Six - a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library

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Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. It provides utility functions for smoothing over the differences between the Python versions with the goal of writing Python code that is compatible on both Python versions. See the documentation for more information on what is provided.

Six supports Python 2.7 and 3.3+. It is contained in only one Python file, so it can be easily copied into your project. (The copyright and license notice must be retained.)

Online documentation is at

Bugs can be reported to The code can also be found there.

  • metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    Some time in the last 12 hours, our build system using gsutil started failing and it appears to be related to six 1.11.0, which was just released.

    $ gsutil
     File "myproject/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/apitools/base/protorpclite/", line 1168, in <module>
        class Field(six.with_metaclass(_FieldMeta, object)):
    TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
        metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    gsutil declares a dependency on six>=1.9.0 (ugh) so it pulls in the just released 1.11.0. Rolling back to six 1.10.0 and gsutil runs alright. I'm not really involved in Python or gsutil, so maybe gsutil needs to fix something, no idea, but it seems like a breakage that's not called out in the release notes or maybe something to fix.

    cc @jdemeyer @benjaminp Possibly introduced in

    opened by dghubble 28
  • Fix for Python 4

    Fix for Python 4

    We don't yet know if 3.10 or 4.0 will follow Python 3.9, but it will probably happen in 2020 when Python 3.9 reaches beta and as six is vendored and used in many codebases, it would be good for six to be ready for both.

    There's several places in the codebase which essentially do:

    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
       pass  # Python 3+ stuff
       pass  # Python 2 stuff

    When run on Python 4, this will run the Python 2 code!

    This PR flips it around:

    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
       pass  # Python 2 stuff
       pass  # Python 3+ stuff

    Thanks to @asottile for flake8-2020.

    As an aside, there's a slight inconsistency here:

    # Useful for very coarse version differentiation.
    PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
    PY34 = sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 4)

    PY34 is true on Python 4, but PY3 is not. Would it be too big a break to change it?

    -PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
    +PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
    opened by hugovk 13
  • variable ``six.PY3`` -- is time bomb :)

    variable ``six.PY3`` -- is time bomb :)

    Originally reported by: Andrej Antonov (Bitbucket: polymorphm, GitHub: polymorphm)

    good day!

    variable six.PY3 -- is time bomb :)

    file now has code:

    # True if we are running on Python 3.
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

    ...but must be somewhere like:

    # True if we are running on Python version at least 3.
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3

    thanks in advance! (and sorry for my bad english :))

    • Bitbucket:
    bug trivial 
    opened by benjaminp 10
  • add ensure_binary/str/text helper functions

    add ensure_binary/str/text helper functions

    • Summary add ensure_binary, ensure_str, ensure_text helper functions to solve the encoding compatibility between py2 and py3 more easily. -- ensure_binary, input --> six.binary_type -- ensure_str, input -> six.string_type -- ensure_text, input -> six.text_type This is mentioned in Lisa Guo's keynote in Pycon 2017 (from 31:21 in, which helped Instagram to upgrade to Python 3 and I hope this can help other developers, too

    • Test Plan add new unit tests to cover added code

     195 passed, 2 skipped in 0.48 seconds 
    opened by jz1371 9
  • Periodically able to cause moved functions to fail delattr()

    Periodically able to cause moved functions to fail delattr()

    Originally reported by: Joshua Harlow (Bitbucket: harlowja, GitHub: harlowja)

    When running a piece of threaded code that directly uses six.moves.$XYZ:

    For example:

    I am periodically able to trigger an unusually occurrence with-in six (it doesn't occur on every run, but once every ~20 runs of the above example).

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
      File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 763, in run
        self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
      File "taskflow/examples/", line 140, in producer
        for i in six.moves.xrange(0, PRODUCER_UNITS):
      File "/home/josh/Dev/taskflow/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 90, in __get__
    AttributeError: xrange

    Is it possible for the six.moves.xrange attribute to disappear somehow when running from daemon threads (although those daemon threads are joined on by the parent). Perhaps there is some underlying issue with the above six code?

    This is with six==1.7.3 (if that matters).

    Full environment @

    • Bitbucket:
    bug major 
    opened by benjaminp 9
  • importing six breaks pickling

    importing six breaks pickling

    Originally reported by: Anselm Kruis (Bitbucket: akruis, GitHub: akruis)

    The python2.7 library module pickle contains the function whichmodule(func, funcname). This function eventually inspects every value in sys.modules, triggering imports, that might fail.

    This way importing six in one module can break pickling in a completely unrelated module.

    An example trace-back on Linux:

      File "/scr/fg2ef/kruis/slp276/lib/python2.7/", line 854, in whichmodule
        if name != '__main__' and getattr(module, funcname, None) is func:
      File "/scr/fg2ef/kruis/slp276_six/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 116, in __getattr__
        _module = self._resolve()
      File "/scr/fg2ef/kruis/slp276_six/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 105, in _resolve
        return _import_module(self.mod)
      File "/scr/fg2ef/kruis/slp276_six/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 76, in _import_module
    ImportError: No module named _winreg

    Code of function whichmodule:

    def whichmodule(func, funcname):
        """Figure out the module in which a function occurs.
        Search sys.modules for the module.
        Cache in classmap.
        Return a module name.
        If the function cannot be found, return "__main__".
        # Python functions should always get an __module__ from their globals.
        mod = getattr(func, "__module__", None)
        if mod is not None:
            return mod
        if func in classmap:
            return classmap[func]
        for name, module in sys.modules.items():
            if module is None:
                continue # skip dummy package entries
            if name != '__main__' and getattr(module, funcname, None) is func:
            name = '__main__'
        classmap[func] = name
        return name

    Similar code exists in the C-function whichmodule of the extension module Modules/cPickle.c. Therefore it is probably impossible to fix this problem by monkey-patching the Python library.

    Idea for a fix: don't populate sys.modules during the import of six itself, but use a sys.meta_path finder (see PEP302) to add six-modules on demand.

    • Bitbucket:
    bug critical 
    opened by benjaminp 9
  • Add encoding utility

    Add encoding utility

    Originally reported by: Claude Paroz (Bitbucket: claudep, GitHub: claudep)


    We're planning to embed six in Django as the blessed Python 3 compatibility layer. One thing we're missing is a function that returns a byte string on Python 2 and Unicode in Python 3. This is typically useful when providing arguments for strftime() or type(). Our current implementation is:

    • Python 2: n = lambda n: n.encode('utf-8')
    • Python 3 (noop): n = lambda n: n

    We could of course provide it in some of our own modules, but it would be nice to have it in six, unless you suggest a better replacement.

    • Bitbucket:
    major proposal 
    opened by benjaminp 9
  • pickle protocol

    pickle protocol

    It seems as though it would be helpful to modify the pickle.dump(s) methods to use protocol=HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, as this would be consistent with Python3 and should be functional in Python2.6+ (stated functionality of six).

    The default Python2 protocol is 0, which require __getstate__ and __setstate__ methods; however Python 3 uses protocol=HIGEST_PROTCOL (equivalent to 4 since Python 3.4).

    Manipulating the dump(s) methods to use the highest protocol would allow someone to write the most "slim" code that will work in both Python2 and Python3.

    opened by SimplyKnownAsG 7
  • Add


    Originally reported by: Eklavya Sharma (Bitbucket: ekujupr, GitHub: Unknown)

    I'm fed up of doing

        import as collections_abc # only works on python 3.3+
    except ImportError:
        import collections as collections_abc

    A would be very convenient.

    • Bitbucket:
    proposal minor 
    opened by benjaminp 7
  • Python 3.5 test failures

    Python 3.5 test failures

    Originally reported by: Barry Warsaw (Bitbucket: warsaw, GitHub: warsaw)

    six hg head is not compatible with Python 3.5 (We're building against Python 3.5 in Ubuntu). ast module API breakage.

    GLOB sdist-make: /home/barry/projects/debian/six/upstream/
    py35 create: /home/barry/projects/debian/six/upstream/.tox/py35
    py35 installdeps: pytest
    py35 inst: /home/barry/projects/debian/six/upstream/.tox/dist/
    py35 installed: py==1.4.30,pytest==2.7.2,six==1.9.0
    py35 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='3069104211'
    py35 runtests: commands[0] | py.test -rfsxX
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.5.0 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.7.2
    rootdir: /home/barry/projects/debian/six/upstream, inifile: setup.cfg
    collected 0 items / 1 errors 
    ==================================== ERRORS ====================================
    _________________________ ERROR collecting _________________________
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/py/_path/ in pyimport
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:969: in _find_and_load
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:954: in _find_and_load_unlocked
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:892: in _find_spec
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:873: in _find_spec_legacy
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in find_module
        source_stat, co = _rewrite_test(state, fn_pypath)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in _rewrite_test
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in rewrite_asserts
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in run
    /usr/lib/python3.5/ in visit
        return visitor(node)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in visit_Assert
        top_condition, explanation = self.visit(assert_.test)
    /usr/lib/python3.5/ in visit
        return visitor(node)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in visit_Compare
        left_res, left_expl = self.visit(comp.left)
    /usr/lib/python3.5/ in visit
        return visitor(node)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in visit_Call
        new_func, func_expl = self.visit(call.func)
    /usr/lib/python3.5/ in visit
        return visitor(node)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in visit_Call
        new_func, func_expl = self.visit(call.func)
    /usr/lib/python3.5/ in visit
        return visitor(node)
    .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in visit_Name
        locs = ast.Call(self.builtin("locals"), [], [], None, None)
    E   TypeError: Call constructor takes either 0 or 3 positional arguments
    =========================== 1 error in 0.22 seconds ============================
    ERROR: InvocationError: '/home/barry/projects/debian/six/upstream/.tox/py35/bin/py.test -rfsxX'
    ___________________________________ summary ___________________________________
    ERROR:   py35: commands failed

    • Bitbucket:
    bug major 
    opened by benjaminp 7
  • Documentation to exec_ does not match implementation

    Documentation to exec_ does not match implementation

    Originally reported by: Bernhard Gschaider (Bitbucket: bgschaid, GitHub: bgschaid)

    In the documentation it says

    six.exec_(code, globals=None, locals=None)

    but the implementation is

    def exec_(code, globs=None, locs=None):
            """Execute code in a namespace."""

    for the Python 2.x-branch

    • Bitbucket:
    bug major 
    opened by benjaminp 7
  • RuntimeError: restricted attribute setting __doc__ when being imported in python2.7 in a restricted frame

    RuntimeError: restricted attribute setting __doc__ when being imported in python2.7 in a restricted frame

    Hi! I'm writing a python program where I need to hook up the __import__ function in certain modules‘ __builtins__ dict to do some stuff, so that I can manage the imports in a way meta path hooks cannot provide. In python3+ it works just fine, but in python2.7 the interpreter I got this error

      File "", line 625, in <module>
        get_unbound_function, """Get the function out of a possibly unbound function"""
      File "", line 82, in _add_doc
        func.__doc__ = doc
    RuntimeError: restricted attribute

    It turns out the python 2.7 interpreter does not allow changing function object's __doc__ attribute in a restricted frame, which is defined by the frame's __builtins__ reference is not pointing to the internal one.

    here is a repro script

    #! /usr/bin/python2.7
    import imp
    import sys
    import os
    name = 'six'
    dir_name = os.getcwd()  # where lives
    def my_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level):
        print(name, fromlist, level)
        return __import__(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
    spec = imp.find_module(name, [dir_name])
    module = imp.new_module(name)
    my_builtins = dict(__builtins__.__dict__)
    my_builtins['__import__'] = my_import
    module.__builtins__ = my_builtins
    sys.modules[name] = module
    imp.load_module(name, *spec)


    opened by babyhoo976 0
  • ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()

    ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()

    Python version: 3.10
    Django version: 3.2.15
    six: 1.16.0

    If there is any import fails then this warning message comes in the console: <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()

    python shell
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:914: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()
    Python 3.10.4 (main, Jun 29 2022, 12:14:53) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    I debug it and found where and when exactly the message is appearing:

    available_shells=['ipython', 'bpython', 'python'] so, if when ipython and bpython is not there in the system then it throws the above warning message. For the last value python there is no message, bcos its able to find it and there is no import error.

    These multiple same messages look very ugly, is there any way to remove them?

    opened by nishantkshyp2004 0
  • Json exception

    Json exception

    The Python3 json module raises JSONDecodeError where the Python2 json module raises ValueError. Added six.JSONDecodeError that can be used to catch the exception regardless of version.

    opened by eggfu 0
  • Add six.moves.unittest_mock

    Add six.moves.unittest_mock

    Unittests mock module was added in python 3, it's called unittest.mock in python 3 but it was made available as a backport for python 2 via pypi as mock.

    The information is listed on the python 3 documentation

    unittest.mock — mock object library New in version 3.3. Source code: Lib/unittest/ ... There is a backport of unittest.mock for earlier versions of Python, available as mock on PyPI.

    Mock on pypi:

    This lets a user write six.moves.unittest_mock which is handy for projects like mine that use mock on python 2 and 3.

    Hope this PR is alright. I also updated the changes file and version number etc, as it seemed the right thing to do.

    opened by ddmee 1
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