Page to PAGE Layout Analysis Tool



Python Version Code Style

Page to PAGE Layout Analysis (P2PaLA) is a toolkit for Document Layout Analysis based on Neural Networks.

πŸ’₯ Try our new DEMO for online baseline detection. ❗ ❗

If you find this toolkit useful in your research, please cite:

  author = {Lorenzo QuirΓ³s},
  title = {P2PaLA: Page to PAGE Layout Analysis tookit},
  year = {2017},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  note = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},

Check this paper for more details Arxiv.


  • Linux (OSX may work, but untested.).
  • Python (2.7, 3.6 under conda virtual environment is recomended)
  • Numpy
  • PyTorch (1.0). PyTorch 0.3.1 compatible on this branch
  • OpenCv (
  • NVIDIA GPU + CUDA CuDNN (CPU mode and CUDA without CuDNN works, but is not recomended for training).
  • tensorboard-pytorch (v0.9) [Optional]. pip install tensorboardX > A diferent conda env is recomended to keep tensorflow separated from PyTorch


python install

To install python dependencies alone, use requirements file conda env create --file conda_requirements.yml


  1. Input data must follow the folder structure data_tag/page, where images must be into the data_tag folder and xml files into page. For example:
mkdir -p data/{train,val,test,prod}/page;
tree data;
β”œβ”€β”€ prod
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ page
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ prod_0.xml
β”‚   β”‚   └── prod_1.xml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ prod_0.jpg
β”‚   └── prod_1.jpg
β”œβ”€β”€ test
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ page
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test_0.xml
β”‚   β”‚   └── test_1.xml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test_0.jpg
β”‚   └── test_1.jpg
β”œβ”€β”€ train
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ page
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ train_0.xml
β”‚   β”‚   └── train_1.xml
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ train_0.jpg
β”‚   └── train_1.jpg
└── val
    β”œβ”€β”€ page
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ val_0.xml
    β”‚   └── val_1.xml
    β”œβ”€β”€ val_0.jpg
    └── val_1.jpg
  1. Run the tool.
python --config config.txt --tr_data ./data/train --te_data ./data/test --log_comment "_foo"

❗ Pre-trained models available here

  1. Use TensorBoard to visualize train status:
tensorboard --logdir ./work/runs
  1. xml-PAGE files must be at "./work/results/test/"

We recommend Transkribus or nw-page-editor to visualize and edit PAGE-xml files.

  1. For detail about arguments and config file, see docs or python -h.
  2. For more detailed example see egs:
    • Bozen dataset see
    • cBAD complex competition dataset see
    • OHG dataset see


GNU General Public License v3.0 See LICENSE to see the full text.


Code is inspired by pix2pix and pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix

  • RTX cards require minimum Pytorch 1.0 [CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED]

    RTX cards require minimum Pytorch 1.0 [CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED]

    On my Linux mint 19.1 using an RTX 2070

    When trying to recognize using the default installation:

    (p3p) home@home-lnx:~/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA$ python --config config_ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.txt --prev_model ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth --prod_data ./images/
    2019-01-21 13:42:19,280 - optparse - INFO - Reading configuration from config_ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.txt
    2019-01-21 13:42:19,282 - P2PaLA - INFO - Working on prod inference...
    2019-01-21 13:42:19,283 - P2PaLA - INFO - Results will be saved to ./work/results/prod
    2019-01-21 13:42:19,599 - P2PaLA - INFO - Resumming from model ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth
    /home/home/.conda/envs/p3p/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/cuda/ UserWarning: 
        Found GPU0 GeForce RTX 2070 which requires CUDA_VERSION >= 9000 for
         optimal performance and fast startup time, but your PyTorch was compiled
         with CUDA_VERSION 8000. Please install the correct PyTorch binary
         using instructions from
      warnings.warn(incorrect_binary_warn % (d, name, 9000, CUDA_VERSION))

    So I installed latest torch and torchvision:

    (p3p) home@home-lnx:~/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA$ pip install --ignore-installed torch torchvision

    Then ran recognition:

    (p3p) home@home-lnx:~/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA$ python --config config_ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.txt --prev_model ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth --prod_data ./images/
    /home/home/.conda/envs/p3p/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='mean' instead.
    2019-01-21 13:58:31,771 - optparse - INFO - Reading configuration from config_ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.txt
    2019-01-21 13:58:31,773 - P2PaLA - INFO - Working on prod inference...
    2019-01-21 13:58:31,774 - P2PaLA - INFO - Results will be saved to ./work/results/prod
    2019-01-21 13:58:32,125 - P2PaLA - INFO - Resumming from model ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth
    2019-01-21 13:58:34,859 - P2PaLA - INFO - Preprocessing data from ./images/ UserWarning: volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use `with torch.no_grad():` instead.
      pr_x = Variable(sample["image"], volatile=True)
    THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp line=405 error=11 : invalid argument
    2019-01-21 13:58:35,463 - P2PaLA - INFO - Production stage done. total time taken: 0.604010820388794
    2019-01-21 13:58:35,463 - P2PaLA - INFO - Average time per page: 0.604010820388794
    2019-01-21 13:58:35,463 - P2PaLA - INFO - All Done...

    Now the problem is when trying to train

    (p3p) home@home-lnx:~/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA$ python --config config_BL_only.txt --tr_data ./data/train --te_data ./data/test --log_comment "_foo"
    /home/home/.conda/envs/p3p/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='mean' instead.
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,788 - optparse - INFO - Reading configuration from config_BL_only.txt
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,789 - optparse - DEBUG - Creating output dir: ./work_BL_only
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,790 - optparse - DEBUG - Creating checkpoints dir: ./work_BL_only/checkpoints
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,790 - P2PaLA - INFO - Working on training stage...
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,791 - P2PaLA - WARNING - tensorboardX is not installed, display logger set to OFF.
    2019-01-21 14:06:09,791 - P2PaLA - INFO - Preprocessing data from ./data/train
    /home/home/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA/nn_models/ UserWarning: nn.init.uniform is now deprecated in favor of nn.init.uniform_.
      init.uniform(, 0.0, 0.02)
    /home/home/Desktop/programs/P2PaLA/nn_models/ UserWarning: nn.init.uniform is now deprecated in favor of nn.init.uniform_.
      init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02)
    THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp line=405 error=11 : invalid argument
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1262, in <module>
      File "", line 606, in main
        epoch_lossD +=[0]
    IndexError: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
    opened by ghost 14
  • Is it possible for fine tune the existing model for different regions?

    Is it possible for fine tune the existing model for different regions?


    I want to extend this work to find the regions on different documents with different regions (other than defined in the regions list regions = ["$tip", "$par", "$not", "$nop", "$pag"]. Is this possible? If so, what change will be needed ? I am new to segmentation problems, please guide.


    opened by lordzuko 6
  • How to see output polygon drawn on an input image?

    How to see output polygon drawn on an input image?

    Please advise on utility to draw the output baseline polygon on source image. I see an example on your online page(btw it doesn't work this time, skips the Process button). But I can't fond a way to look at it on my machine. If any built-in function please write the cli command: cmd data/source_img.jpg work/results_prod/page/source_img.xml
    -> to produce drawn countor on source image. In my run there are zero-size jpg files in work/results/prod
    Probably it's a sort of error so it's interesting to draw xml lines over image(s).

    opened by longwall 4
  • Baseline + polygon detection of handwriting

    Baseline + polygon detection of handwriting

    Hello. I have ran P2Pala succesfully against typewritten and print with the default model, but I am not getting very good results when running against handwriting. Is it possible to train a model to work against handwriting, and if so, what kind of ground truth, and how much is required?

    opened by stevethearkiv 4
  • TextLine region

    TextLine region


    Currently, I am trying to train p2pala to recognize the "TextLine" regions not baselines. How exactly can I do that, how can I select the default TextLine region itself

    An example page-xml is attached along with my training config txt file.

    Waiting for your reply

    opened by mrocr 4
  • "No region type defined for r1 at 00001096"

    I've used P2PaLA to train a Document Layout Analysis model for zone segmentation with PRImA Layout Analysis Dataset. PRImA dataset use PAGE XML with 2010 schema version. When model load data from corpus, I've got:

    No region type defined for r1 at 0000001096 Element type "Node" undefined on color dic, set to default=175

    This message have happened for all <TextRegion> in the XML file. After training phase have done, I see the result/test and nothing was predicted. I don't know what it mean. Please help me. Thanks.

    opened by vndee 4
  • error while running the pre trained model in google colab

    error while running the pre trained model in google colab

    the error is as shown below: 2020-04-02 09:33:10,254 - optparse - INFO - Reading configuration from config_ALAR_min_model_17_12_18_inference.txt 2020-04-02 09:33:10,263 - P2PaLA - INFO - Working on prod inference... 2020-04-02 09:33:10,268 - P2PaLA - INFO - Results will be saved to ./work/results/prod 2020-04-02 09:33:10,844 - P2PaLA - INFO - Resumming from model ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth 2020-04-02 09:33:11,408 - P2PaLA - INFO - Preprocessing data from ./images Premature end of JPEG file Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1268, in main() File "", line 1250, in main out_folder=res_path, File "/content/gdrive/My Drive/P2PaLA-master/data/", line 187, in gen_page os.path.realpath(self.img_data[img_id]), os.path.join(out_folder, img_name) File "/content/gdrive/My Drive/P2PaLA-master/data/", line 503, in symlink_force raise e File "/content/gdrive/My Drive/P2PaLA-master/data/", line 497, in symlink_force os.symlink(target, link_name) OSError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported: '/content/gdrive/My Drive/P2PaLA-master/images/5.jpeg' -> './work/results/prod/5.jpeg'

    opened by akshay94950 3
  • require opencv-python-headless variant

    require opencv-python-headless variant

    The requirements.txt currently lists opencv-python, which drags in libraries for windowing systems like X11 – not ideal for headless servers. The Python bindings for OpenCV do offer other build variants like -contrib and -headless though (which are on PyPI for many platforms, and can also be built by ENABLE_HEADLESS=1 python bdist_wheel).

    Therefore I suggest switching to opencv-python-headless instead.

    opened by bertsky 2
  • Any chance to see more pre-trained models?

    Any chance to see more pre-trained models?

    Hello, I played a little with the provided model with the weights ALAR_min_model_17_12_18.pth As to the word min in the name I wonder ther are other models. Do you plan to publish it?

    I've thouigh out some tricks to improve the accuracy of coverage the htr text regions but it's still rough. In many cases important parts of letters are cropped out. I don't have neither hardware nor labeled datasets for the trainig. Could you share a more powerful model?

    opened by longwall 2
  • [Enhancement] Page-XML extractor

    [Enhancement] Page-XML extractor

    To adapt the script to extract information/coordinates about page, from XML's formats most knowledge in the industry, like YOLO and PASCAL/VOC.

    Observation: I could help with this task.

    opened by EvertonTomalok 2
  • JoseRPrietoF version?

    JoseRPrietoF version?

    @JoseRPrietoF What is different in your version of P2PaLA?

    Modified version to do table segmentation and act separation on Passau and Chancery corpus.

    • what do you mean by act separation?
    • also, when you say table segmentation, do you mean it detects baseline, and then extracts text?
    opened by ghost 2
  • Bump opencv-python from to

    Bump opencv-python from to

    Bumps opencv-python from to

    Release notes

    Sourced from opencv-python's releases.

    OpenCV version 4.2.0.


    • macOS environment updated from xcode8.3 to xcode 9.4
    • macOS uses now Qt 5 instead of Qt 4
    • Nasm version updated to Docker containers
    • multibuild updated


    • don't use deprecated brew tap-pin, instead refer to the full package name when installing #267
    • replace get_config_var() with get_config_vars() in #274
    • add workaround for DLL errors in Windows Server #264

    OpenCV version 3.4.9.


    • macOS environment updated from xcode8.3 to xcode 9.4
    • macOS uses now Qt 5 instead of Qt 4
    • Nasm version updated to Docker containers
    • multibuild updated


    • don't use deprecated brew tap-pin, instead refer to the full package name when installing #267
    • replace get_config_var() with get_config_vars() in #274
    • add workaround for DLL errors in Windows Server #264

    OpenCV version 4.1.2.


    ... (truncated)


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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
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