Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both.


HPOflow - Sphinx DOC

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Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both.

Detailed documentation with examples can be found here: Sphinx DOC

Table of Contents


One Conversation
This project is maintained by the One Conversation team of Deutsche Telekom AG.

The main components are:


HPOflow is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI). It can be installed with pip:

$ pip install hpoflow

Some additional dependencies might be necessary.

To use hpoflow.optuna_mlflow.OptunaMLflow:

$ pip install mlflow GitPython

To use hpoflow.optuna_transformers.OptunaMLflowCallback:

$ pip install mlflow GitPython transformers

To install all optional dependencies use:

$ pip install hpoflow[optional]

Support and Feedback

The following channels are available for discussions, feedback, and support requests:

Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

This project is built with security and data privacy in mind to ensure your data is safe. We are grateful for security researchers and users reporting a vulnerability to us, first. To ensure that your request is handled in a timely manner and non-disclosure of vulnerabilities can be assured, please follow the below guideline.

Please do not report security vulnerabilities directly on GitHub. GitHub Issues can be publicly seen and therefore would result in a direct disclosure.

Please address questions about data privacy, security concepts, and other media requests to the [email protected] mailbox.


Our commitment to open source means that we are enabling - in fact encouraging - all interested parties to contribute and become part of our developer community.

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant as our code of conduct. Please see the details in our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. All contributors must abide by the code of conduct.


Copyright (c) 2021 Philip May, Deutsche Telekom AG
Copyright (c) 2021 Philip May
Copyright (c) 2021 Timothy Wolff-Piggott

Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License by reviewing the file LICENSE in the repository.

  • review and

    review and

    Review and

    • is there something missing? maybe compare with optuna and transformers
    • spelling
    • idiomatic english
    • consistency
    • correctness
    • links ok?
    • ...

    PS: The real documentation is still missing and a know issue.

    opened by PhilipMay 12
  • add typing in optuna_transformers

    add typing in optuna_transformers

    @twolffpiggott can you please tell me the type of this?

    opened by PhilipMay 6
  • add ``

    add ``

    @twolffpiggott should we add this here or to an other project we open source?

    opened by PhilipMay 6
  • Create Sphinx documentation page

    Create Sphinx documentation page

    • [x] setup
    • [x] make GH action
    • [x] setup page
    • [x] change styling to telekom style
    • switch to MD
    • [x] add more content
    • [x] link from README to page
    • [x] link from pypi to GH page
    • [x] add impressum
    • [x] remove strange mouse over image effect
    • add version info
    opened by PhilipMay 4
  • Problems with direct `_imports.check()` call

    Problems with direct `_imports.check()` call

    When the imports OMLflowCallback the script is executed. That executes the _imports.check() call which then throws an exception if transformers or mlflow is not installed. But that should be avoided.

    See here:

    The solution would be to put the _imports.check() call into the constructor. But that is not possible because OMLflowCallback inherits from transformers.

    The only solution I have is to put OMLflowCallback into an factory function that creates an OMLflowCallback and does the _imports.check() in there.

    @twolffpiggott what do you think?

    opened by PhilipMay 3
  • Flake8 ignore list for Black compatibility

    Flake8 ignore list for Black compatibility

    Flake8 raises a warning for "E203" when it encounters a Black decision to insert whitespace before : in slicing syntax.

    Black's behaviour is more correct here, so my suggestion is to add "E203" to the flake8 config ignore list.

    i.e. in setup.cfg:

    extend-ignore = E203
    opened by twolffpiggott 3
  • Simple Example?

    Simple Example?

    I don't understand how to use this package. Could you provide a basic example? I don't understand the import_structure and how it relates to importing the modules? Thanks

    opened by jmrichardson 2
  • WIP prefix in contrib file

    WIP prefix in contrib file

    Should this

    Create Work In Progress [WIP] pull requests only if you need clarification or an explicit review before you can continue your work item.

    be more like this

    Add a [WIP] prefix on your pull request name if you need clarification or an explicit review before you can continue your work item.

    opened by PhilipMay 2
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