A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions



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ELI5 is a Python package which helps to debug machine learning classifiers and explain their predictions.

explain_prediction for text data

explain_prediction for image data

It provides support for the following machine learning frameworks and packages:

  • scikit-learn. Currently ELI5 allows to explain weights and predictions of scikit-learn linear classifiers and regressors, print decision trees as text or as SVG, show feature importances and explain predictions of decision trees and tree-based ensembles. ELI5 understands text processing utilities from scikit-learn and can highlight text data accordingly. Pipeline and FeatureUnion are supported. It also allows to debug scikit-learn pipelines which contain HashingVectorizer, by undoing hashing.
  • Keras - explain predictions of image classifiers via Grad-CAM visualizations.
  • xgboost - show feature importances and explain predictions of XGBClassifier, XGBRegressor and xgboost.Booster.
  • LightGBM - show feature importances and explain predictions of LGBMClassifier and LGBMRegressor.
  • CatBoost - show feature importances of CatBoostClassifier, CatBoostRegressor and catboost.CatBoost.
  • lightning - explain weights and predictions of lightning classifiers and regressors.
  • sklearn-crfsuite. ELI5 allows to check weights of sklearn_crfsuite.CRF models.

ELI5 also implements several algorithms for inspecting black-box models (see Inspecting Black-Box Estimators):

  • TextExplainer allows to explain predictions of any text classifier using LIME algorithm (Ribeiro et al., 2016). There are utilities for using LIME with non-text data and arbitrary black-box classifiers as well, but this feature is currently experimental.
  • Permutation importance method can be used to compute feature importances for black box estimators.

Explanation and formatting are separated; you can get text-based explanation to display in console, HTML version embeddable in an IPython notebook or web dashboards, a pandas.DataFrame object if you want to process results further, or JSON version which allows to implement custom rendering and formatting on a client.

License is MIT.

Check docs for more.

define hyperiongray
  • Explain predictions of Keras image classifiers (Grad-CAM)

    Explain predictions of Keras image classifiers (Grad-CAM)

    This PR adds explanations for Keras models that are used to classify images. Specifically we implement Grad-CAM.

    For example, the following piece of code:

    import keras
    import numpy as np
    import eli5
    # load model
    xception = keras.applications.xception.Xception(include_top=True, weights='imagenet', classes=1000)
    # load image
    im = keras.preprocessing.image.load_img('../eli5_examples/motorcycle.jpg', target_size=(299, 299))
    doc = keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(im)
    doc = np.expand_dims(doc, axis=0)
    # explain
    eli5.show_prediction(xception, doc)

    produces this explanation for the class 'motor scooter': motorcycle_pr_2

    The following features are added:

    • Add keras package with explain_prediction_keras() and formatters.image module with format_as_image() (requires matplotlib and Pillow).
    • Add .image attribute to base.Explanation and .heatmap to base.TargetExplanation.
    • Make ipython.show_prediction() dispatch to an image display function for image explanations.

    TODO items before this PR is finalized:

    • Resolve reviews
    • ~~Coverage~~
    • ~~Pass CI~~
    • ~~Mypy type annotations~~
    • ~~Docs (formatting, tutorial)~~
    • ~~Integration and unit tests~~
    opened by teabolt 22
  • xgboost and pandas

    xgboost and pandas

    Hello there. There seems to be a constant feature names mismatch error when I use xgboost and pandas along with eli5.

    Potential reasons:

    1. eli5 does not access the feature names from within xgboost which can cause potential fallouts if the features are not in the same order as they were when they were put into xgboost or they are re-ordered once they enter eli5.

    Would really appreciate help debugging and will push in a patch if fixed.

    opened by nareshshah139 18
  • Support explain_weights(pipeline)

    Support explain_weights(pipeline)

    Towards fixing #15, allowing explain_weights for Pipelines. Does not handle explain_predictions; tracking the provenance of features back to parts of text may be tricky in a convoluted pipeline/union structure.

    No tests yet.

    Introduces new eli5.transform.transform_feature_names singledispatch, which could do with more implementations.

    I think the exact forms of the names should remain experimental... or indeed we could refuse to provide default implementations for anything but vectorizers, selectors, Pipeline and FeatureUnion, letting users register their own.

    Rubbish example:

    from sklearn import *
    from eli5 import explain_weights
    from eli5.sklearn.transform import register_experimental_feature_names
    from IPython.display import display
    est = pipeline.make_pipeline(pipeline.FeatureUnion([('words', pipeline.make_pipeline(feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(),
                                                        ('chars', feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(analyzer='char'))]),
                                 feature_selection.SelectKBest(feature_selection.chi2, k=10),
    bunch = datasets.fetch_20newsgroups(categories=['alt.atheism', 'talk.religion.misc', 'rec.autos'])
    est.fit(bunch.filenames, bunch.target)
    display(explain_weights(est, target_names=bunch.target_names))

    I'm not sure I'll be able to complete this patch any time soon, though I am keen to have something like this merged! Help is welcome.

    opened by jnothman 18
  • html features: preserve whitespaces

    html features: preserve whitespaces

    Features with whitespaces in front get these whitespaces removed in HTML.


    +2.837  spa 
    +2.805   spa


    2016-10-21 16 59 04

    I think whitespaces should be replaced with   for HTML display. It could also make sense to use another background for text, in order to show whitespaces in the end.

    opened by kmike 17
  • Add format_as_html

    Add format_as_html

    This PR adds eli5.formatters.format_as_html. format_as_text is moved into eli5.formatters.text, but is accessible by the old name eli5.formatters.format_as_text. HTML formatting is done with Jinja2. This seems to be the most popular standalone templating library. But maybe just generating xml with etree from the standard library would be better (no need to learn another language) - what do you think @kmike ?

    There is one thing that I punted on here: caveats and detailed explanations are rendered in a <pre> block. Probably a proper solution would be to represent them in some structured way, and then format for terminal or html display separately. I didn't do it because rendering in <pre> is easy and looks not too bad IMO.

    html created during test runs are saved to .html folder, with names that include test module and the caller.

    opened by lopuhin 14
  • Can't apply explain_weights neither show_weights for sklearn_crfsuit.CRF object

    Can't apply explain_weights neither show_weights for sklearn_crfsuit.CRF object

    I was following this tutorial


    and got an error when trying to get the weights and features of the trained CRF model.

    I can't get apply explain_weights neither show_weights for sklearn_crfsuite.CRF object.

    I'm running all inside a python Jupyter notebook:


    AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-75-2efd5261dc5d> in <module>()
          1 import eli5
    ----> 2 eli5.explain_weights_sklearn_crfsuite(crf)
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eli5/sklearn_crfsuite/explain_weights.py in explain_weights_sklearn_crfsuite(crf, top, target_names, targets, feature_re, feature_filter)
         26     ``feature_re`` and ``feature_filter`` parameters.
         27     """
    ---> 28     feature_names = np.array(crf.attributes_)
         29     state_coef = crf_state_coef(crf).todense().A
         30     transition_coef = crf_transition_coef(crf)
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn_crfsuite/estimator.py in attributes_(self)
        463         A list of known attributes.
        464         """
    --> 465         if self._info is None:
        466             return None
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn_crfsuite/estimator.py in _info(self)
        497             return None
        498         if self._info_cached is None:
    --> 499             self._info_cached = self.tagger_.info()
        500         return self._info_cached
    pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.pyx in pycrfsuite._pycrfsuite.Tagger.info (pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.cpp:9581)()
    pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.pyx in pycrfsuite._pycrfsuite.Tagger.info (pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.cpp:9498)()
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pycrfsuite/_dumpparser.py in feed(self, line)
         60             self.state = None
         61         else:
    ---> 62             getattr(self, 'parse_%s' % self.state)(line)
         64     def parse_FILEHEADER(self, line):
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pycrfsuite/_dumpparser.py in parse_STATE_FEATURES(self, line)
         83     def parse_STATE_FEATURES(self, line):
         84         m = re.match(r"\(\d+\) (.+) --> (.+): ([+-]?\d+\.\d+)", line)
    ---> 85         attr, label = m.group(1), m.group(2)
         86         assert attr in self.result.attributes
         87         assert label in self.result.labels
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

    and with show_weigths I have a similar error

    eli5.show_weights(crf, top=30)

    AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-76-ed63fb41bd58> in <module>()
    ----> 1 eli5.show_weights(crf, top=30)
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eli5/ipython.py in show_weights(estimator, **kwargs)
        116     """
        117     format_kwargs, explain_kwargs = _split_kwargs(kwargs)
    --> 118     expl = explain_weights(estimator, **explain_kwargs)
        119     html = format_as_html(expl, **format_kwargs)
        120     return HTML(html)
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/singledispatch.py in wrapper(*args, **kw)
        209     def wrapper(*args, **kw):
    --> 210         return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)
        212     registry[object] = func
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eli5/sklearn_crfsuite/explain_weights.py in explain_weights_sklearn_crfsuite(crf, top, target_names, targets, feature_re, feature_filter)
         26     ``feature_re`` and ``feature_filter`` parameters.
         27     """
    ---> 28     feature_names = np.array(crf.attributes_)
         29     state_coef = crf_state_coef(crf).todense().A
         30     transition_coef = crf_transition_coef(crf)
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn_crfsuite/estimator.py in attributes_(self)
        463         A list of known attributes.
        464         """
    --> 465         if self._info is None:
        466             return None
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn_crfsuite/estimator.py in _info(self)
        497             return None
        498         if self._info_cached is None:
    --> 499             self._info_cached = self.tagger_.info()
        500         return self._info_cached
    pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.pyx in pycrfsuite._pycrfsuite.Tagger.info (pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.cpp:9581)()
    pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.pyx in pycrfsuite._pycrfsuite.Tagger.info (pycrfsuite/_pycrfsuite.cpp:9498)()
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pycrfsuite/_dumpparser.py in feed(self, line)
         60             self.state = None
         61         else:
    ---> 62             getattr(self, 'parse_%s' % self.state)(line)
         64     def parse_FILEHEADER(self, line):
    ~/virtual_envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pycrfsuite/_dumpparser.py in parse_STATE_FEATURES(self, line)
         83     def parse_STATE_FEATURES(self, line):
         84         m = re.match(r"\(\d+\) (.+) --> (.+): ([+-]?\d+\.\d+)", line)
    ---> 85         attr, label = m.group(1), m.group(2)
         86         assert attr in self.result.attributes
         87         assert label in self.result.labels
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

    Nevertheless if I call crf.tagger_.dump(filename="crf_tagger.txt") I get a file crf_tagger.txt with all the information about features, state transitions, etc.

    opened by davidsbatista 12
  • Dataframe export

    Dataframe export

    Related to #196 Add format_as_dataframe and format_as_dataframes, as discussed here https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/eli5/issues/196#issuecomment-305909187


    • [x] fix class order for transition features
    • [x] documentation
    opened by lopuhin 12
  • Export tables not just to HTML

    Export tables not just to HTML

    It would be good if Explanation could be exported not just to HTML, but to Pandas dataframes or a similar tabular format. This would enable further slicing and dicing, alternative methods of highlighting through DataFrame.style, and the ability to export to other on-disk formats.

    opened by jnothman 11
  • Conflict with PermutationImportance, DataFrame and XGBoost (with workaround)

    Conflict with PermutationImportance, DataFrame and XGBoost (with workaround)

    • Python 3.5
    • XGBoost '0.7.post3'
    • sklearn '0.19.1'
    • Pandas '0.22.0'
    • ELI5 '0.8'

    I'm working on a regression problem in insurance. XGB outperforms sklearn's tree ensembles. ELI5's show_weights works fine if I use XGBRegressor or RandomForestRegressor, if I use PermutationImportance then RandomForestRegressor works but XGBRegressor throws an error. I have a workaround noted below, I'm not sure where the problem lies. Any guidance would be happily received.


    XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', colsample_bylevel=1,
           colsample_bytree=1, gamma=0, learning_rate=0.1, max_delta_step=0,
           max_depth=2, min_child_weight=1, missing=None, n_estimators=119,
           n_jobs=1, nthread=None, objective='reg:tweedie', random_state=0,
           reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=None,
           silent=True, subsample=1, tweedie_variance_power=1.9)
    X_test_dbg.shape (1759, 3) 
    y_test_dbg.shape (1759,)
    type(X_test_dbg) # pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

    If I train est on the DataFrame version of the data - training, testing and ELI5's show_weights are fine but PermutationImportance throws a feature-name error:

    perm = PermutationImportance(est).fit(X_test_dbg, y_test_dbg)
    ValueError: feature_names mismatch: ['myfeature1', 'myfeature2', 'myfeature3'] ['f0', 'f1', 'f2']
    expected myfeature1, myfeature3, myfeature2 in input data
    training data did not have the following fields: f1, f0, f2

    If I change the type of the training data to an ndarray then PermutationImportance no longer throws an error:

    X_train_dbg = X_train_dbg.as_matrix()
    y_train_dbg = y_train_dbg.as_matrix()
    X_test_dbg = X_test_dbg.as_matrix()
    y_test_dbg = y_test_dbg.as_matrix()
    type(X_train_dbg) # numpy.ndarray for all 4 variables
    and then 
    est.fit(X_train_dbg, y_train_dbg) 
    perm = PermutationImportance(est).fit(X_test_dbg, y_test_dbg)

    I'll note that with sklearn's RandomForestRegressor I can use Pandas DataFrames in PermutationImportance without problem, it is only an issue with XGBoost.

    My features are two continuous values and one binary indicator, I have no categorical features. This is a smaller set of features from a larger problem (where the problem originated).

    I got the clue to try as_matrix in this XGBoost bug report on sparse matrices - this might be a red herring as I'm not using any sparse matrices at all: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/issues/1238#issuecomment-275855469

    Possibly related - this ELI5 bug report on Pandas and XGBoost has linked code, that code has a similar error (In[79] with show_predictions) to my error: https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/eli5/issues/166 https://github.com/nareshshah139/titanic_rebranded/blob/master/ELI5_Example.ipynb but potentially as @kmike noted get_dummies is called separately on the train and validation set, so maybe they don't have matching feature names in this example?

    opened by ianozsvald 10
  • 'str' object is not callable during show_prediction (xgboost 0.7)

    'str' object is not callable during show_prediction (xgboost 0.7)


    I was trying to execute the exact code mentioned at eli5 documentation over here..

    xgboost tutorial : http://eli5.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/xgboost-titanic.html

    but during below step...I am getting an error.. Code: from eli5 import show_prediction show_prediction(clf, valid_xs[1], vec=vec, show_feature_values=True)

    Error Message: image

    Let me know if I am missing anything over here...

    My Configuration :- Windows 7, Python 2.7.13

    Any help would be really appreciated !

    opened by sudarshan1413 10
  • mypy update

    mypy update

    Using mypy instead of mypy-lang. Had to work about some existing mypy issues and filed one new. At least they are all known :) A couple of fixes were actual bugs in types: missing variants, extra commas, misplaced type annotations. Also mypy started to check None return type more strictly (it's required in type signature and explicit return None is required for Option return type). Fixes #168

    opened by lopuhin 10
  • Error : Estimator is not supported

    Error : Estimator is not supported

    Hello community,

    I am using eli5 library for image explanations, I am referring this tutorial, but at the end I am facing estimator is not supported, Please help me to solve this error,

    any help is highly appreciated,


    opened by IITGoaPyVidya 0
  • Error importing eli5.lime due to deprecated 'itemfreq' from 'scipy.stats'

    Error importing eli5.lime due to deprecated 'itemfreq' from 'scipy.stats'

    while trying to import package eli5.lime, interpret gives the following error:

    ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
    Cell In [10], line 1
    ----> 1 import eli5.lime
    File c:\Users\magna\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\eli5\lime\__init__.py:2
          1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    ----> 2 from .lime import (
          3     TextExplainer,
          4     _train_local_classifier
          5 )
    File c:\Users\magna\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\eli5\lime\lime.py:18
         16 import eli5
         17 from eli5.sklearn.utils import sklearn_version
    ---> 18 from eli5.lime.samplers import BaseSampler
         19 from eli5.lime.textutils import DEFAULT_TOKEN_PATTERN, CHAR_TOKEN_PATTERN
         20 from eli5.lime.samplers import MaskingTextSamplers
    File c:\Users\magna\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\eli5\lime\samplers.py:9
          6 import six
          8 import numpy as np
    ----> 9 from scipy.stats import itemfreq
         10 from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone
         11 from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
    ImportError: cannot import name 'itemfreq' from 'scipy.stats' (c:\Users\magna\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\__init__.py)
    opened by AndreaMagnanini 0
  • Pairing RFECV and RandomForestRegressor with non-cv Permutation Importance returns NotFittedError

    Pairing RFECV and RandomForestRegressor with non-cv Permutation Importance returns NotFittedError

    I'm trying to pair RFECV with permutation importance. I would like to use the non-cv version of the permutation importance computation. I tried several approaches but I get always a NotFittedError for the estimator_func while trying to fit the rfecv. Am I missing something? Everything works fine when i pass a cv instance to the permutation function, even without fitting the estimator. Help is greatly appreciated

    estimator_funct = estimator_funct.fit(extract_relevant_features, choosen_target)
    estimator_funct.fit(extract_relevant_features, choosen_target)
    pi = PermutationImportance(estimator_funct,  scoring='r2', n_iter=10, random_state=1)
    rfecv = RFECV(
    The exception:
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\feature_selection\_rfe.py", line 723, in fit
       scores = parallel(
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\feature_selection\_rfe.py", line 724, in <genexpr>
       func(rfe, self.estimator, X, y, train, test, scorer)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\feature_selection\_rfe.py", line 37, in _rfe_single_fit
       return rfe._fit(
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\feature_selection\_rfe.py", line 296, in _fit
       estimator.fit(X[:, features], y, **fit_params)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\eli5\sklearn\permutation_importance.py", line 204, in fit
       si = self._non_cv_scores_importances(X, y)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\eli5\sklearn\permutation_importance.py", line 232, in _non_cv_scores_importances
       base_score, importances = self._get_score_importances(score_func, X, y)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\eli5\sklearn\permutation_importance.py", line 236, in _get_score_importances
       return get_score_importances(score_func, X, y, n_iter=self.n_iter,
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\eli5\permutation_importance.py", line 86, in get_score_importances
       base_score = score_func(X, y)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\metrics\_scorer.py", line 219, in __call__
       return self._score(
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\metrics\_scorer.py", line 261, in _score
       y_pred = method_caller(estimator, "predict", X)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\metrics\_scorer.py", line 71, in _cached_call
       return getattr(estimator, method)(*args, **kwargs)
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ensemble\_forest.py", line 989, in predict
     File "C:\Users\T450\anaconda3\envs\Master\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\validation.py", line 1345, in check_is_fitted
       raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(estimator).__name__})
    sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError: This RandomForestRegressor instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this estimator.
    opened by enesok 0
  • Understanding show_weights html

    Understanding show_weights html

    Hi there, thanks for your contribution. I have some questions about eli5.show_weights.

    How are weights.pos and weights.neg defined? How do you compute the hsl color for the cell in the html table? Thank you

    opened by segalinc 0
  • eli5.show_prediction doesn't work for my custom trained model

    eli5.show_prediction doesn't work for my custom trained model

    I have trained a binary classification model with Keras on a custom dataset. Want to check what is in the image that made the model predict a certain class over another? It worked for only one image and I am no longer able to test it on the other images. Does it mean my model is corrupted? Or is it a bug of ELI5? These are the versions of my packages in the notebook:


    Thanks in advance

    opened by Kia4631 0
  • Looping with explain_prediction_df crashes

    Looping with explain_prediction_df crashes


    I wanted to generate the explain_prediction_df for each of my observations in a test set, but when I loop over it it crashes eventually.

    for i in range(len(X_test)): eli5.explain_prediction_df(clf, X_test[i,:]).to_csv('f{i}.csv')

    I am getting a userwarning: X has feature names, but clf was fitted without feature names.

    Do you have any idea what is going on or if there is an easier way to go about this?

    opened by waterboy96 0
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A collection of research papers and software related to explainability in graph machine learning.

AstraZeneca 1.9k Dec 26, 2022
A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.

SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is a game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. It connects optimal credit allo

Scott Lundberg 18.3k Jan 8, 2023
FairML - is a python toolbox auditing the machine learning models for bias.

======== FairML: Auditing Black-Box Predictive Models FairML is a python toolbox auditing the machine learning models for bias. Description Predictive

Julius Adebayo 338 Nov 9, 2022
An intuitive library to add plotting functionality to scikit-learn objects.

Welcome to Scikit-plot Single line functions for detailed visualizations The quickest and easiest way to go from analysis... ...to this. Scikit-plot i

Reiichiro Nakano 2.3k Dec 31, 2022
Python Library for Model Interpretation/Explanations

Skater Skater is a unified framework to enable Model Interpretation for all forms of model to help one build an Interpretable machine learning system

Oracle 1k Dec 27, 2022
null 131 Jun 25, 2021
Lucid library adapted for PyTorch

Lucent PyTorch + Lucid = Lucent The wonderful Lucid library adapted for the wonderful PyTorch! Lucent is not affiliated with Lucid or OpenAI's Clarity

Lim Swee Kiat 520 Dec 26, 2022
L2X - Code for replicating the experiments in the paper Learning to Explain: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Model Interpretation.

L2X Code for replicating the experiments in the paper Learning to Explain: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Model Interpretation at ICML 2018,

Jianbo Chen 113 Sep 6, 2022
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning model.

JittorVis is a deep neural network computational graph visualization library based on Jittor.

null 182 Jan 6, 2023