Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more.


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Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more.


pip install reorder-python-imports

Console scripts

Consult reorder-python-imports --help for the full set of options.

reorder-python-imports takes filenames as positional arguments

Common options:

  • --py##-plus: see below.
  • --add-import / --remove-import: see below.
  • --replace-import: see below.
  • --application-directories: by default, reorder-python-imports assumes your project is rooted at .. If this isn't true, tell it where your import roots live. For example, when using the popular ./src layout you'd use --application-directories=.:src (note: multiple paths are separated using a :).
  • --unclassifiable-application-module: (may be specified multiple times) modules names that are considered application modules. this setting is intended to be used for things like C modules which may not always appear on the filesystem.

As a pre-commit hook

See pre-commit for instructions

Sample .pre-commit-config.yaml

-   repo:
    rev: v2.6.0
    -   id: reorder-python-imports

What does it do?

Separates imports into three sections

import sys
import pyramid
import reorder_python_imports

becomes (stdlib, third party, first party)

import sys

import pyramid

import reorder_python_imports

import imports before from imports

from os import path
import sys


import sys
from os import path

Splits from imports

from os.path import abspath, exists


from os.path import abspath
from os.path import exists

Removes duplicate imports

import os
import os.path
import sys
import sys


import os.path
import sys

Using # noreorder

Lines containing and after lines which contain a # noreorder comment will be ignored. Additionally any imports that appear after non-whitespace non-comment lines will be ignored.

For instance, these will not be changed:

import sys

try:  # not import, not whitespace
    import foo
except ImportError:
import sys

import reorder_python_imports

import matplotlib  # noreorder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# noreorder
import sys
import pyramid
import reorder_python_imports

why this style?

The style chosen by reorder-python-imports has a single aim: reduce merge conflicts.

By having a single import per line, multiple contributors can add / remove imports from a single module without resulting in a conflict.

Consider the following example which causes a merge conflict:

# developer 1
-from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Any, Dict, List
# developer 2
-from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

no conflict with the style enforced by reorder-python-imports:

+from typing import Any
 from typing import Dict
 from typing import List
+from typing import Tuple

Adding / Removing Imports

Let's say I want to enforce absolute_import across my codebase. I can use: --add-import 'from __future__ import absolute_import'.

$ cat
print('Hello world')
$ reorder-python-imports --add-import 'from __future__ import absolute_import'
Reordering imports in
$ cat
from __future__ import absolute_import
print('Hello world')

Let's say I no longer care about supporting Python 2.5, I can remove from __future__ import with_statement with --remove-import 'from __future__ import with_statement'

$ cat
from __future__ import with_statement
with open('foo.txt', 'w') as foo_f:
    foo_f.write('hello world')
$ reorder-python-imports --remove-import 'from __future__ import with_statement'
Reordering imports in
$ cat
with open('foo.txt', 'w') as foo_f:
    foo_f.write('hello world')

Replacing imports

Imports can be replaced with others automatically (if they provide the same names). This can be useful for factoring out compatibility libraries such as six (see below for automated six rewriting).

This rewrite avoids NameErrors as such it only occurs when:

  • the imported symbol is the same before and after
  • the import is a from import

The argument is specified as orig.mod=new.mod or with an optional checked attribute orig.mod=new.mod:attr. The checked attribute is useful for renaming some imports from a module instead of a full module.

For example:

# full module move
--replace-import six.moves.queue=queue
# specific attribute move
--replace-import six.moves=io:StringIO

Removing obsolete __future__ imports

The cli provides a few options to help "burn the bridges" with old python versions by removing __future__ imports automatically. Each option implies all older versions.

  • --py22-plus: nested_scopes
  • --py23-plus: generators
  • --py26-plus: with_statement
  • --py3-plus: division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
  • --py37-plus: generator_stop

Removing / rewriting obsolete six imports

With --py3-plus, reorder-python-imports will also remove / rewrite imports from six. Rewrites follow the same rules as replacing imports above.

For example:

+import queue
+from io import StringIO
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
 import six.moves.urllib.parse
-from six.moves import queue
-from six.moves import range
-from six.moves import StringIO
-from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus

Rewriting mock imports

With --py3-plus, reorder-python-imports will also rewrite various mock imports:

-from mock import patch
+from unittest.mock import patch

Rewriting mypy_extensions and typing_extension imports

With --py36-plus and higher, reorder-python-imports will also rewrite mypy_extensions and typing_extensions imports ported to typing.

-from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
+from typing import TypedDict

Rewriting pep 585 typing imports

With --py39-plus and higher, reorder-python-imports will replace imports which were moved out of the typing module in pep 585.

-from typing import Sequence
+from import Sequence
  • Import order loop error

    Import order loop error

    Hi ! I've been using reorder-python-imports for at least a year and I love it. I usually set it up in a pre-commit AND in CI, but this time I'm stuck in an infinite loop:

    opened by Seluj78 37
  • Issues when package is installed in virtualenv

    Issues when package is installed in virtualenv

    I'm having issues when the package I'm editing is present in my current virtualenv.

    I run pip install -e . for my packages, since they're cli apps, and that's the easiest way to test them.

    When the package I'm editing is installed in the current virtualenv, it's treated as third party instead of first party.

    Any hints on how to work around this? Or have I come across a bug?

    opened by WhyNotHugo 21
  • Different separation of the  imports during pre-commit hook and cli command

    Different separation of the imports during pre-commit hook and cli command

    I get different results of sorting imports during pre-commit hook and CLI command:

    1. pre-commit:

    - repo:
      rev: v2.5.0
        - id: reorder-python-imports
          stages: [push]

    The result is:

    import os
    from typing import Text
    from typing import TypedDict
    from chaoshub_aws.ec2 import AwsEc2
    from chaoshub_aws.ec2.decorator import ec2_injector

    2. reorder-python-imports The result is:

    import os
    from chaoshub_aws.ec2 import AwsEc2
    from chaoshub_aws.ec2.decorator import ec2_injector
    from typing import Text
    from typing import TypedDict

    I tried to path the same arguments in both CLI command and pre-commit hook, but the results are still different. I guess I'm just missing something ..?

    opened by dimaka-wix 13
  • Different output in vagrant box vs host

    Different output in vagrant box vs host

    Hi, I am at a loss for what to do next to troubleshoot this. Same version of Ubuntu, same version of python. And same version of the library with same args and I get different output. I even diffed the library file to make sure it's the same. one is in virtualbox the other on host machine. Is there something else from the environment that can cause this? I triple checked the list of files I passed in and it's the same.

    Only option I'm passing is --separate-from-import.

    opened by curioussavage 11
  • Support STDIN/STDOUT

    Support STDIN/STDOUT

    If there was a flag like --stdout to output the changed text to STDOUT, that would be nice.

    Being able to read from STDIN would make it perfect for autoformatters like neoformat.

    opened by alok 11
  • Allow multiple one-line imports

    Allow multiple one-line imports

    I usually import modules in a single import statement like so:

    from __future__ import absolute_imports, unicode_literals

    reorder-python-imports demands each import to be placed on seperate lines. Isort has this as a config option: force_single_line

    opened by dinoshauer 11
  • Relative import ordering

    Relative import ordering

    I'm looking at moving over from isort, my only point of friction is relative imports.

    I know they are a topic where a lot of people have strong opinions. Our house style uses flake8-tidy-imports to limit them to same package only, we find that for same package relative is lower cognitive load than absolute, while cross package it's more cognitive load.

    I see from comments and issues that you don't personally use relative imports and that having them in their own section like isort does caused a bunch of issues.

    It looks like changing the sort order to place relatives last was maybe also a feature at some point although without release notes I'm not sure if/when/why, it's quite hard to tell from the git log of classify-imports.

    How do you feel about changing the sort key so that relatives get placed after absolute imports rather than before?

    As an unconditional behaviour it looks like it'd be maybe a half dozen lines + tests. Obviously conditional would be a lot more work, however it seems unlikely that anyone using relative imports particularly expects them to be first.

    opened by tolomea 10
  • why this style?

    why this style?

    Consider the following example which causes a merge conflict:

    # developer 1
    -from typing import Dict, List
    +from typing import Any, Dict, List
    # developer 2
    -from typing import Dict, List
    +from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

    no conflict with the style enforced by reorder-python-imports:

    +from typing import Any
     from typing import Dict
     from typing import List
    +from typing import Tuple

    Why not

    from typing import (
    +    Any,
    +    Tuple,


    It also doesn't conflicts and you have shorter, maybe even more readable lines.

    opened by karolpawlowski 10
  • Hook removes blank lines not related to imports at all

    Hook removes blank lines not related to imports at all

    Fantastic tool, however below is probably a bug.

    Hook removes blank lines, that are not related to imports at all.

    Example python script (notice blank lines around docstring):

    $ cat 
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    Here goes synopsis
    import os
    import random
    import time

    Here is my pre-commit config:

    $ cat .pre-commit-config.yaml 
    -   repo:
        rev: v1.3.5
        -   id: reorder-python-imports
            language_version: python3

    Here is the run of the hook:

    $ pre-commit run reorder-python-imports
    Reorder python imports...................................................Failed
    hookid: reorder-python-imports
    Files were modified by this hook. Additional output:
    Reordering imports in

    And the result:

    $ cat 
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    Here goes synopsis
    import os
    import random
    import time
    opened by IvanBoyko 10
  • issue due to setuptools

    issue due to setuptools

    Just want to make it documented in case somebody faces the same issue due to the bug in virtualenv

    reorder-python-imports fails with

     Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/bin/reorder-python-imports", line 8, in <module>
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 907, in main
        retv |= _fix_file(filename, args)
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 475, in _fix_file
        new_contents = fix_file_contents(
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 456, in fix_file_contents
        partitioned = step(partitioned)
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 366, in apply_import_sorting
        sorted_blocks = sort(import_obj_to_partition.keys(), **sort_kwargs)
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aspy/refactor_imports/", line 96, in sort
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aspy/refactor_imports/", line 73, in classify_func
        return classify_import(obj.import_statement.module, **kwargs)
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aspy/refactor_imports/", line 138, in classify_import
        found, module_path, is_builtin = _get_module_info(
      File "/home/runner/.cache/pre-commit/repoizu8jol0/py_env-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aspy/refactor_imports/", line 103, in _get_module_info
        assert spec.submodule_search_locations is not None

    solution will be to update CI to force downgrade virtualenv:

    name: pre-commit
          - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
    # Install venv to avoid issues
        - name: Install virtualenv
          run: |
            python -m pip install -U virtualenv==20.10.0
        - uses: pre-commit/[email protected]
    opened by beliaev-maksim 9
  • Add --quiet option

    Add --quiet option

    Added a --quiet args option. When used, user messages on success (Reordering imports in …) are suppressed. Similar to Black’s --quiet option.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a file that would be fixed by reorder_python_imports.
    import ast
    import argparse
    1. Run reorder_python_imports with the --quiet option. reorder_python_imports --quiet
    2. See that the contents of the Python file changed, but no output was printed.

    Together with --exit-zero-even-if-changed, this makes reorder_python_imports a more well-behaved UNIX tool.

    opened by Glutexo 9
  • Support for pyi files now types_or is implemented

    Support for pyi files now types_or is implemented

    Further to #103 which was closed at the time.

    Would it be possible to update the pre-commit hooks for this repo to allow it to run by default on pyi files?

    opened by Greedquest 3
  • Documentation on how to use with Visual Studio Code

    Documentation on how to use with Visual Studio Code

    I'm trying to use reorder_python_imports with Visual Studio Code. Unfortunately, built-in support in the Python extension was already rejected due to lack of demand, but I'd still like to use it.

    I've tried setting "python.sortImports.path": "reorder-python-imports", but that results in the error:

    > reorder-python-imports ~/path/to/ --diff
    Error: $PYTHONPATH set, import order may be unexpected

    Fortunately (since it can't be changed by specifying python.sortImports.args), it looks like y'all already support --diff as an alias for --diff-only, but I don't see any arguments I can give to reorder_python_imports to make it work within the Python extension, which evidently sets $PYTHONPATH.

    opened by kbd 9
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@pre-commit @pytest-dev @tox-dev
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