A Python Parser


parso - A Python Parser

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Parso is a Python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing for different Python versions (in multiple Python versions). Parso is also able to list multiple syntax errors in your python file.

Parso has been battle-tested by jedi. It was pulled out of jedi to be useful for other projects as well.

Parso consists of a small API to parse Python and analyse the syntax tree.

A simple example:

>>> import parso
>>> module = parso.parse('hello + 1', version="3.9")
>>> expr = module.children[0]
>>> expr
PythonNode(arith_expr, [<Name: hello@1,0>, <Operator: +>, <Number: 1>])
>>> print(expr.get_code())
hello + 1
>>> name = expr.children[0]
>>> name
<Name: hello@1,0>
>>> name.end_pos
(1, 5)
>>> expr.end_pos
(1, 9)

To list multiple issues:

>>> grammar = parso.load_grammar()
>>> module = grammar.parse('foo +\nbar\ncontinue')
>>> error1, error2 = grammar.iter_errors(module)
>>> error1.message
'SyntaxError: invalid syntax'
>>> error2.message
"SyntaxError: 'continue' not properly in loop"



pip install parso


  • There will be better support for refactoring and comments. Stay tuned.
  • There's a WIP PEP8 validator. It's however not in a good shape, yet.

Known Issues

  • async/await are already used as keywords in Python3.6.
  • from __future__ import print_function is not ignored.


  • Guido van Rossum (@gvanrossum) for creating the parser generator pgen2 (originally used in lib2to3).
  • Salome Schneider for the extremely awesome parso logo.
  • Make the _split_prefix public and documented to make comment parsing easy.

    Make the _split_prefix public and documented to make comment parsing easy.

    Comments being baked into the prefix member of nodes is unintuitive and awkward to use for parsing I think. It would make much more sense to have a Comment class.

    (This has come up while I'm working on mutmut).

    opened by boxed 20
  • Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3

    Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3

    Python 2.6 and 3.3 are EOL and no longer receiving security updates (or any updates) from the core Python team.

    They're also little used.

    Here's the pip installs for parso from PyPI for last month:

    | python_version | percent | download_count | | -------------- | ------: | -------------: | | 3.6 | 55.88% | 188,129 | | 3.5 | 23.47% | 79,005 | | 3.4 | 16.04% | 53,990 | | 2.7 | 4.01% | 13,504 | | 3.7 | 0.37% | 1,259 | | 3.3 | 0.23% | 773 | | 2.6 | 0.00% | 13 | | 3.8 | 0.00% | 6 |

    Source: pypinfo --start-date -39 --end-date -10 --percent --pip --markdown parso pyversion

    opened by hugovk 15
  • AssertionError thrown on autocomplete keyword `from`

    AssertionError thrown on autocomplete keyword `from`

    Running from a pipenv managed virtualenv (Python 3.6.5).

    I'm using Neovim v0.3.1 with deoplete-jedi. Trying to autocomplete after typing any keyword throws this exception:

    [deoplete] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete.nvim/rplugin/python3/deoplete/child.py", line 179, in _gather_results
        result = self._get_result(context, source)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete.nvim/rplugin/python3/deoplete/child.py", line 234, in _get_result
        ctx['candidates'] = source.gather_candidates(ctx)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/deoplete_jedi/profiler.py", line 37, in wrapper
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/deoplete_jedi.py", line 167, in gather_candidates
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/deoplete_jedi/profiler.py", line 37, in wrapper
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/deoplete_jedi.py", line 119, in get_script
        return jedi.Script(source, line, col, filename, environment=self._env)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/jedi/jedi/api/__init__.py", line 118, in __init__
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/jedi/jedi/evaluate/__init__.py", line 388, in parse_and_get_code
        return self.grammar.parse(code=code, path=path, **kwargs), code
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/grammar.py", line 76, in parse
        return self._parse(code=code, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/grammar.py", line 126, in _parse
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/python/diff.py", line 236, in update
        self._copy_from_old_parser(line_offset, i2, j2)
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/python/diff.py", line 289, in _copy_from_old_parser
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/python/diff.py", line 598, in copy_nodes
      File "/home/sett/.vim/plugged/deoplete-jedi/rplugin/python3/deoplete/vendored/parso/parso/python/diff.py", line 686, in _copy_nodes
        assert last_line_offset_leaf == ':'
    Error from jedi: AssertionError().  Use :messages / see above for error details.

    Simply removing/commenting offending line (line 686, diff.py) makes it work normally.

    opened by sw00 13
  • diff.py logs to root logger

    diff.py logs to root logger

    in various places in https://github.com/davidhalter/parso/blob/master/parso/python/diff.py, logging is done using the root logger instead of creating a separate logger using logging.getLogger. this makes it difficult to customize the logging behavior of parso separately from other loggers in one's app.



    opened by density 13
  • Usability issue: complicated to separate between multiplication/pow and argument unpacking

    Usability issue: complicated to separate between multiplication/pow and argument unpacking

    The * in foo * bar produces produces an operator AST node with value *, same as the * in foo(*bar) even though these are radically different things. The same goes for **. It would be much nicer if these were differentiated in the AST clearly.

    This was found when working on mutmut.

    opened by boxed 11
  • Increase the usage of augmented assignment statements

    Increase the usage of augmented assignment statements

    :eyes: Some source code analysis tools can help to find opportunities for improving software components. :thought_balloon: I propose to increase the usage of augmented assignment statements accordingly.

    Would you like to integrate anything from a transformation result which can be generated by a command like the following? (:point_right: Please check also for questionable change suggestions because of an evolving search pattern.)

    [Markus_Elfring@fedora lokal]$ perl -p -i.orig -0777 -e 's/^(?<indentation>\s+)(?<target>\S+)\s*=\s*\k<target>[ \t]*(?<operator>[+\-%&|^@]|\*\*?|\/\/?|<<|>>)/$+{indentation}$+{target} $+{operator}=/gm' $(find ~/Projekte/parso/lokal -name '*.py')

    How do you think about to improve six source code places? :thinking:

    :crystal_ball: How would a corresponding refactoring be achieved by the means of the software “parso”?

    opened by elfring 10
  • Named unicode escapes with spaces marked as syntax error in f-strings

    Named unicode escapes with spaces marked as syntax error in f-strings

    Given the following code:

    def bullet(text: str) -> str:
        return f'\N{BULLET} {text}'
    def error(text: str) -> str:
        return f'\N{NO ENTRY} {text}'

    A syntax error is marked for ENTRY but it is valid Python code.

    opened by bryanforbes 10
  • Dropping Python <3.6

    Dropping Python <3.6

    I'm currently trying to get rid of a lot of old code. The next release will not feature the old Pythons anymore :tada: !

    IMO we should also drop Python 2 parsing. Do you agree @isidentical ? (Also don't review yet, a lot is going to change)

    I guess after merging this branch anyone can feel free to make various Python 3 improvements.

    opened by davidhalter 9
  • Clear inactive cache files

    Clear inactive cache files

    Cache files that weren't accessed in the last 30 days will be automatically garbage collected. This collection happens when the save_module is called via a lock system that would make it happen only one time per day. Resolves #120

    opened by isidentical 9
  • Parso Cache Garbage Collection

    Parso Cache Garbage Collection

    Currently people using parso might be using a lot of disk space after a while. ~/.cache/parso might get quite big. (or whatever it is on other OS's, see parso/cache.py.

    IMO we should probably clean up in parso.cache.save_module. That function should just check "once a day" if files are older than a month. In that case they should be deleted. It should be fine to delete stuff that we might parse again, since the cache is not extremely important and just there to speed up some things.

    As a small additional thing, we should probably use scandir, see also https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/blob/7fd5c8af8ff04711599fea10ca8babe51b280464/jedi/_compatibility.py#L29-L47 for Python 2.7/3.5. However we could also just remove Python 2.7/3.5 support for this feature. I don't plan on maintaining it for a long time.

    opened by davidhalter 9
  • Possible misuse of `hashlib.sha256`

    Possible misuse of `hashlib.sha256`

    Parso includes calls to hashlib.sha256 with an argument.

    The documentation doesn't mention arguments. In my Windows Python 3.8 it does take arguments, but here is a log from a package build in Fedora, which failed with:

    parser = <class 'parso.python.parser.Parser'>
    diff_parser = <class 'parso.python.diff.DiffParser'>
        def __init__(self, text, tokenizer, parser=BaseParser, diff_parser=None):
            self._pgen_grammar = generate_grammar(
            self._parser = parser
            self._tokenizer = tokenizer
            self._diff_parser = diff_parser
    >       self._hashed = hashlib.sha256(text.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
    E       TypeError: sha256() takes no arguments
    /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/parso/grammar.py:39: TypeError
    opened by aivarannamaa 9
  • Walrus causes unnecessary SyntaxError

    Walrus causes unnecessary SyntaxError

    This is probably simple to fix, see:

    >>> import jedi
    >>> x = jedi.Script('f(a := 1, b)\n').get_syntax_errors()
    >>> x[0].get_message()
    'SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument'
    >>> jedi.Script('f(a := 1)\n').get_syntax_errors()
    opened by davidhalter 0
  • KeyError: ReservedString(})

    KeyError: ReservedString(})

    I've tried to apply mutmut to PyPDF2 and failed. Initially I thought the issue was with mutmut ( https://github.com/boxed/mutmut/issues/252 ) , but I guess it's a parso bug.

    Minimal example

    import parso
    parso.parse('stream.write(b_(rf"\{ord_(c):0>3o}"))', error_recovery=False)


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/parser.py", line 180, in _add_token
        plan = stack[-1].dfa.transitions[transition]
    KeyError: ReservedString(})
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/__init__.py", line 58, in parse
        return grammar.parse(code, **kwargs)
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/grammar.py", line 156, in parse
        root_node = p.parse(tokens=tokens)
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/python/parser.py", line 79, in parse
        return super().parse(tokens)
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/parser.py", line 129, in parse
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/parser.py", line 186, in _add_token
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/python/parser.py", line 140, in error_recovery
        return super().error_recovery(token)
      File "/home/moose/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/parso/parser.py", line 152, in error_recovery
        raise ParserSyntaxError('SyntaxError: invalid syntax', error_leaf)
    parso.parser.ParserSyntaxError: ('SyntaxError: invalid syntax', <ErrorLeaf: PythonTokenTypes.OP:'}', (1, 33)>)


    $ python --version     
    Python 3.10.2
    >>> parso.__version__
    opened by MartinThoma 1
  • Python 3.10: Parenthesized context managers

    Python 3.10: Parenthesized context managers

    Besides match case, python 3.9 alpha6 / 3.10 also added parenthesized imports and context-managers. Parenthesized imports works no problem in jedi, but parenthesized context managers lead to a syntax error:

    >>> import jedi
    >>> source = '''
    ... with (
    ...     open('/dev/stdout', 'w') as a,
    ...     open('/dev/stdout', 'w') as b,
    ... ):
    ...     a.write('a')
    ...     b.write('b')
    ... '''
    >>> script = jedi.Script(source, path='example.py')
    >>> [print(x, x.get_message()) for x in script.get_syntax_errors()]
    <SyntaxError from=(3, 29) to=(3, 31)> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    <SyntaxError from=(4, 29) to=(4, 31)> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    <SyntaxError from=(5, 0) to=(5, 1)> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    <SyntaxError from=(6, 0) to=(6, 4)> IndentationError: unexpected indent


    • https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.10.html#parenthesized-context-managers

    Probably relates to:

    • davidhalter/jedi#1830
    opened by gfokkema 3
  • raw-format string will be recognized as an error

    raw-format string will be recognized as an error

    Code snippet:

                                               ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax *jedi*

    rf - a convenient way of invoiding anomalous backslash in string, isn't it?

    opened by eternal-io 3
  • Document the refactoring API

    Document the refactoring API

    I'm starting to look for a library to do source transformations and I think parso could handle it via its parso.Grammar.refactor() method, but there's not docs on how to use it.

    help wanted 
    opened by brettcannon 11
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