Official code for "Stereo Waterdrop Removal with Row-wise Dilated Attention (IROS2021)"



This repository includes official codes for "Stereo Waterdrop Removal with Row-wise Dilated Attention (IROS2021)".

Stereo Waterdrop Removal with Row-wise Dilated Attention
Zifan Shi, Na Fan, Dit-Yan Yeung, Qifeng Chen

[Paper] [Datasets]


Existing vision systems for autonomous driving or robots are sensitive to waterdrops adhered to windows or camera lenses. Most recent waterdrop removal approaches take a single image as input and often fail to recover the missing content behind waterdrops faithfully. Thus, we propose a learning-based model for waterdrop removal with stereo images. A real-world dataset that contains stereo images with and without waterdrops is provided to benefit the related research.


Clone this repo.

git clone
cd Stereo-Waterdrop-Removal/

We have tested our code on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with PyTorch 1.6.0 and CUDA 10.2. Please install dependencies by

conda env create -f environment.yml


The dataset can be downloaded from the link.

'train', 'val' and 'test' refer to training set, validation set and test set captured by ZED 2. 'test_mynt' contains test images from MYNT EYE camera. In each folder, '000' denotes the waterdrop-free image (Ground truth). 'xxx_0' is the left image while 'xxx_1' is the right image. The dataset can be put under the 'dataset' folder.


The arguments for training are listed in To train the model, run with the following code


The checkpoints and the validation ressults will be saved into ./result/{exp_name}/train/.


Download the pretrained checkpoints and put them under ./result/{exp_name}/train/. The arguments for test are listed in You can specify them in and run the command


The output images are available under ./result/{exp_name}/test/


  title = {Stereo Waterdrop Removal with Row-wise Dilated Attention},
  author = {Shi, Zifan and Fan, Na and Yeung, Dit-Yan and Chen, Qifeng},
  booktitle = {IROS},
  year = {2021}
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    Many thanks for your work. I test the pretrained model on the dataset and get the same results with that on paper. But when I trained the model using the default settings, the PSNR is only 25.487 (26.064 in paper). So I am sorry to ask do you have any suggestions about this? Thank you.

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