Official implementation of CATs: Cost Aggregation Transformers for Visual Correspondence NeurIPS'21



CATs: Cost Aggregation Transformers for Visual Correspondence NeurIPS'21

For more information, check out the paper on [arXiv].

Training with different backbones and evaluations of them are to be updated soon..

Check out our new paper! [arXiv]


Our model CATs is illustrated below:

alt text

Environment Settings

git clone
cd CATs

conda create -n CATs python=3.6
conda activate CATs

pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 torchvision==0.9.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.0 -f
pip install -U scikit-image
pip install git+
pip install tensorboardX termcolor timm tqdm requests pandas


  • Download pre-trained weights on Link
  • All datasets are automatically downloaded into directory specified by argument datapath

Result on SPair-71k: (PCK 49.9%)

  python --pretrained "/path_to_pretrained_model/spair" --benchmark spair

Result on SPair-71k, feature backbone frozen: (PCK 42.4%)

  python --pretrained "/path_to_pretrained_model/spair_frozen" --benchmark spair

Results on PF-PASCAL: (PCK 75.4%, 92.6%, 96.4%)

  python --pretrained "/path_to_pretrained_model/pfpascal" --benchmark pfpascal

Results on PF-PACAL, feature backbone frozen: (PCK 67.5%, 89.1%, 94.9%)

  python --pretrained "/path_to_pretrained_model/pfpascal_frozen" --benchmark pfpascal


We borrow code from public projects (huge thanks to all the projects). We mainly borrow code from DHPF and GLU-Net.


If you find this research useful, please consider citing:

  title={CATs: Cost Aggregation Transformers for Visual Correspondence},
  author={Cho, Seokju and Hong, Sunghwan and Jeon, Sangryul and Lee, Yunsung and Sohn, Kwanghoon and Kim, Seungryong},
  booktitle={Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
  • transfer the target image's points to source image?

    transfer the target image's points to source image?

    In your training and testing code, the target image's points are transfered into source image, which is different to the setting in DHPF and CHM. Is there anything wrong?

    opened by willer94 4
  • Visualization results

    Visualization results

    Hi,Thanks for your great work. I want to see the Visualization results of it. How can I draw images of correspondence between 2 images like Figure 5 in your paper. Do you have code for that? Thanks!

    opened by Acero522 3
  • Potential bug?

    Potential bug?

    Hi Sunghwan Hong, Thanks for sharing the code. I have one question:

    Will this be a potential bug at line

    Should it be 'trg_kps' instead of src_kps?


    opened by dutran 2
  • Data download error.

    Data download error.

    Hi, thanks for the great work!

    When I run the, the data did not downloaded. I got tarfile.ReadError: not a gzip file error.

    Can you give dataset links that we can download manually?

    Thank you!

    opened by SirojbekSafarov 2
  • some questions.

    some questions.

    Hi, I am trying to understand your code. You code is very clean and well arranged I have to admit. I have a 2 questions when reading your code.

    1. May I ask why you pick hyperpixel_ids=[0,8,20,21,26,28,29,30]?
    2. Have you tried other backbone other than resnet101? By the way, do you have any advices for me to improve your code? I tried to use resnet152 as backbone, but it does not perform better than resnet101. I guess it because I used the un-optimal hyperpixel_ids.

    Thank you very much.

    opened by 5100117 2
  • PCK evaluation on PF-Willow

    PCK evaluation on PF-Willow

    Hi, thanks for the great work!

    I think you have an error in the PCK-threshold of PF-Willow. It is computed as the difference between the maximum and minimum kp. However, since you always pad the kp with -1, the minimum is always -1, which is not the actual coordinate of the minimum keypoint. Therefore, the pckthreshold is artificially large and therefore the results artificially high. I know this error is present in multiple works, for example also in DHPF. However, the comparison is not fair to methods that actually use the correct metric, like NC-Net.

    opened by PruneTruong 1
  • Visualization again

    Visualization again


    As mentioned in issue 7, i would like to see the semantic correspondence matching between any of the image pairs in the test dataset.

    Will you update the github with that script ?

    opened by sanjanagovind 0
Sunghwan Hong
M.S./Ph.D Integrated (2021.03 - present)
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