Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project



ocr with swin-transformer


Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project. The model in this repository heavily relied on high-level open-source projects like timm and x_transformers. And also you can find that the procedure of training is intuitive thanks to the legibility of pytorch-lightning.

The model in this repository encodes input image to context vector with 'shifted-window` which is a swin-transformer encoding mechanism. And it decodes the vector with a normal auto-regressive transformer.

If you are not familiar with transformer OCR structure, transformer-ocr would be easier to understand because it uses a traditional convolution network (ResNet-v2) for the encoder.


With private korean handwritten text dataset, the accuracy(exact match) is 97.6%.


├─ preprocessed_image/
│  ├─ cropped_image_0.jpg
│  ├─ cropped_image_1.jpg
│  ├─ ...
├─ train.txt
└─ val.txt

# in train.txt
cropped_image_0.jpg\tHello World.

You should preprocess the data first. Crop the image by word or sentence level area. Put all image data in a specific directory. Ground truth information should be provided with a txt file. In the txt file, write the image file name and label with \t separator in the same line.


In settings/ directory, you can find default.yaml. You can set almost every hyper-parameter in that file. Copy one and edit it as your experiment version. I recommend you to run with the default setting first, before you change it.


python --version 0 --setting settings/default.yaml --num_workers 16 --batch_size 128

You can check your training log with tensorboard.

tensorboard --log_dir tb_logs --bind_all


When your model finishes training, you can use your model for prediction.

python --setting <your_setting.yaml> --target <image_or_directory> --tokenizer <your_tokenizer_pkl> --checkpoint <saved_checkpoint>

Exporting to ONNX

You can export your model to ONNX format. It's very easy thanks to pytorch-lightning. See the related pytorch-lightning document.


    title   = {Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows},
	author  = {Ze Liu and Yutong Lin and Yue Cao and Han Hu and Yixuan Wei and Zheng Zhang and Stephen Lin and Baining Guo},
	year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2103.14030},
	archivePrefix = {arXiv}
  • ONNX deployment

    ONNX deployment

    swin-transformer를 ONNX로 export 할 때,

    TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! RuntimeError: Exporting the operator roll to ONNX opset version 9 is not supported. Please open a bug to request ONNX export support for the missing operator.

    warining과 함께 에러가 나는데, 혹시 ONNX로 export할 때 문제가 없으셨나요?

    opened by hjdata11 4
  • About the optimizer and scheduler

    About the optimizer and scheduler

    There seems to be no code call the function "CustomCosineAnnealingWarmupRestarts"? I wonder if the optimizer and scheduler you used are AdamW and Cosine Annealing? Thanks!

    opened by Pay20Y 4
  • Tokenization strategy

    Tokenization strategy

    Hi and thanks for the awesome repo. Did you try any other tokenization strategies (sentencepiece, wordpiece or bpe). I see you use a character level tokenization which is nice but probably dosen't make full use of the language model capabilities. I would love to get some insights.

    opened by IlyasMoutawwakil 2
  • [Help] Val loss increasing while Train loss decreasing

    [Help] Val loss increasing while Train loss decreasing


    I am trying to train the model on a generated dataset (~10k images). I am following the same configuration as in the repo but what I see is that the model learns by the train samples but doesn't generalize. The images are from the same domain so I can't imagine why this would be happening.


    I am following same augmentations as in the repo. I am thinking maybe the learning rate is too big and the model learns the most common label, could that be the case?

    How long should I leave the model to train? I was expecting to see healthy learning (val loss < train loss) from the beginning. I have left the model to train for longer and I see the same results.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    opened by tudor-mare 2
  • Infrence time, number of parameters and results.

    Infrence time, number of parameters and results.

    Hi and thank you very much for this repo. I would really appreciate it if you can tell me about how much time this model takes in inference, how much params it contains and if you compared it to other models, which ones did it surpass.

    opened by IlyasMoutawwakil 1
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