This project is based on detecting the Traffic light.
- Pretained data is used.
- This application entertained both real time video or download video and also images.
- This is basic application and can be used for final year bachelor degree program.
Steps or Guides to run the project.
Create a Virtual environment $ python3 -m venv env
Activate Virtual Environment
$ source env/bin/activate
Install required Packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
First need to download the pre-trained weights of the yolo-v3 from following given link, and place that file in the code folder
Place the download weigts inside the project folder
Testing For Image:
For testing on the input image,Place the image inside the project folder, enter the path of the pic in the video and run the following command
$ python3 test_images.py
Testing For Videos:
For testing on the input video ,Place the video file inside the project folder and run the following command
$ python3 test_videos.py