ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.


ARA Records Ansible

ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.

It's another recursive acronym.


What it does

Simple to install and get started, ara provides reporting by saving detailed and granular results of ansible and ansible-playbook commands wherever you run them:

  • by hand or from a script
  • from a laptop, a desktop, a container or a server
  • for development, CI or production
  • from a linux distribution or even on OS X (as long as you have python >= 3.5)
  • from tools such as AWX or Tower, Jenkins, GitLab CI, Rundeck, Zuul, Molecule, ansible-pull, ansible-test or ansible-runner

By default, ara's Ansible callback plugin will record data to a local sqlite database without requiring you to run a server or a service:


ara can also provide a single pane of glass when recording data from multiple locations by pointing the callback plugin to a running API server:


The data is then made available for browsing, searching and querying over the included reporting interface, a CLI client as well as a REST API.

How it works

ARA Records Ansible execution results to sqlite, mysql or postgresql databases by using an Ansible callback plugin.

This callback plugin leverages built-in python API clients to send data to a REST API server:


What it looks like

API browser

Included by the API server with django-rest-framework, the API browser allows users to navigate the different API endpoints and query recorded data.


Reporting interface

A simple reporting interface built-in to the API server without any extra dependencies.


ara CLI

A built-in CLI client for querying and managing playbooks and their recorded data.


The full list of commands, their arguments as well as examples can be found in the CLI documentation.

Getting started


  • Any recent Linux distribution or Mac OS with python >=3.5 available
  • The ara Ansible plugins must be installed for the same python interpreter as Ansible itself

For RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 it is recommended to run the API server in a container due to missing or outdated dependencies. See this issue for more information.

Recording playbooks without an API server

With defaults and using a local sqlite database:

# Install Ansible and ARA (with API server dependencies) for the current user
python3 -m pip install --user ansible "ara[server]"

# Configure Ansible to use the ARA callback plugin
export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="$(python3 -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)"

# Run an Ansible playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml

# Use the CLI to see recorded playbooks
ara playbook list

# Start the built-in development server to browse recorded results
ara-manage runserver

Recording playbooks with an API server

You can get an API server deployed using the ara Ansible collection or get started quickly using the container images from DockerHub and

# Create a directory for a volume to store settings and a sqlite database
mkdir -p ~/.ara/server

# Start an API server with podman from the image on DockerHub:
podman run --name api-server --detach --tty \
  --volume ~/.ara/server:/opt/ara:z -p 8000:8000 \

# or with docker from the image on
docker run --name api-server --detach --tty \
  --volume ~/.ara/server:/opt/ara:z -p 8000:8000 \

Once the server is running, ara's Ansible callback plugin must be installed and configured to send data to it:

# Install Ansible and ARA (without API server dependencies) for the current user
python3 -m pip install --user ansible ara

# Configure Ansible to use the ARA callback plugin
export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="$(python3 -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)"

# Set up the ARA callback to know where the API server is located
export ARA_API_CLIENT="http"
export ARA_API_SERVER=""

# Run an Ansible playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml

# Use the CLI to see recorded playbooks
ara playbook list

Data will be available on the API server in real time as the playbook progresses and completes.

You can read more about how container images are built and how to run them in the documentation.

Live demo

A live demo is deployed with the ara Ansible collection from Ansible galaxy.

It is available at


Documentation for installing, configuring, running and using ARA is available on

Community and getting help


Contributions to the project are welcome and appreciated !

Get started with the contributor's documentation.


Contributors to the project can be viewed on GitHub.


Copyright (c) 2021 The ARA Records Ansible authors

ARA Records Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

ARA Records Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ARA Records Ansible.  If not, see .
  • ui: Add a tasks page

    ui: Add a tasks page

    This adds a new task "index" page much like the one for playbooks and hosts. It is modelled after /api/v1/tasks.

    It's up for testing purposes on right now and looks like this: Peek 2021-12-04 19-56

    opened by dmsimard 42
  • Distinct hosts

    Distinct hosts

    Hi @dmsimard,

    I had another idea how to solve the "distinct hosts problem" (compare discussion here #218), with this WIP PR I want to share my idea and open the discussion:

    The idea is to create a new model DistinctHost with basically only two fields:

    • name: the hostname, which will be the primary key of the database table
    • latest_host: which is a ForeignKey to the Host model

    Thus in this model we have alway a list with all distinct hosts and directly the relation to the latest Host object.

    The trick now is to update the DistinctHost model if a new Host model entry will be created. We could do that already by overwriting the save method of the Host model, but I think that's not a best practice. And because in our case we only create Host entries via the API, I implemented a perform_create method on the HostViewSet, which updates (update_or_create) the DistinctHost model via an DistinctHostSerializer.

    For development and testing purposes I've also already added a API endpoint /api/v1/distincthosts with a ListSerializer and the enpoints /api/v1/distincthosts/HOSTNAME with a DetailedSerializer. Surely there could be still some improvements, but for first tests it should be enough.

    I haven't yet tested the performance in scale, but I do not see a reason why it should be slow.

    The advantage of my approach here, is that we do not touch existing model, but only introduce a new one. But with that we could now implement all the things we thought about in #218. Furthermore I see also an advantage in having an API endpoint with which you can directly check the last result for a host (/api/v1/distincthosts/HOSTNAME).

    opened by hille721 40
  • An Ansible collection for ARA

    An Ansible collection for ARA

    Ansible is moving forward with an approach called Ansible collections, see "The Future of Ansible Content Delivery".

    ARA has a lot of Ansible content and it might be worthwhile to consider packaging everything in an Ansible collection:


    • User guide:
    • Dev guide:

    Let's use this issue to discuss how we might do this.

    packaging ansible roles 
    opened by dmsimard 40
  • Ansible inventory hostnames longer than 255 characters lead to exceptions

    Ansible inventory hostnames longer than 255 characters lead to exceptions

    I updated to ara 1.5.6 hoping that it will fix it (see, but exceptions remain:

    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_play_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'id'
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_task_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'id'
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_ok) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'id'
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_skipped) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_stats) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f9ff7d6d3a0>): 'id'


    Ansible Version: 2.10.6
    ARA Version: 1.5.6

    Server side logs:

    bal. 19 13:19:56 localhost gunicorn[511750]: 2021-04-19 13:19:56,084 WARNING django.request: Bad Request: /api/v1/plays
    opened by nerijus 25
  • Add a localhost_to_hostname toggle in the ansible callback

    Add a localhost_to_hostname toggle in the ansible callback

    In use cases where playbooks are run against localhost, it might be useful to record results under the fqdn of the host instead in order to differentiate task results belonging to different hosts.


    • integration tests
    • docs
    opened by dmsimard 24
  • New UI Feedback & Improvements

    New UI Feedback & Improvements

    Hi @dmsimard,

    just checked your last work on the UI (PRs #226 and #227):

    As I already told you a few times, the new theme is great, the dark one, but also the bright one. Here just some feedback and possible improvements from my side:

    • for me it is really hard to read the labels in the dark theme image

    • due to the sorting option, the Date and Duration column is not aligned in the playbook index page: image

    • with you made the playbook reports card scrollable and constrained the height, which is great! Becasue the three cards are on the same row and the hosts cards is expanded by default, it would also make sense to expand the Files and Records cards per default as well (currently they are collapsed). At least if the screen is wide enough.

    • the heading of the file in the file page (e.g. is really huge: image

    • the heading of the results in loops is also really huge (/results/XXXXX.html) image

    • Maybe this is just because I was used to it, but I would put the Status column at the front of the row in the playbook index page. For me the first column is the eye catcher, and the most important thing is if the playbook was sucessfull or not. And I think the CLI column is not that important, thus I woul put it on the end, just before the Labels columen: image (see hille721/ara@6af62b3a551d0bf0ceb3b9ae3f9e5df0c04c6e2c)

    opened by hille721 19
  • Exception with ara running in AWX

    Exception with ara running in AWX

    What is the issue ?

    When Running ARA inside AWX i do get exceptions on some methods. As a result the playbook will never show finished in ARA and the data is incomplete. When running it from my workstation there is no problem.


    • Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_play_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f5a4d94fda0>): 'id'
    • Failure using method (v2_runner_on_skipped) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f5a4d94fda0>): 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    • Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_stats) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f5a4d94fda0>): 'id'


    • Ansible Version: 2.9.18
    • AWX Version 17.0.1
    • ARA Version: 1.5.4

    Server side Logs at the end of the playbook:

    [ara-7699dc477c-s9s9t ara] - admin [04/Mar/2021:10:08:43 +0000] "PATCH /api/v1/plays/3 HTTP/1.1" 200 328 "-" "ara-http-client_1.5.4" 
    [ara-7699dc477c-s9s9t ara] Bad Request: /api/v1/plays 
    [ara-7699dc477c-s9s9t ara] 2021-03-04 10:08:44,077 WARNING django.request: Bad Request: /api/v1/plays 
    [ara-7699dc477c-s9s9t ara] - admin [04/Mar/2021:10:08:44 +0000] "POST /api/v1/plays HTTP/1.1" 400 34 "-" "ara-http-client_1.5.4" 

    Related Client log message:

    WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_stats) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at
    0x7f5a4d94fda0>): 'id'
    Callback Exception: 
      File "/opt/custom-venvs/xx/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/executor/", line 381, in send_callback
        method(*new_args, **kwargs)
       File "/opt/custom-venvs/xx/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 405, in v2_playbook_on_stats
       File "/opt/custom-venvs/xx/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 430, in _end_play
        "/api/v1/plays/%s" %["id"],    
    opened by stokkie90 19
  • Add parameter to ignore file path patterns to avoid saving matched files

    Add parameter to ignore file path patterns to avoid saving matched files

    The callback will retrieve files that are loaded by Ansible throughout the execution of the playbook. This could contain files that users might not want to save, either because they are sensitive or are simply not relevant.

    The implementation would be somewhat similar to that we already do with ignored_arguments and ignored_facts for ignoring specified playbook parameters and host facts.

    plugins config 
    opened by dmsimard 19
  • adding a possibilty to search for hosts on the starting page

    adding a possibilty to search for hosts on the starting page

    What is the idea ?

    It would be greate to have a possibilty to search for a host in the web ui of the api server:


    The result shoud be then all playbook runs with this host.

    enhancement UI 
    opened by hille721 17
  • Remote auth not working

    Remote auth not working

    What component is this about ?

    ara-server, mainly rest-api

    What is your ARA installation like ?

    Found in version 1.3.2 (from debian package) but same code is in master

    What is happening ?

    When EXTERNAL_AUTH is enabled, only admin and healthcheck working properly. /api and index return 401

    What should be happening ?

    Everything should be working same as it internal auth is used.

    Main problem is in server.settings because rest_framework use BasicAuth even if EXTERNAL_AUTH is set. This patch should fix issue

    diff --git a/ara/server/ b/ara/server/
    index 252fa98..b4691d1 100644
    --- a/ara/server/
    +++ b/ara/server/
    @@ -214,6 +214,12 @@ ROOT_URLCONF = "ara.server.urls"
     APPEND_SLASH = False
     PAGE_SIZE = settings.get("PAGE_SIZE", 100)
    +    REST_FRAMEWORK_AUTH = ('rest_framework.authentication.RemoteUserAuthentication',)
    +    REST_FRAMEWORK_AUTH = ('rest_framework.authentication.BasixAuthentication',)
         "DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS": "rest_framework.pagination.LimitOffsetPagination",
         "PAGE_SIZE": PAGE_SIZE,
    @@ -227,7 +233,7 @@ REST_FRAMEWORK = {
    -    "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": ("rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication",),
         "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": ("ara.api.auth.APIAccessPermission",),
         "UNICODE_JSON": False,

    NOTE: sorry If this is not a proper way to post patch. There are no pull request so I have no idea where to put this.

    opened by viktorkrivak 17
  • Ara Api server UI gives response timedout(504)

    Ara Api server UI gives response timedout(504)

    What component is this about ?

    Ara API server

    What is your ARA installation like ? I have installed Ara1.1 , with pip install inside a virtual environment Ansible 2.9,psql (9.2.24, server 11.5)

    What is happening ? Ara UI is loading very slow , it gives 504 timed out error, Some time I get 'too many opened files' other times I dont see any error in the nohup output and server side its giving 200 response, but in UI it is timing out. I am attached the db data details

    image I had this issue with sqlite, thought its db issue. Now I have changed to postgresql and migrated the old data to it. again I am getting the same error. After restart, it is better for sometime and the problem occurs again in few minutes. our setup is in aws environment , ara in one server and postgres in rds but having it in same setup also had this issue when the playbook is more than 300. this is server nohup output at that time of the issue. image

    What should be happening ? UI should load irrespective of db load.

    opened by saranyasridharan 17
  • The controller hostname recorded by ara for the controller can be something like (on OS X?)

    The controller hostname recorded by ara for the controller can be something like (on OS X?)

    What is the issue ?

    Using ara under Mac OS X, the hostname that python picks up on my machine is which isn't particularly useful when the hostname and hostname -f commands both return a proper hostname like

    Screenshot from 2022-12-21 17-45-08

    We rely on python's socket.getfqdn() and socket.gethostname() to retrieve the hostname:

    On OS X (at least on my machine, I'm an OS X noob), getfqdn returns the ipv6 arpa mentioned previously and gethostname returns the actual hostname.

    What should be happening ?

    There's settings that determine which format is used: Screenshot from 2022-12-21 18-04-11

    In this particular case, hostname would probably be a better default than fqdn. Is this generally true for all distros ?

    Changing it could result in playbooks being associated to a "new" controller if the fqdn and hostname are not the same.

    Happy to hear what you think.

    enhancement help wanted plugins 
    opened by dmsimard 1
  • api_ca does not default to system cert bundle

    api_ca does not default to system cert bundle

    What is the issue ?

    When using ARA 1.6.0 with a HTTPS API Server the callback plugin will fail due to a certificate error. It seems like it is not checking the default cert bundle on they system (Fedora 37 in my case) as the following fixes the error

    api_client = http
    api_server =
    api_ca = /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem

    Without api_ca the connection fails with

    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_start) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f4b47a812d0>):
    HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
    /api/v1/playbooks (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL:
    CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer
    certificate (_ssl.c:992)')))
    PLAY [Test Ansible Connection] ************************************************************
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_play_start) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f4b47a812d0>):
    'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    TASK [connection test] ********************************************************************
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_task_start) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f4b47a812d0>):
    'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    ok: [hpc-wiki-p]
    TASK [stop ssh client persistant connection] **********************************************
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************
    hpc-wiki-p                 : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_stats) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f4b47a812d0>):
    'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

    What should be happening ?

    The default ca bundle trusted by the system should be used by default when api_ca is not specified

    Software Versions

    Ansible = 7.1.0 (Core = 2.14) OS = Fedora 37 Python = 3.11 ARA = 1.6.0 Install Source = pip

    opened by nlvw 1
  • Compatibility issue between ara client version 1.6.0 and ara server version 1.5.8

    Compatibility issue between ara client version 1.6.0 and ara server version 1.5.8

    During an automic update of one ara client I recognized a compatibility issue between ara client version 1.6.0 and ara server 1.5.8. The playbook get's created in ara, but updating fails:

    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_task_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f3cafeb1610>): 'uuid'
    Callback Exception: 
      File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible/executor/", line 450, in send_callback
        method(*new_args, **kwargs)
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 504, in v2_playbook_on_task_start
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 602, in _end_task
        task_uuid = self.task["uuid"]
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_ok) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f3cafeb1610>): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'submit'
    Callback Exception: 
      File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible/executor/", line 450, in send_callback
        method(*new_args, **kwargs)
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 534, in v2_runner_on_ok
        self._submit_thread("task", self._load_result, result, "ok", **kwargs)
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 359, in _submit_thread
        threads.submit(func, *args, **kwargs)
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_stats) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback.ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f3cafeb1610>): 'uuid'
    Callback Exception: 
      File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible/executor/", line 450, in send_callback
        method(*new_args, **kwargs)
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 586, in v2_playbook_on_stats
       File "/home/hille/gitrepos/plminfra_ansible/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ara/plugins/callback/", line 602, in _end_task
        task_uuid = self.task["uuid"]

    In ara the playbook will be then shown forever as running.

    Good thing is, running ara server 1.6.0 and ara client 1.5.8 is working without any problems (of course some things introduced with 1.6.0 are then n/a in the GUI: image

    This issues should be more a tip for everyone, that the upgrade path to 1.6.0 should be:

    1. upgrade server
    2. upgrade all your clients

    This ensures that ara is still working also in a transition phase.

    @dmsimard : maybe you could also announce this somewhere.

    enhancement docs compatibility and upgrades 
    opened by hille721 1
  • ui: a compact host overview when facts are available (cpu, distro, disk/memory usage, load avg, etc.)

    ui: a compact host overview when facts are available (cpu, distro, disk/memory usage, load avg, etc.)

    What is the idea ?

    Filing this under nice to have because ara records host facts when Ansible gathers them so they are available but we are not doing much right now other than pretty printing them: Peek 2022-12-05 19-34

    It's still better than nothing but there could -- perhaps -- be some sort of compact summary of the node if the facts are available. You can see an example of all the facts available on the demo:

    For example:

    • We have a bunch of useful variables like ansible_distribution(_version), ansible_kernel, ansible_processor, ansible_python, etc.
    • There's network information available with facts like ansible_default_ipv4 and for specific network interfaces (like ansible_br0)
    • With ansible_memory_mb we know the amount of memory, how much is used, how much is free
    • With ansible_mount we know about block devices, partitions, filesystems and disk usage
    • With ansible_loadavg (starting in ansible-core 2.14) we know, well, the load avg.

    The facts are not always gathered and even if they are, the ones we would use could be filtered out, so the implementation should be tolerant to missing facts or none at all.

    It's just a nice to have when facts are available ? ¯\(ツ)

    enhancement help wanted UI 
    opened by dmsimard 0
  • ui: add in-page navigation or breadcrumbs

    ui: add in-page navigation or breadcrumbs

    What is the idea ?

    I do not have a mock up or have a strong opinion on what it should look like (yet?) but it would be great to have some sort of breadcrumbs or navigation at the top of most pages. There's bootstrap documentation on breadcrumbs but I'm open to ideas or suggestions.

    The relationship between objects is explained in the docs:


    With that in mind, if we had "breadcrumbs", some examples might be:

    index > playbook > play > task > result
    index > playbook > file
    hosts > host facts > task results

    Another set of breadcrumbs (or table of contents?) would be nice to display what content is available that may be much further down the page. Maybe a list-group ?

    For example, when viewing a host, you might see links to the playbook summary, the host facts and the task results: Screenshot from 2022-11-30 23-10-36

    This would be particularly useful in cases where there is a lot of data on a single page so the user knows there are other things "hidden" underneath. The example above had a few facts but full fact gathering pushes the task results down.

    enhancement help wanted UI 
    opened by dmsimard 0
  • Generate hyperlink on ARA Record when setting value to type url

    Generate hyperlink on ARA Record when setting value to type url

    What is the idea?

    Hi, I am working with ARA as part of my work optimization and I consider very helpful beeing capable of recording some additional data on ARA plays. One kind of value that I record (using 'ara_record' module) is a url, that is why I set in the ansible task the type 'url' but I expect ARA to record it as a hyperlink so I can click on it and go directly to the navigator. Instead of it, the value keeps beeing recorded as text.

    ¿Is there any chance to achieve this feature? It would be very helpful to record hyperlinks.

    Thank you so much

    opened by beatjokes 2
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Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens

Acronis International GmbH 3 Aug 11, 2022
🎅🏻 Helping santa understand ✨ python ✨

☃️ Advent of code 2021 ☃️ Helping santa understand ✨ python ✨

Fluffy 2 Dec 25, 2021
A Lite Package focuses on making overwrite and mending functions easier and more flexible.

Overwrite Make Overwrite More flexible In Python A Lite Package focuses on making overwrite and mending functions easier and more flexible. Certain Me

null 2 Jun 15, 2022
Providing a working, flexible, easier and faster installer than the one officially provided by Arch Linux

Purpose The purpose is to bring more people to Arch Linux by providing a working, flexible, easier and faster installer than the one officially provid

André Luís 0 Nov 9, 2022
Izy - Python functions and classes that make python even easier than it is

izy Python functions and classes that make it even easier! You will wonder why t

null 5 Jul 4, 2022
Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before.

Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before. This project is maintained by Aldrin Mathew.

Aldrin's Art Factory 67 Dec 31, 2022
A Way to Use Python, Easier.

PyTools A Way to Use Python, Easier. How to Install Just copy this code, then make a new file in your project directory called, then paste

Kamran 2 Aug 15, 2022
A wrapper script to make working with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) easier

Python-ADB-Wrapper A wrapper script to make working with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) easier This project was just a simple test to see if I could wrap

18iteration 1 Nov 25, 2021
Make pack up python files easier.

python-easy-pack make pack up python files easier. 目前只提供了中文环境 如何使用? 将index.py复制到你的项目文件夹,或者把.py文件拷贝到这个文件夹。 打开你的cmd或者powershell 切换到程序所在目录,输入python index

null 2 Dec 15, 2021
This collection is to provide an easier way to interact with Juniper

Ansible Collection - cremsburg.apstra Overview The goal of this collection is to provide an easier way to interact with Juniper's Apstra solution. Whi

Calvin Remsburg 1 Jan 18, 2022
This tool allows you to do goole dorking much easier

This tool allows you to do goole dorking much easier

Steven 8 Mar 6, 2022
The CS Netlogo Helper is a small python script I made, to make computer science homework easier.

The CS Netlogo Helper is a small python script I made, to make computer science homework easier. This project is really ironic now that I think about it.

null 1 Jan 13, 2022
JARVIS PC Assistant is an assisting program to make your computer easier to use

JARVIS-PC-Assistant JARVIS PC Assistant is an assisting program to make your computer easier to use Welcome to the J.A.R.V.I.S. PC Assistant help file

Dasun Nethsara 2 Dec 2, 2022