Find version automatically based on git tags and commit messages.



Find version automatically based on git tags and commit messages.

The tool is very specific in its function, so it is very flexible.

You can use it as a part of many different integrations and it will not break your process.


python3 -m pip install git-conventional-version


Get new bumped final version:


Get new bumped release candidate version:

gcv --type=rc

Get current (old) version, 0.0.0 if none exists:

gcv --old

Example of CI automation script:

old=$(gcv --old)
# check if version bump would happen
if [ ! $new == $old ]; then
    # if yes, update setup.cfg
    sed -i "s/^version.*/version = $new/g" setup.cfg
    # and commit release
    git add setup.cfg
    git commit -m "$new"
    git tag "$new"
    git push --tags
    git push

Version formats

Tags are equivalent to versions, no suffix or prefix is added or interpreted. Formats follow

  • Final version

Standard tag is in the format \d+\.\d+\.d+ ie. 1.0.0. It can be divided into major . minor . patch versions.

It is automatically bumped based on commits messages and old version of the same type (look at Git commit message convention below).

  • Pre-release versions

Pre-release versions bumps are calculated based on last final version, its expected bump and old version of the same pre-release type.

    • Release candidate version

Format \d+\.\d+\.d+rc\d+ ie. 1.0.0rc1.

    • Developmental version

Format \d+\.\d+\.d+dev\d+ ie. 1.0.0dev1.

  • Local version

Also, local version can be created from commit sha and old version: \d+\.\d+\.d\+.+ ie. 0.0.0+79ad.

Git commit message convention

Convention is based on (it's good!). At the moment, only the following rules apply (I usually use only these but more can be added easily):

  • Start commit with 'fix:' or 'fix(.*):' to bump patch version.
  • Start commit with 'feat:' or 'feat(.*):' to bump minor version.
  • Include in the commit line with 'breaking change:' to bump major version.


Automatically handling many types of version tags in git is more complicated than it initially seems like.

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