Multimodal Reinforcement Learning
JAX implementations of the following multimodal reinforcement learning approaches.
Dual-coding Episodic Memory from "Grounded Language Learning Fast and Slow"
The goal in this setting is for the agent to be presented with multiple objects with made up names following "This is a _____" statements and to then carry out an instruction such as "Move the wazzle to the table." This task requires the agent to learn long-term language and vision representations for concepts like "This is a" and objects that carry over between episodes such as "table" while also being able to learn one-shot representations of novel objects and their names.
Start by setting up the environment locally by running
poetry install
poetry shell
The learning environment depends on Docker and requires that the Docker Desktop program is running (on Mac). Once that's done you can run the default environment (fast mapping with 3 objects from the paper).
python fast_slow_learning/