A static type analyzer for Python code


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pytype - 🦆

Pytype checks and infers types for your Python code - without requiring type annotations. Pytype can:

  • Lint plain Python code, flagging common mistakes such as misspelled attribute names, incorrect function calls, and much more, even across file boundaries.
  • Enforce user-provided type annotations. While annotations are optional for pytype, it will check and apply them where present.
  • Generate type annotations in standalone files ("pyi files"), which can be merged back into the Python source with a provided merge-pyi tool.

Pytype is a static analyzer; it does not execute the code it runs on.

Thousands of projects at Google rely on pytype to keep their Python code well-typed and error-free.

For more information, check out the user guide, FAQ, or supported features.

How is pytype different from other type checkers?

  1. Pytype uses inference instead of gradual typing. This means it will infer types on code even when the code has no type hints on it. So it can detect issues with code like this, which other type checkers would miss:

    def f():
        return "PyCon"
    def g():
        return f() + 2019
    # pytype: line 4, in g: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'str'
    # and 'int' [unsupported-operands]
  2. Pytype is lenient instead of strict. That means it allows all operations that succeed at runtime and don't contradict annotations. For instance, this code will pass as safe in pytype, but fail in other type checkers, which assign types to variables as soon as they are initialized:

    from typing import List
    def get_list() -> List[str]:
        lst = ["PyCon"]
        return [str(x) for x in lst]
    # mypy: line 4: error: Argument 1 to "append" of "list" has
    # incompatible type "int"; expected "str"

Also see the corresponding FAQ entry.


To quickly get started with type-checking a file or directory, run the following, replacing file_or_directory with your input:

pip install pytype
pytype file_or_directory

To set up pytype on an entire package, add the following to a setup.cfg file in the directory immediately above the package, replacing package_name with the package name:

inputs = package_name

Now you can run the no-argument command pytype to type-check the package. It's also easy to add pytype to your automated testing; see this example of a GitHub project that runs pytype on Travis.

Finally, pytype generates files of inferred type information, located by default in .pytype/pyi. You can use this information to type-annotate the corresponding source file:

merge-pyi -i <filepath>.py .pytype/pyi/<filename>.pyi


You need a Python 3.6-3.8 interpreter to run pytype, as well as an interpreter in $PATH for the Python version of the code you're analyzing (supported: 2.7, 3.5-3.8).

Platform support:

  • Pytype is currently developed and tested on Linux*, which is the main supported platform.
  • Installation on MacOSX requires OSX 10.7 or higher and Xcode v8 or higher.
  • Windows is currently not supported unless you use WSL.

* Note: On Alpine Linux, installing may fail due to issues with upstream dependencies. See the details of this issue for a possible fix.


Pytype can be installed via pip. Note that the installation requires wheel and setuptools. (If you're working in a virtualenv, these two packages should already be present.)

pip install pytype

Or from the source code on GitHub.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/google/pytype.git
cd pytype
pip install .

Instead of using --recurse-submodules, you could also have run

git submodule init
git submodule update

in the pytype directory. To edit the code and have your edits tracked live, replace the pip install command with:

pip install -e .

Installing on WSL

Follow the steps above, but make sure you have the correct libraries first:

sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libpython3-dev


usage: pytype [options] input [input ...]

positional arguments:
  input                 file or directory to process

Common options:

  • -V, --python-version: Python version (major.minor) of the target code. Defaults to the version that pytype is running under.
  • -o, --output: The directory into which all pytype output goes, including generated .pyi files. Defaults to .pytype.
  • -d, --disable. Comma or space separated list of error names to ignore. Detailed explanations of pytype's error names are in this doc. Defaults to empty.

For a full list of options, run pytype --help.

In addition to the above, you can direct pytype to use a custom typeshed installation instead of its own bundled copy by setting $TYPESHED_HOME.

Config File

For convenience, you can save your pytype configuration in a file. The config file is an INI-style file with a [pytype] section; if an explicit config file is not supplied, pytype will look for a [pytype] section in the first setup.cfg file found by walking upwards from the current working directory.

Start off by generating a sample config file:

$ pytype --generate-config pytype.cfg

Now customize the file based on your local setup, keeping only the sections you need. Directories may be relative to the location of the config file, which is useful if you want to check in the config file as part of your project.

For example, suppose you have the following directory structure and want to analyze package ~/repo1/foo, which depends on package ~/repo2/bar:

├── repo1
│   └── foo
│       ├── __init__.py
│       └── file_to_check.py
└── repo2
    └── bar
        ├── __init__.py
        └── dependency.py

Here is the filled-in config file, which instructs pytype to type-check ~/repo1/foo as Python 3.6 code, look for packages in ~/repo1 and ~/repo2, and ignore attribute errors. Notice that the path to a package does not include the package itself.

$ cat ~/repo1/pytype.cfg

# NOTE: All relative paths are relative to the location of this file.


# Space-separated list of files or directories to process.
inputs =

# Python version (major.minor) of the target code.
python_version = 3.6

# Paths to source code directories, separated by ':'.
pythonpath =

# Comma or space separated list of error names to ignore.
disable =

We could've discovered that ~/repo2 needed to be added to the pythonpath by running pytype's broken dependency checker:

$ pytype --config=~/repo1/pytype.cfg ~/repo1/foo/*.py --unresolved

Unresolved dependencies:


Pytype ships with a few scripts in addition to pytype itself:

  • annotate-ast, an in-progress type annotator for ASTs.
  • merge-pyi, for merging type information from a .pyi file into a Python file.
  • pytd-tool, a parser for .pyi files.
  • pytype-single, a debugging tool for pytype developers, which analyzes a single Python file assuming that .pyi files have already been generated for all of its dependencies.
  • pyxref, a cross references generator.

2021 Roadmap

  • Python 3.9 support
  • Better performance on large files
  • Support for numerical libraries


Apache 2.0


This is not an official Google product.

  • Python 3 support?

    Python 3 support?

    I'm attempting to use pytype and it appears it doesn't support Python 3( complains about no StringIO module). Any plans to support Python 3? or, perhaps add some documentation about which version of Python are supported.

    opened by jrenner 32
  • xref crashes with AttributeError: 'LateAnnotation' object has no attribute 'Bindings'

    xref crashes with AttributeError: 'LateAnnotation' object has no attribute 'Bindings'

    Clone https://github.com/kamahen/pykythe.git I don't think you need to install other the other pre-reqs to regenerate this bug; just run:

    make pytype

    You should see these lines in the output:

    pykythe/ast_cooked.py pytype_output/imports/pykythe.ast_cooked.imports /tmp/ast_cooked.xref.json
    Pytype error: AttributeError: 'LateAnnotation' object has no attribute 'Bindings'
    opened by kamahen 22
  • Generating pyis in the right order is cumbersome

    Generating pyis in the right order is cumbersome

    I just see this kind of declaration being generated:

      def to_dataframe(self, ...) -> Any: ...
      def to_file(self, path, ...) -> Any: ...
      def to_view(self, view_name) -> Any: ...

    I..e. with optional args it just generates '...' and with positional args it just outputs the arg name, and the return types are just Any. This seems to be so generic as to not be useful at all. What am I missing here?

    I'm just running this like:

    pytype foo.py -o foo.pyi
    opened by gramster 20
  • Pytype fails on MacOSX(Mojave-10.14.9) when inferring types.

    Pytype fails on MacOSX(Mojave-10.14.9) when inferring types.


    I am trying to execute Pytype in a project as below.

    pytype --pythonpath=./$PROJECT_DIRECTORY --no-report-errors $PROJECT_DIRECTORY

    What I need is to run Pytype over a project (first step) and then use AST annotator to get type information of variables in a file. When I run above command it gives me the following error.

    [2/154] infer pymc3.backends.HDF5
    FAILED: /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/HDF5.pyi 
    /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/bin/python -m pytype.single --imports_info /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/imports/pymc3.backends.HDF5.imports --module-name pymc3.backends.HDF5 -V 3.7 -o /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/HDF5.pyi --no-report-errors --nofail --quick /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/pymc3-master/pymc3/backends/HDF5.py
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader Invalid imports_map entries (checking from root dir: /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype)
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/HDF5.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/HDF5')
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/NDArray.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/NDArray')
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/SQLite.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/SQLite')
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/Text.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/Text')
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/__init__.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/__init__')
    ERROR:pytype.imports_map_loader   file does not exist: '/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/base.pyi' (mapped from 'pymc3/backends/base')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/single.py", line 103, in <module>
        sys.exit(main() or 0)
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/single.py", line 66, in main
        options = config.Options(sys.argv[1:])
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/config.py", line 54, in __init__
        Postprocessor(names, options, self).process()
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/config.py", line 392, in process
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/config.py", line 550, in _store_imports_map
        imports_map, self.output_options.output)
      File "/Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/VMS/pytestenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytype/imports_map_loader.py", line 90, in build_imports_map
        raise ValueError(msg)
    ValueError: Invalid imports_map: /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/imports/pymc3.backends.HDF5.imports
    Bad entries:
      pymc3/backends/HDF5 -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/HDF5.pyi
      pymc3/backends/NDArray -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/NDArray.pyi
      pymc3/backends/SQLite -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/SQLite.pyi
      pymc3/backends/Text -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/Text.pyi
      pymc3/backends/__init__ -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/__init__.pyi
      pymc3/backends/base -> /Users/user_name/Documents/Research_Topic_2/PytypeTest/.pytype/pyi/pymc3/backends/base.pyi

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Clone https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3
    2. Run pytype --pythonpath=./$PROJECT_DIRECTORY --no-report-errors $PROJECT_DIRECTORY (Pytype version = 2020.08.17, OS version = macOS Mojave-10.14.9)


    1. Do you have any idea on the above error?
    2. Suppose that, I want to run Pytype without failing. I observed two options (--nofail and --return-success) in the configuration file . When I try to run pytype with these two options, pytype does not identify the options. It says pytype: error: unrecognized arguments: --nofail. What could be the reason for these errors and what options should I use to run Pytype without failing?

    The command that I tried is pytype --pythonpath=$PROJECT_DIRECTORY --no-report-errors --nofail $PROJECT_DIRECTORY Thank you in advance.

    bug help wanted cat: infrastructure 
    opened by maldil 19
  • pytype chokes on python 3 testtools

    pytype chokes on python 3 testtools

    pytype seems to choke on testtools:

    $ cat testtools-bug.py
    import testtools
    $ pytype -V3.5 testtools-bug.py
    CRITICAL Cannot parse input files:
    invalid syntax (_compat2x.py, line 16)

    It seems that pytype isn't understanding that importing compat2x is wrapped in a try: block in testtools/compat.py to determine whether it should import the python 2 or 3 version:

        from testtools import _compat2x as _compat
    except SyntaxError:
        from testtools import _compat3x as _compat
    opened by lantz 14
  • No such file or directory: 'ninja'

    No such file or directory: 'ninja'

    Running pytype on a Python scripts gives me the following error message.

    Computing dependencies
    Analyzing 1 sources with 2 local dependencies
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 86, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/workdir/user/chdu/side_projects/dbay/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytype/__main__.py", line 10, in <module>
      File "/workdir/user/chdu/side_projects/dbay/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytype/tools/analyze_project/main.py", line 97, in main
        return runner.run()
      File "/workdir/user/chdu/side_projects/dbay/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytype/tools/analyze_project/pytype_runner.py", line 355, in run
        ret = self.build()
      File "/workdir/user/chdu/side_projects/dbay/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytype/tools/analyze_project/pytype_runner.py", line 346, in build
        return subprocess.call(command)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 340, in call
        with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
        self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
      File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
        raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ninja'
    opened by dclong 13
  • Question: merge two `pyi` files

    Question: merge two `pyi` files

    Hello, found existing of merge_pyi tool for merging pyi types into py files.

    Use case:

    I want to merge two pyi files. Purpose is generating stubs for code i.e. via mypy.stubgen and next apply some clarifications for types from external file. Add doc strings, clarify return parameters manually and so on.

    My use case is support stub package for some external lib. And when API is changed during release just regenerate stubs, but save all previously collected type knowledge. In this case we can automate entire process of generating and testing stubs correctness (i.e. via mypy.stubtest).


    Are there any tools for merging exactly pyi files? Or there is only one way is parse pyi manually and manipulating parse tree from script?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by mrkeuz 12
  • Dict[slice, ...] is not valid

    Dict[slice, ...] is not valid

    I have a function like this:

    def foo(a):
        return a[:10].lower()

    The generated stub is:

    def foo(a: bytes or str or unicode or Dict[slice, bytearray or bytes or str or unicode or List[?, ...] or Tuple[?, ...]]) -> bytearray or bytes or str or unicode

    Now, it's cute that it figures out that if the argument were a dict with slice keys and string values it might work, but in fact slice does not implement hash() so Dict[slice, ...] is nonsense.

    I'm also unclear on why it thinks that the value could be a List or Tuple, since neither of those has a lower() method.

    opened by gvanrossum 12
  • fix: simplifiy pybind11 usage

    fix: simplifiy pybind11 usage

    This is a suggestion for using pybind11 via submodule. pyproject.toml is more elegant, but does require Pip 10+. I can switch to that if requested. Follow up on #714. I don't know all the details of building from scratch (It wants bison 3), but this should be close, I think. CC @rwgk .

    I did not include ParallelCompile, but that might also be useful, I think.

    opened by henryiii 11
  • Support Python 3.8

    Support Python 3.8

    Invoking pytype under Python 3.8 fails with the following error:

    Python versions > 3.7 are not yet supported.

    Is there an ETA for Python 3.8 support?

    opened by cjolowicz 11
  • Support for dataclasses

    Support for dataclasses

    Currently, when using python 3.7 dataclass, pytype will fail to recognize constructor arguments. Here's a proof of concept code snippet:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class DataClass:
        first: int
        second: int
    data_class = DataClass(1, 2)

    It gives an error of

    File "type_check.py", line 11, in <module>: Function DataClass.__init__ expects 1 arg(s), got 3 [wrong-arg-count]
      Expected: (self)
      Actually passed: (self, _, _)
    opened by zli117 11
  • Inferred type info is lost when constructing tuple

    Inferred type info is lost when constructing tuple

    I'm not sure the title of this issue is very good. I had some trouble deciding what to call it. But hopefully this small example will make the issue more clear:

    from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any
    def foo(d: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any],
            opt_k: Optional[str],
            k: str):
        reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals Optional[str]
        if opt_k is None:
            d[k] = object()
            reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals None
        reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals str
        reveal_type((opt_k, k))  # reveals Tuple[Optional[str], str] (too broad)
        d[(opt_k, k)] = object()  # container-types-mismatch (false positive)

    Here is the output from pytype:

    File "/home/dominickpastore/test.py", line 6, in foo: Optional[str] [reveal-type]
    File "/home/dominickpastore/test.py", line 9, in foo: None [reveal-type]
    File "/home/dominickpastore/test.py", line 11, in foo: str [reveal-type]
    File "/home/dominickpastore/test.py", line 12, in foo: Tuple[Optional[str], str] [reveal-type]
    File "/home/dominickpastore/test.py", line 13, in foo: New container type for d does not match type annotation [container-type-mismatch]
      Container: Dict[_K, _V]
      Allowed contained types (from annotation Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any]):
        _K: Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
      New contained types:
        _K: Tuple[Optional[str], str]

    As we can see, it's correctly inferring that opt_k must not be None after the if block. Yet, if we make a tuple out of it, it seems to forget that it knows that. And if we try to use that tuple as a key in the dictionary, we get a false positive.

    It seems to be a bit more complex than that, though. If we were to try to .append the tuple to a list instead, like this, the tuple's type is still revealed as Tuple[Optional[str], str], but there's no false positive:

    from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Union
    def foo(l: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]],
            opt_k: Optional[str],
            k: str):
        reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals Optional[str]
        if opt_k is None:
            reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals None
        reveal_type(opt_k)  # reveals str
        reveal_type((opt_k, k))  # reveals Tuple[Optional[str], str] (too broad)
        l.append((opt_k, k))  # No false positive
    opened by dominickpastore 0
  • Python 3.10 int.bit_count not supported

    Python 3.10 int.bit_count not supported



    i = 1

    This error is reported.

    No attribute 'bit_count' on int [attribute-error]
    opened by vinsonlee 0
  • pytype is not py.typed

    pytype is not py.typed

    Running mypy on a script that uses pytype results in the following:

    tests/pytype_test.py:22: error: Skipping analyzing "pytype": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker  [import]
    tests/pytype_test.py:23: error: Skipping analyzing "pytype.imports": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker  [import]
    tests/pytype_test.py:23: note: See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/running_mypy.html#missing-imports


    enhancement cat: infrastructure 
    opened by Avasam 0
  • Errors with `map`

    Errors with `map`

    When trying to use the map class in a type stub, I get the following errors:

    1. pytype.pytd.visitors.SymbolLookupError: Couldn't find map in some.module This can be worked around by importing map from builtins: from builtins import map
    NotImplementedError: Can't convert <class 'pytype.pytd.pytd.Function'>: Function(name='builtins.map', signatures=(Signature(params=(Parameter(name='function', type=AnythingType(), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, 
    mutated_type=None),), starargs=Parameter(name='sequences', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(builtins.tuple), parameters=(GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(NothingType(),)),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=True, mutated_type=None), starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(NothingType(),)), exceptions=(), template=()), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=CallableType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), 
    bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=None, starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')))), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=CallableType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter2', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=None, starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')))), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=CallableType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter2', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter3', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=None, starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')))), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=CallableType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter2', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter3', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter4', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=None, starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')))), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=CallableType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_T5', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), 
    Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter2', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), 
    bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter3', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), 
    kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter4', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter5', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_T5', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=None, starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T2', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T3', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T4', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')), TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_T5', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')))), Signature(params=(Parameter(name='__func', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Callable), parameters=(AnythingType(), TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'))), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter1', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 
    'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter2', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter3', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter4', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter5', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, 
    optional=False, mutated_type=None), Parameter(name='__iter6', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=False, mutated_type=None)), starargs=Parameter(name='iterables', type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(builtins.tuple), parameters=(GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterable), parameters=(AnythingType(),)),)), kind=<ParameterKind.REGULAR: 'regular'>, optional=True, mutated_type=None), starstarargs=None, return_type=GenericType(base_type=ClassType(typing.Iterator), parameters=(TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map'),)), exceptions=(), template=(TemplateItem(type_param=TypeParameter(name='_S', constraints=(), bound=None, scope='builtins.map')),))), kind=<MethodKind.METHOD: 'method'>, flags=<MethodFlag.NONE: 1>)
    bug cat: stubs and 3p 
    opened by Avasam 1
  • No attribute 'readinto' on BinaryIO

    No attribute 'readinto' on BinaryIO

    Pytype shows attribute-error for io.BufferedIOBase methods (readinto, read1, etc):

    buffer = bytearray(4096)
    with open("anyfile", "rb") as file:
        print(file.__class__)  # <class '_io.BufferedReader'>
        reveal_type(file)  # BinaryIO [reveal-type]
        file.readinto(buffer)  # No attribute 'readinto' on BinaryIO [attribute-error]

    For comparision: no error in MyPy and main.py:4: note: Revealed type is "io.BufferedReader*"

    bug cat: stubs and 3p 
    opened by ia8yn3ppj0ne 0
  • releases from 2022.9.27 (and onward) fail to detect some imports

    releases from 2022.9.27 (and onward) fail to detect some imports

    Possibly caused by moving from importlab 0.7 to importlab 0.8, see https://github.com/google/importlab/issues/66

    Running pytype --use-enum-overlay on https://github.com/deepmind/tf2jax/blob/main/tf2jax/_src/ops.py fails with

    /tmp/tf2jax-env/bin/python3 -m pytype.single --imports_info /tmp/tmpx75q6090/imports/tf2jax._src.ops.imports --module-name tf2jax._src.ops --platform linux -V 3.10 -o /tmp/tmpx75q6090/pyi/tf2jax/_src/ops.pyi --analyze-annotated --nofail --quick --use-enum-overlay /tmp/tf2jax/tf2jax/_src/ops.py
    File "/tmp/tf2jax/tf2jax/_src/ops.py", line 28, in <module>: Can't find module 'tf2jax._src.config'. [import-error]

    This used to pass with release 2022.9.19

    bug cat: infrastructure 
    opened by shaobohou 1
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