Python Parametric OPtimization Toolbox (PPOPT) is a software platform for solving and manipulating multiparametric programs in Python. This package is still in development but the following features are complete and are in full working order.
Currently PPOPT requires Python 3.7 or higher and can be installed with the following commands.
pip install -e git+https://github.com/mmihaltz/pysettrie.git#egg=pysettrie
pip install ppopt
Quick Overview
To give a fast primer of what we are doing, we are solving multiparametric programming problems (fast) by writting parallel algorithms efficently. Here is a quick sclaing analysis on a large multiparametric program.
Here is a benchmark against the state of the art multiparametric programming solvers. All tests run on the Terra Supercomputer at Texas A&M University. Matlab 2021b was used for solvers written in matlab and Python 3.8 was used for PPOPT.
Completed Features
- Solver interface for mpLPs and mpQP with the following algorithms
- Serial and Parallel Combinatorial Algorithm
- Serial and Parallel Geometrical Algorithm
- Serial and Parallel Graph based Algorithm
- Multiparametric solution export to C++, Javacript, Matlab, and Python
- Plotting utilities
- Presolver and Conditioning for Multiparametric Programs
Key Applications
- Explicit Model Predictive Control
- Multilevel Optimization
- Integrated Design, Control, and Scheduling
- Robust Optimization
For more information about Multiparametric programming and it's applications, this paper is a good jumping point.