A python script to execute a command when a YubiKey / YubiKeys are disconnected.
How to use:
1. Download the latest release and decompress the .zip
2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
inside the folder
3. Run generateConfig.py
to create your config file
4. Run main.py
5. Done!
Require All
- Require all YubiKeys (if multiple) to be inserted at the same time
- The command to execute when the conditions are met
- Invert conditions, insert YubiKey(s) to execute command
Require Once
- Require the YubiKey(s) at least once on start, before the command execution starts
Wait for Insert
- Should we wait for the condtions to be met again, before we execute the command
On Windows you can set the command to:
Rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
To lock your computer when the YubiKey / YubiKeys are disconnected.