Code for this paper The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks.


The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks

License: MIT

Code for this paper The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks. [NeurIPS 2020]

Tianlong Chen, Jonathan Frankle, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Yang Zhang, Zhangyang Wang, Michael Carbin.

Our implementation is based on Huggingface repo. Details are referred to README here. Pre-trained subnetworks are coming soon.


The Existence of Matching Subnetworks in BERT

Transfer Learning for BERT Winning Tickets


Reproduce Details

Prerequisites and Installation

Details are referred to README here.

Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP)

MLM task:

python -u 
	   --output_dir LT_pretrain_model
	   --model_type bert 
	   --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
	   --train_data_file pretrain_data/en.train 
	   --eval_data_file pretrain_data/en.valid 
	   --per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 
	   --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 16 
	   --num_train_epochs 1 
	   --logging_steps 10000 
	   --save_steps 10000 
	   --seed 57

Glue task:

python -u
	   --output_dir tmp/mnli 
	   --logging_steps 36813 
	   --task_name MNLI 
	   --data_dir glue_data/MNLI 
	   --model_type bert 
	   --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
	   --max_seq_length 128 
	   --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 
	   --learning_rate 2e-5 
	   --num_train_epochs 30 
	   --save_steps 36813
	   --seed 57

SQuAD task:

python -u 
	   --output_dir tmp/530/squad 
	   --model_type bert 
	   --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
       --train_file SQuAD/train-v1.1.json 
       --predict_file SQuAD/dev-v1.1.json 
       --per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 
       --learning_rate 3e-5 
       --num_train_epochs 40 
       --max_seq_length 384 
       --doc_stride 128 
       --logging_steps 22000 
       --save_steps 22000 
       --seed 57

One-shot Magnitude Pruning (OMP)

python --weight [pre or rand] --model [glue or squad or pretrain] --rate 0.5


MLM task:

python -u 
	   --dir pre\  [using random weight or official pretrain weight]
	   --weight_pertub tmp/\ [weight for Bert (not required)]
	   --mask_dir tmp/dif_mask/ \ [mask file]
	   --output_dir tmp/530/pre 
	   --model_type bert 
	   --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
	   --train_data_file pretrain_data/en.train 
	   --do_train --eval_data_file pretrain_data/en.valid 
	   --per_gpu_train_batch_size 8 
	   --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 8 
	   --num_train_epochs 1 
	   --logging_steps 2000 
	   --save_steps 0 
	   --max_steps 20000  
	   --seed 57

Glue task:

python -u 
       --dir pre \  [using random weight or official pretrain weight]
       --weight_pertub tmp/ \ [weight for Bert (not required)]
       --mask_dir tmp/dif_mask/ \ [mask file]
       --output_dir tmp/530/mnli 
       --logging_steps 12271 
       --task_name MNLI 
       --data_dir glue_data/MNLI 
       --model_type bert 
       --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
       --max_seq_length 128 
       --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 
       --learning_rate 2e-5 
       --num_train_epochs 3 
       --save_steps 0 
       --seed 5

SQuAD task:

python -u 
	   --dir pre \  [using random weight or official pretrain weight]
	   --weight_pertub tmp/ \ [weight for Bert (not required)]
	   --mask_dir tmp/dif_mask/ \ [mask file]
	   --output_dir tmp/530/squad 
	   --model_type bert 
	   --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased 
	   --train_file SQuAD/train-v1.1.json 
	   --predict_file SQuAD/dev-v1.1.json 
	   --per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 
	   --learning_rate 3e-5 
	   --num_train_epochs 4 
	   --max_seq_length 384 
	   --doc_stride 128 
	   --logging_steps 5500 
	   --save_steps 0 
	   --seed 57

Subnetwork with Ramdomly Suffuled Pre-trined Weight



If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

    title={The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks},
    author={Tianlong Chen and Jonathan Frankle and Shiyu Chang and Sijia Liu and Yang Zhang and Zhangyang Wang and Michael Carbin},


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. In particular, we would like to thank John Cohn for his generous help in providing us with the computing resources necessary to conduct this research.

  • RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory

    RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory


    I have extracted the GraSP algorithm from here:

    I am getting CUDA out of memory on whatever size my architecture have. I have migrated your version of transformers to the new one.

    Here is my script:

    I have just adapted your to the script on Transformers 3.3.1

    The error comes at the backward pass in the (2) iteration:

    Could it be that we are doing the backward pass with the main model loaded and we are duplicating the weights?


    opened by gaceladri 3
  • Duplicated code ¿?

    Duplicated code ¿?


    Thanks for this repo. I am trying to extract the GraSP code from:

    But in there is no import or definition of this function inside the .py. I mean, I have not tried to run the file but if it is not declared or imported from anywhere I imagine that it is not going to work.

    Here you have commented the imports. Should I uncomment this line to import the pruning_model_custom, see_weight_rate, and pruning_model?

    Is for this reason that I don't like to do absolute imports with * because you use to loose the trace. :(

    Big anticipated thanks. Best regards

    opened by gaceladri 1
  • Rewinding doesn't work

    Rewinding doesn't work

    I'm afraid that the rewinding doesn't work, because the code uses an assignment other than torch.clone function. It means the original weights is lost and would be optimised when training.

    opened by little-pikachu 0
  • Question on the custom pruning function

    Question on the custom pruning function

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your codebase. I wonder what exactly is doing the following part of your code as "pruning_model_custom". Thanks for your help Farhad

    opened by nooralahzadeh 0
  • [Question] the learning rate scheduler may not reach zero, right?

    [Question] the learning rate scheduler may not reach zero, right?

    The implementation doesn't seem to follow the description in the paper:

    Learning rate decays linearly from initial value to zero

    When running the command shown in README, the script sets --num_train_epochs as 30 and it means training each pruned subnetwork takes 3 epochs (and the [0%, 10%, ...90%]-pruned subnets take 30 epochs in total). However, the learning rate scheduler depends on the --num_train_epochs (30) rather than 3:

    t_total = len(train_dataloader) // args.gradient_accumulation_steps * args.num_train_epochs
    scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(
            optimizer, num_warmup_steps=args.warmup_steps, num_training_steps=t_total

    So, the last learning rate after 3 epochs is 1.8e-5 (= 2e-5 * (1 - 3/30)) (rather than zero) if we start from 2e-5. Is my understanding correct?

    Sure this minor difference doesn't hurt the great contributions of the work. I just wanna confirm it and know the detail for reproduction and my own further research. Thanks!

    opened by soskek 1
  • Transformer Vesion

    Transformer Vesion

    May I know the transformer library version that was used for this work? I couldn't find it in the project readme file and the latest version raises many errors. Thanks.

    opened by avipartho 0
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