Official code repository for the EMNLP 2021 paper


Integrating Visuospatial, Linguistic and Commonsense Structure into Story Visualization

PyTorch code for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Integrating Visuospatial, Linguistic and Commonsense Structure into Story Visualization". See the arxiv paper here.


This code has been tested on torch==1.11.0.dev20211014 (nightly) and torchvision==0.12.0.dev20211014 (nightly)

Prepare Repository:

Download the PororoSV dataset and associated files from here and save it as ./data. Download GloVe embeddings (glove.840B.300D) from here. The default location of the embeddings is ./data/ (see ./dcsgan/miscc/

Extract Constituency Parses:

To install the Berkeley Neural Parser with SpaCy:

pip install benepar

To extract parses for PororoSV:

python --dataset pororo --data_dir <path-to-data-directory>

Extract Dense Captions:

We use the Dense Captioning Model implementation available here. Download the pretrained model as outlined in their repository. To extract dense captions for PororoSV:
python --config_json <path-to-config> --lut_path <path-to-VG-regions-dict-lite.pkl> --model_checkpoint <path-to-model-checkpoint> --img_path <path-to-data-directory> --box_per_img 10 --batch_size 1

Training VLC-StoryGAN:

To train VLC-StoryGAN for PororoSV:
python --cfg ./cfg/pororo_s1_vlc.yml --data_dir <path-to-data-directory> --dataset pororo\

Unless specified, the default output root directory for all model checkpoints is ./out/

Evaluation Models:

Please see here for evaluation models for character classification-based scores, BLEU2/3 and R-Precision.

To evaluate Frechet Inception Distance (FID):
python eval_vfid --img_ref_dir <path-to-image-directory-original images> --img_gen_dir <path-to-image-directory-generated-images> --mode <mode>

More details coming soon.


  title={Integrating Visuospatial, Linguistic and Commonsense Structure into Story Visualization},
  author={Maharana, Adyasha and Bansal, Mohit},
  • Question about FID score

    Question about FID score

    Hi, thank you for your great work!

    I have a question about implementing how to evaluate the FID score on your generated images. I tried to reproduce FID score using your pre-trained weight of DuCo-StoryGAN, but I couldn't reproduce your results shown in table 1 in your paper.

    Could you elaborate about how to reproduce your FID score?


    opened by dcahn12 4
  • mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied error.

    mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied error.


    When I run the train as specified in the Readme , I encounter the issue seen in the screenshot below: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied. And when I tried debugging, I saw issues in algo.train() -> netG.sample_videos -> self.ca_net. And the reason of this error is that the content_input shape is [12x1780] , while the fc in self.ca_net in/output size is [640x248].


    I'm unsure whether the dimension is incorrect, but I modified the fc layer dimension to run the code to the end. Unfortunately, the same errors have occurred several times after that, and since there is a case that the same Class is used in another function, I can't modify the layer anymore.

    How can I solve it? Or do I have a problem prior to training, such as 'prepare repository, extract constituency parses or dense captions', despite the fact that no issue has been shown to me?

    opened by hyeonjinXZ 4
  • The error: “Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: ‘epoch’, ‘netG_state_dict’, ‘optimizer_state_dict’.” when resume training.

    The error: “Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: ‘epoch’, ‘netG_state_dict’, ‘optimizer_state_dict’.” when resume training.

    I have an error: “Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: ‘epoch’, ‘netG_state_dict’, ‘optimizer_state_dict’.” when resume training. (below lines are full error, and I added my code at the bottom.)

    Would you let me know how to load model correctly?

    File "/project/6057220/xianzhen/storygan/vlcgan/", line 110, in load_network_stageI
    File "/home/xianzhen/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1482, in load_state_dict
    raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for StoryMarttGAN:
    Missing key(s) in state_dict: "recurrent.weight_ih", "recurrent.weight_hh", "recurrent.bias_ih", "recurrent.bias_hh", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.query.weight", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.query.bias", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.key.weight", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.key.bias", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.value.weight", "moconn.layer.0.attention.self.value.bias", "moconn.layer.0.attention.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.0.attention.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.0.attention.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.0.attention.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_initilizer.init_memory_bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.bias", "", "", "", "", "", "", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_augmented_attention.value.bias", "moconn.layer.0.hidden_intermediate.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.0.hidden_intermediate.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.0.memory_projection.weight", "moconn.layer.0.memory_projection.bias", "moconn.layer.0.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.0.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.0.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.0.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.query.weight", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.query.bias", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.key.weight", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.key.bias", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.value.weight", "moconn.layer.1.attention.self.value.bias", "moconn.layer.1.attention.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.1.attention.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.1.attention.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.1.attention.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_initilizer.init_memory_bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.bias", "", "", "", "", "", "", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_augmented_attention.value.bias", "moconn.layer.1.hidden_intermediate.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.1.hidden_intermediate.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.1.memory_projection.weight", "moconn.layer.1.memory_projection.bias", "moconn.layer.1.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.1.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.1.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.1.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.query.weight", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.query.bias", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.key.weight", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.key.bias", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.value.weight", "moconn.layer.2.attention.self.value.bias", "moconn.layer.2.attention.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.2.attention.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.2.attention.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.2.attention.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_initilizer.init_memory_bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.bias", "", "", "", "", "", "", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_augmented_attention.value.bias", "moconn.layer.2.hidden_intermediate.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.2.hidden_intermediate.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.2.memory_projection.weight", "moconn.layer.2.memory_projection.bias", "moconn.layer.2.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.2.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.2.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.2.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.query.weight", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.query.bias", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.key.weight", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.key.bias", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.value.weight", "moconn.layer.3.attention.self.value.bias", "moconn.layer.3.attention.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.3.attention.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.3.attention.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.3.attention.output.LayerNorm.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_initilizer.init_memory_bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.0.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_initilizer.init_memory_fc.1.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_updater.memory_update_attention.value.bias", "", "", "", "", "", "", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.query.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.query.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.key.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.key.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.value.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_augmented_attention.value.bias", "moconn.layer.3.hidden_intermediate.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.3.hidden_intermediate.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.3.memory_projection.weight", "moconn.layer.3.memory_projection.bias", "moconn.layer.3.output.dense.weight", "moconn.layer.3.output.dense.bias", "moconn.layer.3.output.LayerNorm.weight", "moconn.layer.3.output.LayerNorm.bias", "pooler.context_vector", "pooler.fc.0.weight", "pooler.fc.0.bias", "pooler.fc.1.weight", "pooler.fc.1.bias", "pooler.fc.1.running_mean", "pooler.fc.1.running_var", "embeddings.word_embeddings.weight", "embeddings.word_fc.0.weight", "embeddings.word_fc.0.bias", "embeddings.word_fc.2.weight", "embeddings.word_fc.2.bias", "embeddings.word_fc.4.weight", "embeddings.word_fc.4.bias", "", "embeddings.LayerNorm.weight", "embeddings.LayerNorm.bias", "tag_embeddings.weight", "map_embed.weight", "map_embed.bias", "ca_net.fc.weight", "ca_net.fc.bias", "fc.0.weight", "fc.1.weight", "fc.1.bias", "fc.1.running_mean", "fc.1.running_var", "filter_net.0.weight", "filter_net.0.bias", "filter_net.1.weight", "filter_net.1.bias", "filter_net.1.running_mean", "filter_net.1.running_var", "image_net.0.weight", "image_net.0.bias", "image_net.1.weight", "image_net.1.bias", "image_net.1.running_mean", "image_net.1.running_var", "mart_fc.0.weight", "mart_fc.0.bias", "mart_fc.1.weight", "mart_fc.1.bias", "mart_fc.1.running_mean", "mart_fc.1.running_var", "upsample1.1.weight", "upsample1.2.weight", "upsample1.2.bias", "upsample1.2.running_mean", "upsample1.2.running_var", "upsample2.1.weight", "upsample2.2.weight", "upsample2.2.bias", "upsample2.2.running_mean", "upsample2.2.running_var", "upsample3.1.weight", "upsample3.2.weight", "upsample3.2.bias", "upsample3.2.running_mean", "upsample3.2.running_var", "next_g.att.conv_context.weight", "next_g.att.conv_sentence_vis.weight", "next_g.att.linear.weight", "next_g.att.linear.bias", "next_g.residual.0.block.0.weight", "next_g.residual.0.block.1.weight", "next_g.residual.0.block.1.bias", "next_g.residual.0.block.1.running_mean", "next_g.residual.0.block.1.running_var", "next_g.residual.0.block.3.weight", "next_g.residual.0.block.4.weight", "next_g.residual.0.block.4.bias", "next_g.residual.0.block.4.running_mean", "next_g.residual.0.block.4.running_var", "next_g.residual.1.block.0.weight", "next_g.residual.1.block.1.weight", "next_g.residual.1.block.1.bias", "next_g.residual.1.block.1.running_mean", "next_g.residual.1.block.1.running_var", "next_g.residual.1.block.3.weight", "next_g.residual.1.block.4.weight", "next_g.residual.1.block.4.bias", "next_g.residual.1.block.4.running_mean", "next_g.residual.1.block.4.running_var", "next_g.residual.2.block.0.weight", "next_g.residual.2.block.1.weight", "next_g.residual.2.block.1.bias", "next_g.residual.2.block.1.running_mean", "next_g.residual.2.block.1.running_var", "next_g.residual.2.block.3.weight", "next_g.residual.2.block.4.weight", "next_g.residual.2.block.4.bias", "next_g.residual.2.block.4.running_mean", "next_g.residual.2.block.4.running_var", "next_g.residual.3.block.0.weight", "next_g.residual.3.block.1.weight", "next_g.residual.3.block.1.bias", "next_g.residual.3.block.1.running_mean", "next_g.residual.3.block.1.running_var", "next_g.residual.3.block.3.weight", "next_g.residual.3.block.4.weight", "next_g.residual.3.block.4.bias", "next_g.residual.3.block.4.running_mean", "next_g.residual.3.block.4.running_var", "next_g.upsample.1.weight", "next_g.upsample.2.weight", "next_g.upsample.2.bias", "next_g.upsample.2.running_mean", "next_g.upsample.2.running_var", "next_g.conv.weight", "next_img.0.weight", "next_img_.0.weight", "m_net.0.weight", "m_net.0.bias", "m_net.1.weight", "m_net.1.bias", "m_net.1.running_mean", "m_net.1.running_var", "c_net.0.weight", "c_net.0.bias", "c_net.1.weight", "c_net.1.bias", "c_net.1.running_mean", "c_net.1.running_var".
    Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "epoch", "netG_state_dict", "optimizer_state_dict".
    def load_network_stageI(self):
            from .model import StoryGAN, STAGE1_D_IMG, STAGE1_D_STY_V2, StoryMarttGAN
            if self.use_martt:
                netG = StoryMarttGAN(self.cfg, self.video_len)
                netG = StoryGAN(self.cfg, self.video_len)
            if self.cfg.NET_G != '':
                state_dict = \
                               map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
                print('Load from: ', self.cfg.NET_G)
            if self.use_image_disc:
                if self.cfg.DATASET_NAME == 'youcook2':
                    use_categories = False
                    use_categories = True
                netD_im = STAGE1_D_IMG(self.cfg, use_categories=use_categories)
                if self.cfg.NET_D_IM != '':
                    state_dict = \
                                   map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
                    print('Load from: ', self.cfg.NET_D_IM)
                netD_im = None
            if self.use_story_disc:
                netD_st = STAGE1_D_STY_V2(self.cfg)
                # for m in netD_st.modules():
                #     print(m.__class__.__name__)
                if self.cfg.NET_D_ST != '':
                    state_dict = \
                                   map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
                    print('Load from: ', self.cfg.NET_D_ST)
                netD_st = None
    opened by hyeonjinXZ 2
  • why there is logits_per_image.t() in contrastive loss?

    why there is logits_per_image.t() in contrastive loss?

    Hello, there!

    In the, there is two kinds of loss values (loss_i and loss_t) in line 184 and 185. And the function calculate the average of them.

    Why to calculate like this? I didn't figure out the meaning of this. And what is the difference with the loss below? loss = loss_fct(logits_per_image, labels)

    opened by hyeonjinXZ 1
  • How to run code?

    How to run code?

    Hi, I'm eager to evaluate FID, but I'm not sure how to run the Because there is no flintstones_data which should be imported. Also I tried using in StoryViz, but there is another issue: no file named "img-%s-%s.png' % (item, k)". In my result folder, there is no file like "img-%s-%s.png' % (item, k)".

    Would you tell me how to run file?

    opened by hyeonjinXZ 1
  • Loading Parser Problem

    Loading Parser Problem


    Thanks for sharing this superb and promising work!

    I am facing some problems when loading the parser. I have tried to keep the as it is but I got the following:

    Loading parser usage: [-h] [--sum] N [N ...] : error: the following arguments are required: N An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback. SystemExit: 2

    But when I changed the parser.add_argument from positional arguments to the different argument I got the following: "args has no attribute dataset".

    Knowing that my args type is as outlined below: Namespace(**{'data_dir <path_to_data_directory>': None, 'dataset pororo': 'pororo'}) which seems unworkable.

    opened by AhmedEwis 1
  • TypeError: load() missing 1 required positional argument: 'Loader'

    TypeError: load() missing 1 required positional argument: 'Loader'

    I have run the following command in the terminal but it is not working.

    python --cfg ./cfg/pororo_s1_vlc.yml --data_dir ./data --dataset pororo\

    May I know what I am missing?


    opened by AhmedEwis 0
  • Getting a key error while training the VLCGan

    Getting a key error while training the VLCGan

    I am getting the key error ":" (The missing key is ':') in the story loader .

    File "", line 206, in algo.train(imageloader, storyloader, testloader, cfg.STAGE) File "/home/dwivedi7/VLCStoryGan/vlcgan/", line 246, in train for i, data in tqdm(enumerate(storyloader, 0)): File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tqdm/", line 1195, in iter for obj in iterable: File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 681, in next data = self._next_data() File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 1376, in _next_data return self._process_data(data) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 1402, in _process_data data.reraise() File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/", line 461, in reraise raise exception KeyError: Caught KeyError in DataLoader worker process 0..

    Please let me know if this issue can be resolved.

    opened by dwivediagam 0
  • checkpoint


    Hello, I'd like to finetune parameter on your model . Could you provide the checkpoint of netD_im and netD_st which are not given ? Thanks for your help!

    opened by wruii 0
  • How to processing multi GPU?

    How to processing multi GPU?


    I'd like to processing with multi GPU. So I set the gpu_id from 0 to 0,1. GPU_ID: '0,1' in pororo_s1_vlc.yml . And I used nn.parallel.data_parallel too. ( But I got an error: AttributeError: 'DataParallel' object has no attribute 'sample_videos'.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 225, in <module>
      File "/project/6057220/xianzhen/storygan/vlcgan/", line 353, in train
        lr_st_fake, st_fake, m_mu, m_logvar, c_mu, c_logvar, s_word = netG.sample_videos(*st_inputs)
      File "/home/xianzhen/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1177, in __getattr__
        raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(
    AttributeError: 'DataParallel' object has no attribute 'sample_videos'
    1. how to I solve it?
    2. Is there any reason you didn't use DistributedDataParallel?
    opened by hyeonjinXZ 0
  • Loading parser: `nlp.add_pipe` now takes the string name of the registered component factory, not a callable component. Expected string, but got <benepar.integrations.spacy_plugin.BeneparComponent object at 0x0000026D190BAB50> (name: 'None').

    Loading parser: `nlp.add_pipe` now takes the string name of the registered component factory, not a callable component. Expected string, but got (name: 'None').

    I am not able to load the parser correctly after implementing the code, knowing that I am using benepar_en3 (integrated with spaCy 3.2.0).
    Error: alueError: [E966] nlp.add_pipe now takes the string name of the registered component factory, not a callable component. Expected string, but got <benepar.integrations.spacy_plugin.BeneparComponent object at 0x0000026D190BAB50> (name: 'None').

    • If you created your component with nlp.create_pipe('name'): remove nlp.create_pipe and call nlp.add_pipe('name') instead.

    • If you passed in a component like TextCategorizer(): call nlp.add_pipe with the string name instead, e.g. nlp.add_pipe('textcat').

    • If you're using a custom component: Add the decorator @Language.component (for function components) or @Language.factory (for class components / factories) to your custom component and assign it a name, e.g. @Language.component('your_name'). You can then run nlp.add_pipe('your_name') to add it to the pipeline.

    opened by AhmedEwis 1
Adyasha Maharana
Adyasha Maharana
This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of the paper STaCK: Sentence Ordering with Temporal Commonsense Knowledge appearing at EMNLP 2021.

STaCK: Sentence Ordering with Temporal Commonsense Knowledge This repository contains the pytorch implementation of the paper STaCK: Sentence Ordering

Deep Cognition and Language Research (DeCLaRe) Lab 23 Dec 16, 2022
Official repository for Jia, Raghunathan, Göksel, and Liang, "Certified Robustness to Adversarial Word Substitutions" (EMNLP 2019)

Certified Robustness to Adversarial Word Substitutions This is the official GitHub repository for the following paper: Certified Robustness to Adversa

Robin Jia 38 Oct 16, 2022
Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts". Coming soon!

ToxiChat Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts". Install depen

Ashutosh Baheti 11 Jan 1, 2023
Code for EMNLP 2021 paper Contrastive Out-of-Distribution Detection for Pretrained Transformers.

Contra-OOD Code for EMNLP 2021 paper Contrastive Out-of-Distribution Detection for Pretrained Transformers. Requirements PyTorch Transformers datasets

Wenxuan Zhou 27 Oct 28, 2022
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"

Text-AutoAugment (TAA) This repository contains the code for our paper Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classific

LancoPKU 105 Jan 3, 2023
PyTorch code for EMNLP 2021 paper: Don't be Contradicted with Anything! CI-ToD: Towards Benchmarking Consistency for Task-oriented Dialogue System

Don’t be Contradicted with Anything!CI-ToD: Towards Benchmarking Consistency for Task-oriented Dialogue System This repository contains the PyTorch im

Libo Qin 25 Sep 6, 2022
PyTorch code for EMNLP 2021 paper: Don't be Contradicted with Anything! CI-ToD: Towards Benchmarking Consistency for Task-oriented Dialogue System

PyTorch code for EMNLP 2021 paper: Don't be Contradicted with Anything! CI-ToD: Towards Benchmarking Consistency for Task-oriented Dialogue System

Libo Qin 12 Sep 26, 2021
This repo is the code release of EMNLP 2021 conference paper "Connect-the-Dots: Bridging Semantics between Words and Definitions via Aligning Word Sense Inventories".

Connect-the-Dots: Bridging Semantics between Words and Definitions via Aligning Word Sense Inventories This repo is the code release of EMNLP 2021 con

null 12 Nov 22, 2022
Code for our EMNLP 2021 paper “Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Keyphrase Generation”

GATER This repository contains the code for our EMNLP 2021 paper “Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Keyphrase Generation”. Our implementation is

Jiacheng Ye 12 Nov 24, 2022
Code for our paper Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction as Paraphrase Generation in EMNLP 2021.

Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction (ASQP) This repo contains the annotated data and code for our paper Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction as Paraphrase Ge

Isaac 39 Dec 11, 2022
Implementation for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Interactive Machine Comprehension with Dynamic Knowledge Graphs".

Interactive Machine Comprehension with Dynamic Knowledge Graphs Implementation for the EMNLP 2021 paper. Dependencies apt-get -y update apt-get instal

Xingdi (Eric) Yuan 19 Aug 23, 2022
Related resources for our EMNLP 2021 paper

Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning Authors: Yixuan Su, David Vandyke, Sihui Wang, Yimai Fang, and Nigel Collier Code

Yixuan Su 61 Jan 3, 2023
Abstractive opinion summarization system (SelSum) and the largest dataset of Amazon product summaries (AmaSum). EMNLP 2021 conference paper.

Learning Opinion Summarizers by Selecting Informative Reviews This repository contains the codebase and the dataset for the corresponding EMNLP 2021

Arthur Bražinskas 39 Jan 1, 2023
Pytorch implementation of paper "Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models" (EMNLP 2021)

Pytorch implementation of paper "Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models" (EMNLP 2021)

Junxian He 57 Jan 1, 2023
EMNLP 2021 paper Models and Datasets for Cross-Lingual Summarisation.

This repository contains data and code for our EMNLP 2021 paper Models and Datasets for Cross-Lingual Summarisation. Please contact me at [email protected]

null 9 Oct 28, 2022
Code and data for "Broaden the Vision: Geo-Diverse Visual Commonsense Reasoning" (EMNLP 2021).

GD-VCR Code for Broaden the Vision: Geo-Diverse Visual Commonsense Reasoning (EMNLP 2021). Research Questions and Aims: How well can a model perform o

Da Yin 24 Oct 13, 2022
Code and data to accompany the camera-ready version of "Cross-Attention is All You Need: Adapting Pretrained Transformers for Machine Translation" in EMNLP 2021

Code and data to accompany the camera-ready version of "Cross-Attention is All You Need: Adapting Pretrained Transformers for Machine Translation" in EMNLP 2021

Mozhdeh Gheini 16 Jul 16, 2022
CVPR 2021 - Official code repository for the paper: On Self-Contact and Human Pose.

selfcontact This repo is part of our project: On Self-Contact and Human Pose. [Project Page] [Paper] [MPI Project Page] It includes the main function

Lea Müller 68 Dec 6, 2022
CVPR 2021 - Official code repository for the paper: On Self-Contact and Human Pose.

SMPLify-XMC This repo is part of our project: On Self-Contact and Human Pose. [Project Page] [Paper] [MPI Project Page] License Software Copyright Lic

Lea Müller 83 Dec 14, 2022