Both social media sentiment and stock market data are crucial for stock price prediction


Relating Social Media to Stock Movements_DA-31st-December

Both social media sentiment and stock market data are crucial for stock price prediction. So, in this project we analyzed the dynamics of stock markets based on both social media news (text data) and stock prices (numerical data).

Understanding the Dataset

The dataset we are working on is a combination of Wallstreetbets-Reddit news and the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&p 500) stock price from 2013 to 2018.

  • The news dataset contains the top 25 news from Reddit on each day from 2013 to 2018.

  • The S&P 500 contains the core stock market information for each day such as Open, Close, and Volume.

  • The SCORE of the dataset is whether the stock price is increase (labeled as 1) or decrease (labeled as 0) on that day.



  • data dataset comprises 5698 rows and 8 columns.
  • Dataset consists of continuous variable and float data type.
  • Dataset column variables 'Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Volume', are the stock variables from historical dataset and other variables are showing polarity of news which are the derived variables using sentiment analysis as discussed in the above section.

Descriptive Statistics:

Using describe() we could get the following result for the numerical features

open high low close volume count 5697.000000 5697.000000 5697.000000 5698.000000 5.698000e+03 mean 88.139399 89.012936 87.245609 88.146015 1.718703e+06 std 32.666995 32.960833 32.363413 32.660301 1.248357e+06 min 30.380000 31.090000 29.730000 29.940000 1.000000e+02 25% 64.650000 65.310000 64.053300 64.672500 9.880475e+05 50% 80.750000 81.490000 79.990000 80.750000 1.460298e+06 75% 105.270000 106.270000 104.350000 105.345000 2.135991e+06 max 201.240000 201.240000 198.160000 200.380000 3.378024e+07

Preprocessing and Sentiment Analysis

We filled out the NaN values in the missed three topics. And got the polarity and subjectivity for the news' topics. Polarity is of 'float' type and lies in the range of -1, 1, where 1

means a high positive sentiment, and -1 means a high negative sentiment.

So, they will be very helpful in determining the increase or decrease of the stock market.

Then we checked the missing values in the stock market information, it was complete. Then we merged the sentiment information (polarity ) by date with the stock market information (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Adj Close) in merged_data dataframe.

Before modeling and after splitting we scaled the data using standardization to shift the distribution to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X_train)
rescaledX = scaler.transform(X_train)
rescaledValidationX = scaler.transform(X_valid)

fit_transform() is used on the training data so that we can scale the training data and also learn the scaling parameters of that data. Here, the model built by us will learn the mean and variance of the features of the training set. These learned parameters are then used to scale our test data.

transform() uses the same mean and variance as it is calculated from our training data to transform our test data. Thus, the parameters learned by our model using the training data will help us to transform our test data. As we do not want to be biased with our model, but we want our test data to be completely new and a surprise set for our model.

Preprocessing Again

Now, after observing the outliers in polarity of a lot of topics, we decided to concatenate all the 14 topics in one paragraph, then we can get only one column for polarity. So, we merged these data again with the stock market numerical information and got merged_data dataframe, then scaled it.

Model Building

Metrics considered for Model Evaluation

Accuracy , Precision , Recall and F1 Score

  • Accuracy: What proportion of actual positives and negatives is correctly classified?
  • Precision: What proportion of predicted positives are truly positive ?
  • Recall: What proportion of actual positives is correctly classified ?
  • F1 Score : Harmonic mean of Precision and Recall

Logistic Regression

  • Logistic Regression helps find how probabilities are changed with actions.
  • The function is defined as P(y) = 1 / 1+e^-(A+Bx)
  • Logistic regression involves finding the best fit S-curve where A is the intercept and B is the regression coefficient. The output of logistic regression is a probability score.

Choosing the features

After choosing model based on confusion matrix here where choose the features taking in consideration the deployment phase.

We know from the EDA that all the features are highly correlated and almost follow the same trend among the time. So, along with polarity and subjectivity we choose the open price with the assumption that the user knows the open price but not the close price and wants to figure out if the stock price will increase or decrease.

When we apply the logistic regression model accuracy dropped from 80% to 55%. So, we will use both Open and Close and exclude High, Low, Volume, Adj Close.

precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       1.00      1.00      1.00   2563950
           1       0.00      0.00      0.00       968

    accuracy                           1.00   2564918
   macro avg       0.50      0.50      0.50   2564918
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00   2564918

  • Arrange a pipeline to simplify work and implement different algorithms, also plot visualizations for better understanding of dataset.

    Arrange a pipeline to simplify work and implement different algorithms, also plot visualizations for better understanding of dataset.

    Feature description

    Hello there, I am Prajwal Waykos, Data Science and ML enthusiast. I also am very keen on the stock market and have 2 years of stock trading experience. You can visit my shared links for more information.

    I have the following suggestions.

    1. Re-arrange files and codes so that everything runs in a single click.
    2. Have a better understanding of data by the means of detailed, in-depth EDA and some good Data Visualizations.
    3. Try a variety of other algorithms as discussed in a previous issue and then do a comparative study on them.
    4. Also, as rightly mentioned in the PDF, nothing is certain in the stock market hence we will also need to keep on enlarging our Datasets with their quality.
    5. Work on some EDA for better understanding.
    6. Work on Data Preprocessing.

    I am a GSSOC '22 Participant and want to work on this project for its betterment.


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    Closes #5 .

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    Amit Maity - GSSoC'22 Contributor.

    GSSoc22 Level1 
    opened by maityamit 3
  • Better Model

    Better Model

    I am GSSoC 22 Participant. I would like to suggest some changes and work on them:-

    • Implementing GridSearchCV for better tuning and increasing prediction metric scores.
    • Implementing a Pipeline for better management and streamlining the workflow.
    • Try to implement other algorithms like SVC and KNN models to check for better prediction and comparison.

    I would also like to work on these suggestions. Please assign these issues to me.

    opened by Krish2208 2
  • Model overfit on unbalanced outcomes

    Model overfit on unbalanced outcomes

    The reason that the model that has been trained in the notebook LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODEL.ipynb is because of imbalanced classes. I can fix the model if this issue is assigned to me.

    opened by visheshks04 1
  • Multiple Classifiers & Ensemble Method & Learning Curve

    Multiple Classifiers & Ensemble Method & Learning Curve

    ⚙️Related Issue

    • the issue was to implement ensemble method

    Closes: #[10]

    📝Describe the changes you've made

    I implemented the following classifiers :

    • Decision Tree
    • Random Forest
    • AdaBoost
    • Bagging Classifier
    • Voting Classifier and that is the ENSEMBLE METHOD

    Type of change

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    Mention any unusual behaviour of your code (Write NA if not)

    Any unusual behaviour of your code


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    • [Y ] My code follows the guidelines of this project.
    • [Y] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [Y] I have commented my code, particularly wherever it was hard to understand.
    • [ N] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ N] I have verified/tested my code by running it locally.

    Additional Info (optional)

    The data which is analyzed in this project is saved locally somewhere, so, I couldn't test my code on this data particularly, but I tested it on another dataset.

    opened by reemabdelrazek30 0
  • Feature:


    Feature description

    I want to apply the Random Forests model in this project for better accuracy

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    bug enhancement 
    opened by VishalSinghParmar2001 0
  • [Bug]:


    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    A bug happened! Duplicate dates present on the data set affect the model accuracy please assign me this task I want to work on that !!1

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Code of Conduct

    • [X] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
    opened by VishalSinghParmar2001 0
  • Documentation: Update Readme file

    Documentation: Update Readme file


    I will update readme file so that contributor get more clear idea about the project and help them to solve issue doubtlessly.

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    opened by AyushJain001 2
  • Ensemble Method

    Ensemble Method

    Feature description

    I would like to use Ensemble methods and compare the accuracy afterwards

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    opened by reemabdelrazek30 0
  • [Bug]: Imbalanced Classes

    [Bug]: Imbalanced Classes

    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    As of now, the model is being trained on unbalanced classes which causes it to overfit the majority class and ignore the other one. I can fix this. @ricardoprins can you assign this to me?

    Relevant log output

    target    1444
    dtype: int64
    target    3845932
    dtype: int64
           precision    recall  f1-score   support
     0       1.00      1.00      1.00   2563950
     1       0.00      0.00      0.00       968

    Code of Conduct

    • [X] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
    bug GSSoc22 Level2 
    opened by visheshks04 5
  • Finding the best model.

    Finding the best model.

    Feature description

    Full Name: Suvodeep Das GitHub Profile Link: Objective: Creating a model and testing accuracy using different algorithms to find out the best one for the model. GSSoC'22 participant I would like to work on this issue.

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    enhancement GSSoc22 Level2 
    opened by Suvodeep-Das 1
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