Omega - From Wordpress admin to pty


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Omega - From Wordpress admin to pty

The Linux tool to automate the process of getting a pty once you got admin credentials in a Wordpress site. Keep in mind that right now Omega only can attack Linux hosts.

Omega getting a pty to a Wordpress host

How does it work?

First, Omega gets an admin session in the Wordpress site and using web scrapping, it extracts the current template used by wordpress. After that, it will use the template editor to inject a simple web shell.

Once everything is set up, Omega will spin up a listenner, execute a reverse shell using the web shell injected and wait for the shell to connect back. Before giving the control to the user, Omega will try to stabilize the shell and get a pty.

If stabilization is not possible using the methods Omega has, a non tty shell will be provided that can be stabilize without problems using any method you want.


You need Python 3 installed in your system and also some dependencies that can be installed executing (Keep in mind that this tool only works in Linux):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You can use a virtual env to install the dependencies or intall them system wide.


If you have all the requirements you can start playing with Omega! You can add the repository folder to your PATH and execute the tool everywhere.

Omega - From Wordpress admin to pty

usage: [-h] [-v] [--no-pty] -u WP_URL -l USERNAME -p PASSWORD -H LHOST [-P LPORT]

Provides a reverse shell (stabilized if possible) to a Wordpress host. You need admin credentials!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --no-pty              if this flag is set, no shell stabilization is perform
  -u WP_URL, --wp-url WP_URL
                        the target Wordpress url
  -l USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Wordpress admin user to use for login
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Wordpress admin password to use for login
  -H LHOST, --lhost LHOST
                        the ip where the reverse shell should connect to
  -P LPORT, --lport LPORT
                        the port used to listen for the reverse shell (Default: 8080)
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  • Feature: Windows hosts compatibility

    Feature: Windows hosts compatibility


    • Add Windows hosts compatibility! (Thanks to ivan-sincek for his PHP reverse shell)
    • Improve the README a bit
    • Added the use of random user agents in every run
    opened by anthares101 0
  • Feature: Auto shell stabilization

    Feature: Auto shell stabilization


    • Added auto shell stabilization! Omega will try some methods to get a pty and upgrade the obtained shell
    • Added new flag to let the user decide if shell stabilization should be perform
    • Dropped Windows support to be able to use termios for tty configuration
    • Added tests (better late than never you know)
    opened by anthares101 0
  • v2.6(Jan 3, 2022)


    • Now the Linux and MacOS reverse shell stabilization should work as expected

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    • If the current Wordpress template doesn't have a 404 php file Omega is not able to inject the payload
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.5(Aug 1, 2021)


    • Updated the repository structure
    • Omega available throught Pypi!

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.4(Jul 31, 2021)


    • Changed Windows shell code to avoid the shell closing issue (#6)

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.3(Jul 31, 2021)


    • Shell output after upgrade wasn't always cleared (#5)
    • A README typo

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    • Windows shells are not closed smoothly.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2(Jul 31, 2021)


    • The code that checked if a reverse shell was updated to work properly (#4)

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    • Windows shells are not closed smoothly.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1(Jul 29, 2021)


    • Added Windows hosts compatibility! Omega is able to get a shell even with in Windows hosts now (#3). Thanks to ivan-sincek for his PHP reverse shell.
    • Added the use of random user agents in every run

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    • Windows shells are not closed smoothly.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0(Jul 16, 2021)


    • Added auto shell stabilization! Omega will try some methods to get a pty and upgrade the obtained shell (#2)
    • Added new flag to let the user decide if shell stabilization should be perform (#2)
    • Dropped Windows support to be able to use termios for tty configuration (#2)
    • Added tests (better late than never you know) (#2)

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell manually and then exit makes the terminal unresponsive. A workaround to this is to add ; exit to the code used to get a pty. This way, the Omega handler will take care of restoring your terminal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2(Jul 16, 2021)


    • Added a version flag to check the tool version in use (#1)

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell and then exits makes the terminal unresponsive
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1(Jul 13, 2021)


    • If the site doesn't have xmlrpc open the attack fails

    Known issues

    • Upgrading the shell and then exits makes the terminal unresponsive
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0(Jul 13, 2021)


    • Omega first version complete! (Only for Linux targets)
    • Detect if the user specified is admin throgh xmlrpc
    • Create a Wordpress session and interact with the admin site
    • Get the active theme name
    • Drop a simple web shell payload into the current theme 404 page template
    • Get and manage a reverse shell that can be upgraded

    Known issues

    • If the site doesn't have xmlrpc open the attack fails
    • Upgrading the shell and then exits makes the terminal unresponsive
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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