Open Source Light Field Toolbox for Super-Resolution



BasicLFSR is an open-source and easy-to-use Light Field (LF) image Super-Ressolution (SR) toolbox based on PyTorch, including a collection of papers on LF image SR and a benchmark to comprehensively evaluate the performance of existing methods. We also provided simple pipelines to train/valid/test state-of-the-art methods to get started quickly, and you can transform your methods into the benchmark.

Note: This repository will be updated on a regular basis, and the pretrained models of existing methods will be open-sourced one after another. So stay tuned!


Methods Paper Repository
LFSSR Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Using Deep Efficient Spatial-Angular Separable Convolution. TIP2018 spatialsr/
resLF Residual Networks for Light Field Image Super-Resolution. CVPR2019 shuozh/resLF
HDDRNet High-Dimensional Dense Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Reconstruction. TPAMI2019 monaen/
LF-InterNet Spatial-Angular Interaction for Light Field Image Super-Resolution. ECCV2019 YingqianWang/
LFSSR-ATO Light field spatial super-resolution via deep combinatorial geometry embedding and structural consistency regularization. CVPR2020 jingjin25/
LF-DFnet Light field image super-resolution using deformable convolution. TIP2020 YingqianWang/
MEG-Net End-to-End Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Network using Multiple Epipolar Geometry. TIP2021 shuozh/MEG-Net


We used the EPFL, HCInew, HCIold, INRIA and STFgantry datasets for both training and test. Please first download our datasets via Baidu Drive (key:7nzy) or OneDrive, and place the 5 datasets to the folder ./datasets/.

  • After downloading, you should find following structure:

    │    ├── EPFL
    │    │    ├── training
    │    │    │    ├── Bench_in_Paris.mat
    │    │    │    ├── Billboards.mat
    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │    ├── test
    │    │    │    ├── Bikes.mat
    │    │    │    ├── Books__Decoded.mat
    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    ├── HCI_new
    │    ├── ...
  • Run Generate_Data_for_Training.m to generate training data. The generated data will be saved in ./data_for_train/ (SR_5x5_2x, SR_5x5_4x).

  • Run Generate_Data_for_Test.m to generate test data. The generated data will be saved in ./data_for_test/ (SR_5x5_2x, SR_5x5_4x).


We benchmark several methods on above datasets, and PSNR and SSIM metrics are used for quantitative evaluation.

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods for 2xSR:

Method Scale #Params. EPFL HCInew HCIold INRIA STFgantry Average
Bilinear x2 -- 28.479949/0.918006 30.717944/0.919248 36.243278/0.970928 30.133901/0.945545 29.577468/0.931030 31.030508/0.936951
Bicubic x2 -- 29.739509/0.937581 31.887011/0.935637 37.685776/0.978536 31.331483/0.957731 31.062631/0.949769 32.341282/0.951851
EDSR x2 33.088922/0.962924 34.828374/0.959156 41.013989/0.987400 34.984982/0.976397 36.295865/0.981809
resLF x2
LFSSR x2 33.670594/0.974351 36.801555/0.974910 43.811050/0.993773 35.279443/0.983202 37.943969/0.989818
LF-ATO x2 34.271635/0.975711 37.243620/0.976684 44.205264/0.994202 36.169943/0.984241 39.636445/0.992862
LF-InterNet x2
LF-DFnet x2
MEG-Net x2
LFT x2

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods for 4xSR:

Method Scale #Params. EPFL HCInew HCIold INRIA STFgantry Average
Bilinear x4 -- 24.567490/0.815793 27.084949/0.839677 31.688225/0.925630 26.226265/0.875682 25.203262/0.826105 26.954038/0.856577
Bicubic x4 -- 25.264206/0.832389 27.714905/0.851661 32.576315/0.934428 26.951718/0.886740 26.087451/0.845230 27.718919/0.870090
resLF x4
LF-InterNet x4
LF-DFnet x4
MEG-Net x4
LFT x4


  • Run to perform network training. Example for training [model_name] on 5x5 angular resolution for 2x/4x SR:
    $ python --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 2 --batch_size 8
    $ python --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 4 --batch_size 4
  • Checkpoints and Logs will be saved to ./log/, and the ./log/ has following structure:
    │    ├── SR_5x5_2x
    │    │    ├── [dataset_name]
    │    │         ├── [model_name]
    │    │         │    ├── [model_name]_log.txt
    │    │         │    ├── checkpoints
    │    │         │    │    ├── [model_name]_5x5_2x_epoch_01_model.pth
    │    │         │    │    ├── [model_name]_5x5_2x_epoch_02_model.pth
    │    │         │    │    ├── ...
    │    │         │    ├── results
    │    │         │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_01
    │    │         │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_02
    │    │         │    │    ├── ...
    │    │         ├── [other_model_name]
    │    │         ├── ...
    │    ├── SR_5x5_4x


  • Run to perform network inference. Example for test [model_name] on 5x5 angular resolution for 2x/4xSR:

    $ python --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 2  
    $ python --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 4 
  • The PSNR and SSIM values of each dataset will be saved to ./log/, and the ./log/ is following structure:

    │    ├── SR_5x5_2x
    │    │    ├── [dataset_name]
    │    │        ├── [model_name]
    │    │        │    ├── [model_name]_log.txt
    │    │        │    ├── checkpoints
    │    │        │    │   ├── ...
    │    │        │    ├── results
    │    │        │    │    ├── Test
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── evaluation.xls
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── [dataset_1_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_CenterView.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_SAI.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── views
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_0_0.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_0_1.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_4_4.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_2_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── [dataset_2_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_01
    │    │        │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        ├── [other_model_name]
    │    │        ├── ...
    │    ├── SR_5x5_4x


We provide some original super-resolved images and useful resources to facilitate researchers to reproduce the above results.

Other Recources


Any question regarding this work can be addressed to [email protected].

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