An Extendible (General) Continual Learning Framework based on Pytorch - official codebase of Dark Experience for General Continual Learning


Mammoth - An Extendible (General) Continual Learning Framework for Pytorch


STAY TUNED: We are working on an update of this repository to include the codebase of our extended paper Class-Incremental Continual Learning into the eXtended DER-verse.

Official repository of Dark Experience for General Continual Learning: a Strong, Simple Baseline

Sequential MNIST Sequential CIFAR-10 Sequential TinyImagenet Permuted MNIST Rotated MNIST MNIST-360


  • Use ./utils/ to run experiments.
  • Use argument --load_best_args to use the best hyperparameters from the paper.
  • New models can be added to the models/ folder.
  • New datasets can be added to the datasets/ folder.


  • Gradient Episodic Memory (GEM)
  • A-GEM
  • A-GEM with Reservoir (A-GEM-R)
  • Experience Replay (ER)
  • Meta-Experience Replay (MER)
  • Function Distance Regularization (FDR)
  • Greedy gradient-based Sample Selection (GSS)
  • Hindsight Anchor Learning (HAL)
  • Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning (iCaRL)
  • online Elastic Weight Consolidation (oEWC)
  • Synaptic Intelligence
  • Learning without Forgetting
  • Progressive Neural Networks
  • Dark Experience Replay (DER)
  • Dark Experience Replay++ (DER++)


Class-Il / Task-IL settings

  • Sequential MNIST
  • Sequential CIFAR-10
  • Sequential Tiny ImageNet

Domain-IL settings

  • Permuted MNIST
  • Rotated MNIST

General Continual Learning setting

  • MNIST-360

Citing this work

 author = {Buzzega, Pietro and Boschini, Matteo and Porrello, Angelo and Abati, Davide and Calderara, Simone},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {H. Larochelle and M. Ranzato and R. Hadsell and M. F. Balcan and H. Lin},
 pages = {15920--15930},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {Dark Experience for General Continual Learning: a Strong, Simple Baseline},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2020}
  • Proper Benchmarking for DER and DER++

    Proper Benchmarking for DER and DER++


    I'm looking to add DER / DER++ results as a baseline in my paper. I'm interested in the setting where only a single pass is done through the dataset (i.e. num_epochs == 1). I was wondering if you had any advice / suggestions regarding hyperparameter selections in this setting ? Specifically alpha and beta and the learning rate. Thanks in advance :)

    and great job on the library! I'm usually not a fan; I usually find them too convoluted. This one is super minimal and easy to play with đź‘Ś

    opened by cl-for-life 6
  • Issues about the implementation of the **soft** cross entropy loss for LwF

    Issues about the implementation of the **soft** cross entropy loss for LwF

    Hi, amazing work!

    I have a question about the implementation of the cross entropy loss for the soft labels.

    In the LwF, you used the following code:

    def smooth(logits, temp, dim):
        log = logits ** (1 / temp)
        return log / torch.sum(log, dim).unsqueeze(1)
    def modified_kl_div(old, new):
        return -torch.mean(torch.sum(old * torch.log(new), 1))

    and when you compute the loss between two logits, you use

    modified_kl_div(smooth(self.soft(logits_a), 2, 1),
                                 smooth(self.soft(logits_b), 2, 1))

    I was wondering if there is a particular reason you did this instead of

    torch.mean(softmax(logits_a/temp) * logsoftmax(logits/temp))

    Thank you so much and looking forward to your response!

    opened by haizhou-shi 4
  • Doubt related to transform in the

    Doubt related to transform in the


    I have a question related to the and, specifically related to the applied transforms for the data augmentation. Following are the transformation used in der for split cifar 10

        RandomCrop(size=(32, 32), padding=4)
        Normalize(mean=(0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), std=(0.247, 0.2435, 0.2615))

    While we store the samples in the buffer, we always save the non-augmented inputs and the corresponding logits, as shown in the following snippet.

        def add_data(self, examples, labels=None, logits=None, task_labels=None):
            if not hasattr(self, 'examples'):
                self.init_tensors(examples, labels, logits, task_labels)
            for i in range(examples.shape[0]):
                index = reservoir(self.num_seen_examples, self.buffer_size)
                self.num_seen_examples += 1
                if index >= 0:
                    self.examples[index] = examples[i].to(self.device)
                    if labels is not None:
                        self.labels[index] = labels[i].to(self.device)
                    if logits is not None:
                        self.logits[index] = logits[i].to(self.device)
                    if task_labels is not None:
                        self.task_labels[index] = task_labels[i].to(self.device)

    Now, when we call get_all_elements or get_data

        def get_data(self, size: int, transform: transforms=None) -> Tuple:
            Random samples a batch of size items.
            :param size: the number of requested items
            :param transform: the transformation to be applied (data augmentation)
            if size > min(self.num_seen_examples, self.examples.shape[0]):
                size = min(self.num_seen_examples, self.examples.shape[0])
            choice = np.random.choice(min(self.num_seen_examples, self.examples.shape[0]),
                                      size=size, replace=False)
            if transform is None: transform = lambda x: x
            ret_tuple = (torch.stack([transform(ee.cpu())
                                for ee in self.examples[choice]]).to(self.device),)
            for attr_str in self.attributes[1:]:
                if hasattr(self, attr_str):
                    attr = getattr(self, attr_str)
                    ret_tuple += (attr[choice],)
            return ret_tuple

    It applies the set of transformations, on the non_augmented examples.

    Now my question is the following- when we request for the elements from the buffer, would the transformation on the top of non_augmented images still be the same, which generated the corresponding logits.? Since the transforms are stochastic, (crop/flip), it seems to give different example in contrast with the original transformed input, which generated the logits.

    It will be great if you can answer my query, thanks!!

    opened by bhattg 4
  • Gradient computation in case of multi-head (task incremental setting)

    Gradient computation in case of multi-head (task incremental setting)


    Thanks for the great baseline. I was looking at the code implementation for A-GEM models/ and in particular the training pipeline for the multi-headed case. In this regard, I have a few doubts about the code.

    During the forward pass in the case of a multi-headed setting (Task-IL), when we say have classes [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] in task 0, why is there no-masking? From what I've understood from the code flow, the following calls happen:

    (I am only mentioning the steps for the A-GEM, therefore will be omitting the steps not required in A-GEM)

    for epoch in range(args.n_epochs):
        for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
            if hasattr(dataset.train_loader.dataset, 'logits'):
                # ignoring this
                inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs = data
                inputs, labels =,
                not_aug_inputs =
                loss = model.observe(inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs)

    When model.observe(inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs is called, it executes the following steps:

    p =
    loss = self.loss(p, labels) #Here why there is no masking on the output p, for the classes corresponding to the other tasks? 
    return loss.item()

    As I've mentioned in the comment on line 3, why there is no masking on the output p, for the classes corresponding to the other tasks? If there is no masking then the weights corresponding to the classes in the other tasks will also change, and thus defeating the purpose for multi-head.

    Similarly, for computing the reference gradient (in the observe function, inside, why there is no masking corresponding to the tasks in the memory buffer?

    if not self.buffer.is_empty():
        store_grad(self.parameters, self.grad_xy, self.grad_dims)
        buf_inputs, buf_labels = self.buffer.get_data(self.args.minibatch_size, transform=self.transform)
        buf_outputs =
        penalty = self.loss(buf_outputs, buf_labels)

    All of these things are present in the original A-GEM source code (TF implementation) Line 392 to Line 426

    Please let me know your thoughts on my concerns. Thanks for the PyTorch implementations.

    opened by bhattg 4
  • Mask shape error in xder code implementation

    Mask shape error in xder code implementation

    Hello. Thank you for your recent work and for sharing xder code.

    While I tried to reproduce your work on my one, I encountered a troublesome as follows.

    File ".../models/", line 143, in update_logits gt_values = old[torch.arange(len(gt)), gt] IndexError: The shape of the mask [32] at index 0 does not match the shape of the indexed tensor [32, 10] at index 1

    Have you ever met such problem? I'd like to ask you how to fix it. Thank you.

    opened by oyt9306 3
  • ICarl seq-tinyimg accuracy

    ICarl seq-tinyimg accuracy

    Hi! I have a question about the results reported in the paper "Dark Experience for General Continual Learning: a Strong, Simple Baseline" When I run: python ./utils/ --model=icarl --dataset=seq-tinyimg --load_best_args --buffer_size=200 the accuracy is around 14% but in the paper the accuracy is around 7%. Have I done something wrong? Thank you in advance.

    opened by gab709 2
  • Resolving python package errors

    Resolving python package errors

    Hi, thanks for this awesome library.

    When I tried running

    python utils/ --model=icarl --dataset=seq-cifar10 --buffer_size=500

    I got the following error:

    joseph@machine:~/workspace/mammoth$ python utils/ --model=icarl --dataset=seq-cifar10 --buffer_size=500
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "utils/", line 7, in <module>
        from datasets import NAMES as DATASET_NAMES
    ImportError: cannot import name 'NAMES'

    I could resolve this by adding:

    import os
    import sys
    conf_path = os.getcwd()
    sys.path.append(conf_path + '/datasets')
    sys.path.append(conf_path + '/backbone')
    sys.path.append(conf_path + '/models')

    to mammoth/utils/

    I have updated my fork with it.

    I just thought of brining it up here, so that no one else might fret around this issue.


    opened by JosephKJ 2
  • iCARL method not working.

    iCARL method not working.

    Hi, I was using the library and it seems like the iCARL method is not working. I figured out the reason and it seems like while selecting the samples to store for the buffer, the normalization transformation is to be applied onto the whole batch of images. The transform.Normalize only work for a single image. An easy fix is to do replace this with feats =[norm_trans(aa).unsqueeze(0) for aa in not_norm_x]), returnt='features')

    This might not be the most efficient way but it works. I hope this helps!

    opened by prateeky2806 1
  • How do I provide the continual learning setting?

    How do I provide the continual learning setting?

    Hi, thank you for the amazing paper and repository. I am trying to run some experiments on CIFAR100 in task incremental setting with 10 different 10-way classification tasks. Can you please tell me how to specify the continual learning setting for different methods? For example, I see der is compatible with incremental and task-incremental settings so how do I specficy which setting I want to run experiments for? If you can list a few example command it would be very helpful as I don't se an argparse argument for this.

    Thanks, Prateek

    opened by prateeky2806 1
  • Gradients of fc1.weight are always zero during the training

    Gradients of fc1.weight are always zero during the training

    How to reproduce? Add the following line of code in line 107 of to view the gradient values stored in the parameters of the fc1 layer after each task. Only bias is being updated.

    for name, param in model.named_parameters():
        if 'net.fc1' in name:
            print(name, param.grad) 

    Test script on seq-mnist dataset using der model python3 utils/ --model der --dataset seq-mnist --lr 0.03 --batch_size=16 --n_epochs=1 --buffer_size=500 --minibatch_size=16 --alpha=0.1 Also tested on derpp, agem, lwf models and on rot-mnist dataset.

    opened by shafeef901 1
  • Question regarding EWC_ON

    Question regarding EWC_ON

    Dear authors, I reciprocated your results on ewc_on using your code. I could get 19.49% on CIFAR-10(same as yours). However, I see that catastrophic forgetting is actually catastrophic i.e performance on previous tasks hit zero once the model is past those tasks. Please see graph attached for more info. acc_mean: acc_mean

    acc_task01: acc_task01

    acc_task02: acc_task02

    Please let me know whether this is due to the implementation or is it a proper behavior of ewc_on.

    opened by bhat-prashant 1
  • Cannot reproduce the result of X-Der reported in paper.

    Cannot reproduce the result of X-Der reported in paper.

    Hi! I try to use the code (without any change) to reproduce the result of X-Der on Cifar-100 with buffer size of 500. However, I could not reproduce the result 49.93 but only reach the results of 48.34(average), 48.89(max) after 10 experiments. Could you please give any help or explanation? Besides, I notice that another work of your group LiDER also follow the same benchmark but reports different results on the competitor methods (like icarl and x-Der-RPC) with the results in your paper. I plan to follow your work but these two problems make me confused. It will be thankful if you could give any advice or explanation, thanks!

    opened by Taylorfire 4
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