A tool to make dumpy among us GIFS


Among Us Dumpy Bot Among Us Dumpy Bot Among Us Dumpy Bot Discord

Among Us Dumpy Gif Maker

Made by ThatOneCalculator & Pixer415

that1calculator that1calculator

With help from Telk, karl-police, and auguwu!

Please credit this repository when you use this program!

Current version: 2.0.2



The help command is !!help.

Run as a program:



AUR package for Arch Linux users arch

yay -S among-us-dumpy-gif-maker && among-us-dumpy-gif-maker

To everyone else:

Make sure to download the jar!

Basic usage:

Click and open the jar, select the file, and a file called "dumpy.gif" will be made in the same folder as the jar.

CLI usage:

  • java -jar Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-2.0.2-all.jar for defaults
  • java -jar Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-2.0.2-all.jar help/version for help/version
  • java -jar Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-2.0.2-all.jar lines filepath for adding arguments

All arguments optional!

  • lines is the number of lines, which defaults to 9.
  • filepath is a filepath to give it instead of using the file picker.

A file called "dumpy.gif" will be made in the same folder as the jar.

From source:

Not recommended unless you intend to modify the code!

git clone https://github.com/ThatOneCalculator/Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker
cd Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker
gradle wrapper
./gradlew shadowJar # .\gradelw.bat shadowJar if you're on Windows
java -jar ./build/libs/Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-2.0.2-all.jar
  • Error when attempting to install from AUR on Manjaro

    Error when attempting to install from AUR on Manjaro

    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
    (1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking package integrity                   [######################] 100%
    (1/1) loading package files                        [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts                  [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking available disk space                [######################] 100%
    :: Processing package changes...
    (1/1) installing among-us-dumpy-gif-maker          [######################] 100%
    :: Running post-transaction hooks...
    (1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
    Error: Could not find or load main class .usr.lib.jvm.java-15-openjdk.bin.java
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk/bin/java

    /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk/bin/java does exist

    opened by VoxelDraqon 22
  • Unable to run the .jar

    Unable to run the .jar

    whenever i try and run the jar file it says that a " jni error has occurred " and then that a " java exception has occurred " Screenshot_2 Screenshot_3 I've checked and can confirm that i am running the latest release of java

    opened by EvanHeavenn 14
  • [Bug] Can't read color image -> JAR packaging issue

    [Bug] Can't read color image -> JAR packaging issue

    After extracting the program and trying it on a solid black png, I noticed the individual frames are generated in the folder, but no gif. I tried running it through command line, and what resulted is in the screenshot below.


    I'm using the latest version of AdoptOpenJDK. Thank you for your time.

    opened by CrookedBeaker 11
  • [Running on windows]

    [Running on windows] "Invalid parameter - 1x20"

    Hi there! Trying to use this tool on windows.

    Sometimes I can get an intermediate frame exported ("F_0.png") but looks like there might be a permissions issue with file access? So subsequent frames can't be smushed into a gif.

    Terminal readout:

    arcop@DESKTOP-AH3SOJ0 MINGW64 ~/Downloads
    $ java -jar Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-3.1.3-all.jar
    Invalid Parameter - 1x20
    Exception in thread "main" javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
            at java.desktop/javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1308)
            at dev.t1c.dumpy.sus.main(sus.java:254)

    fyi am running in an elevated shell with admin privileges.

    Thanks! 🙂

    opened by rcoppy 4
  • can't read input file error?

    can't read input file error?

    I keep getting this error when I try to run the jar, even if I run it as admin, tbh I tried google the error and didn't find anything in particular that might be causing it


    opened by CMolero 3
  • [Bug - resolved] [Bot] Discord_Buttons upgrade -> components=[], not buttons=[]

    [Bug - resolved] [Bot] Discord_Buttons upgrade -> components=[], not buttons=[]

    i was trying to use the discord bot and i gave it the permissions embed links and attach files it wouldn't work and even tried giving it administrator but still it didnt work help would be appreciated, thank you!

    opened by StardustBytez 3
  • Changed File Dialog to JavaFX

    Changed File Dialog to JavaFX

    I changed the UI it uses. I kept everything the same. The arguments still work.

    JavaFX would then nicely allow a window for more settings and possibilities.

    opened by karl-police 3
  • the bot not sending image

    the bot not sending image

    when using the command !!dumpy and !!furry the bot types The !!background command has been updated! Run !!background delete to remove your current background, run !!background color for a solid color, !!background #AAAAAA for a custom color background, !!background flag for pride flags (gay, lesbian, trans, etc) and run !!background and attach an image for a custom image as a background. then says typing for 3-5 seconds and then does nothing

    opened by ploplop101 2
  • Add Character Limit in Text Command

    Add Character Limit in Text Command

    The text command of the dumpy bot is bugged. (Referring to the screenshot below) image

    Now, you might be thinking, it sent the complete text but in a smaller image, but nope image

    It cuts off at the B of the Bot So please add a limit to the number of characters the user can provide (I think the limit should be 80 at max, but I could be wrong)

    opened by SpiderMath 2
  • Running in the command line locks up with a large number of lines

    Running in the command line locks up with a large number of lines

    Per the title, whenever I ask for a large number of lines, the command prompt just locks up. Is there some kind of error with a certain number of lines or is it just a case of big O? Thanks in advance!

    opened by FemboySJL 2
  • Cant read input file

    Cant read input file

    Getting this error when trying to run the jar

    PS C:\Users\craft\Desktop\Amongus> java -jar .\Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-3.1.3-all.jar --file .\Bot-Logo.png
    Invalid Parameter - 1x20
    Exception in thread "main" javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
            at java.desktop/javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1308)
            at dev.t1c.dumpy.sus.main(sus.java:254)

    I have ImageMagick-7.1.0-2-Q16-x64-static installed, And the imagemagik cli works.

    opened by Leastrio 2
  • Constant error 1x20

    Constant error 1x20

    Doesnt matter what image i give it, this doesn't work. I can't try the bot as it's offline, but whenever i try to give it an image from the program nothing happens besides my fan spin faster for like 1 second, and if i try it from powershell this happens: image ^ that says invalid parameter i may be just dumb honestly, who knows

    opened by deko0 7
Kainoa Kanter
18 year old fullstack developer. I specialize in Discord bots. Part of the Rosé Pine movement. I use Arch, btw.
Kainoa Kanter
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