This GitHub repository contains code used for plots in NeurIPS 2021 paper 'Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Control Variates.'


About Repository

This repository contains code used for plots in NeurIPS 2021 paper 'Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Control Variates.'

About Code


Python version: 3.9.1
Packages: numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, and tqdm

Description of Files:

1. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 1 (a)' in the paper.
2. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 1 (b)' in the paper.
3. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 1 (c)' in the paper.
4. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 2 (a)' in the paper.
5. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 2 (b)' in the paper.
6. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 2 (c)' in the paper.
7. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 3 (a)' in the paper.
8. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 3 (b)' in the paper.
9. This file contains code used for generating the 'Figure 3 (c)' in the paper.


1. plots: This directory contains plots generated after running different python files. 

How to Run?

To generate any figure used in the code, run 'python' where file_name corresponds to the python file of figure. 
Ensures all dependencies met before running the code.
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