is to kill the program with CTRL+C, 收工 doesn't work.
    % Cantonese 
    > 畀我睇下 " Hello World! " 点样先?
    > 收工
    > Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/bin/Cantonese", line 8, in <module>
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/src/cantonese.py", line 3125, in main
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/src/cantonese.py", line 3089, in 开始交互
      File "/Users/dosentmatter/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/cmd.py", line 126, in cmdloop
        line = input(self.prompt)
    opened by dosentmatter 3
  • Close some issues for cleanup

    Close some issues for cleanup

    Can we close some of these issues that are not actually issues to reduce clutter?

    Here are a few examples, but there are a lot more: https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/issues/26 https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/issues/18 https://github.com/StepfenShawn/Cantonese/issues/51

    opened by dosentmatter 0
Stepfen Shawn
A 16-year-old high school student. Designer and Developer Of square-lang and Cantonese-lang.
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