AAAI-22 paper: SimSR: Simple Distance-based State Representationfor Deep Reinforcement Learning

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Deep Learning SimSR


Code and dataset for the paper SimSR: Simple Distance-based State Representationfor Deep Reinforcement Learning (AAAI-22).


We assume you have access to a gpu that can run CUDA 11. All of the dependencies are in the conda_env.yml file.

conda env create -f conda_env.yml

After the instalation ends you can activate your environment with

conda activate simsr


To train a SimSR agent on the cartpole swingup task from image-based observations run bash from the root of this directory. The file contains the following command, which you can modify to try different environments / hyperparamters.


MUJOCO_GL="egl" CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u \
	--domain_name ${DOMAIN} \
	--task_name ${TASK} \
	--encoder_type pixel \
	--action_repeat 4 \
	--pre_transform_image_size 84 \
	--image_size 84 \
	--work_dir ./tmp \
	--agent simsr_sac \
	--frame_stack 3\
	--seed ${SEED} --critic_lr 1e-3 \
	--actor_lr 1e-3 \
	--eval_freq 10000 \
	--batch_size 128 \
	--num_train_steps 260000 > ${DOMAIN}_${TASK}_${SEED}.log &

Note that the MuJoCo Python bindings support three different OpenGL rendering backends: "glfw", "egl", or "osmesa". You can also specify a particular backend to use by setting the MUJOCO_GL= environment variable to one of them.

To visualize progress with tensorboard run:

tensorboard --logdir ./path/to/your/log --port 6006


Please cite the paper SimSR: Simple Distance-based State Representationfor Deep Reinforcement Learning if you found the resources in the repository useful.

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