Attention-based CNN-LSTM and XGBoost hybrid model for stock prediction


Attention-based CNN-LSTM and XGBoost hybrid model for stock prediction


The code has been tested running under Python 3.7.4, with the following packages and their dependencies installed:


The stock data used in this repository was downloaded from TuShare. The stock data on TuShare are with public availability.


Firstly, run for pre-processing step by ARIMA model. Then, run the neural network or XGBoost models.

  • Run for the single-layer LSTM, multi-layer LSTM, and bidirectional LSTM models.
  • Run for the XGBoost model.
  • Run for our proposed Attention-based CNN-LSTM and XGBoost hybrid model.


    author={Zhuangwei Shi and Yang Hu and Guangliang Mo and Jian Wu},
    title={Attention-based CNN-LSTM and XGBoost hybrid model for stock prediction},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.02623},
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