Practical tutorials and labs for TensorFlow used by Nvidia, FFN, CNN, RNN, Kaggle, AE


TensorFlow Tutorial - used by Nvidia

Learn TensorFlow from scratch by examples and visualizations with interactive jupyter notebooks. Learn to compete in the Kaggle leaf detection challenge!

All exercises are designed to be run from a CPU on a laptop, but can be accelerated with GPU resources.

Lab 1-4 was used in the Deep Learning using TensorFlow in London by Nvidia and Persontyle


Labs 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been translated from Theano/Lasagne with minor modifications from the following repositories: Nvidia Summer Camp and 02456 deep learning. Original authors: skaae, casperkaae and larsmaaloee.

Thanks to professor Ole Winther for supervision and sponsoring the labs.

Setup and Installation

Guides for downloading and installing TensorFlow on Linux, OSX and Windows using Docker can be found here.


The material consists of 5 labs.

Lab1 - FFN

Logistic regression, feed forward neural network (FFN) on the (in)famous MNIST!

Optional reading material from Michael Nielsen chapters 1-4 (Do 3-5 of the optional exercises).

Lab2 - CNN

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Spatial Transformer on images.

Optional reading material from Michael Nielsen chapter 6 (stop when reaching section called Other approaches to deep neural nets).

Lab3 - RNN

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on Translation using Encoder-Decoder model and Encoder-Decoder with attention.

Optional reading material from Alex Graves chapters 3.1, 3.2 and 4,

Lab4 - Kaggle

Compete in the kaggle competition Leaf Classification using FFN, CNN and RNN.

Lab5 - AE

Unsupervised learning with autoencoder (AE) reconstructing the MNIST from only two latent variables.

Optional reading material from chapter 14.

  • Only folders available in container(shared directory)

    Only folders available in container(shared directory)

    I have cloned the repository to C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Docker so that i have C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Docker\tensorflow_tutorial\download-and-setup and so on. if I run the following command: docker run -p 8888:8888 -v C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Docker\tensorflow_tutorial:/mnt/myproject -it alrojo/tf-sklearn-cpu I have a folder named tensorflow_tutorial within /mnt/myproject/ but no files. If i change the folder for sharing i can see subdirectories but not still not the content of these. I feel like the point of a shared directory is to be able to share files?

    opened by ellonde 9
  • How to make prediction for new cases in lab3_RNN ?

    How to make prediction for new cases in lab3_RNN ?

    Hi ,

    Its more or like a pull request . You have defined both training and validation in the decoder itself . So , I know the idea behind making new prediction .

    The problem with the validation inside tf_utils.decoder is , it is always expecting the target . But for making a prediction ( without having targets , basically predicting the target ) , we need to have a separate function . How to write that ? I know , the idea , taking the first target as EOS , and then keep on finding the argmax until we reach max_length or another EOS . Can you help to make a function , doing the same ?

    opened by s4sarath 7
  • Print tails

    Print tails

    I had a suggestion, but realized it was not a big deal. And I don't know how to delete my own issue.

    Thanks a lot for the tutorial. I have learned so much!

    opened by alexhallam 1
  • Just a little typo

    Just a little typo

    operations = [ for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()]
    variables = [ for var in tf.all_variables()]

    The print on last line should be: print(variables)

    opened by alexhallam 1
  • Lab4 Kaggle - argument typo

    Lab4 Kaggle - argument typo

    In lab4 "Build the model", convolutional2d is called as

    # wrapping conv with batch_norm
    def conv(l_in, num_outputs, kernel_size, scope, stride=1):
        return convolution2d(l_in, num_outputs=num_outputs, kernel_size=kernel_size,
                             stride=stride, normalize_fn=batch_norm, scope=scope)

    Which produces:

    TypeError: convolution2d() got an unexpected keyword argument 'normalize_fn'

    It should be "normalizer_fn". Adding that missing R makes it works perfectly.

    opened by LecJackS 1
  • tf.pack should be renamed to tf.stack

    tf.pack should be renamed to tf.stack

    In lab2_CNN/lab2_CNN.ipynb, there is an AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'pack'. It should be renamed to tf.stack according to

    opened by umbraclet16 1
  • Docker


    Hi alrojo,

    I am sure that most people have had some experience with docker. I have never used it so I had some difficulty getting Tensorboard up with the following commands. I also checked out the man page, but it seemed that there were multiple options for one flag. Would you be able to expound on the following commands?

    > docker run -p 6006:6006 -v $PATH\_TO\_FOLDER/tensorflow_tutorial:/mnt/myproject -it alrojo/tf-sklearn-cpu
    > cd mnt/myproject/lab6_Kaggle
    > tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard

    Thanks again for the great tutorial!

    opened by alexhallam 0
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