Tool for pinpointing circular imports in Python. Find cyclic imports in any project


Pycycle: Find and fix circular imports in python projects

Pycycle is an experimental project that aims to help python developers fix their circular dependencies problems.

ImportError: Cannot import name X is a python exception that is related to the circular imports, but the exception tells nothing about where or what.

This tool automatically analyzes the imports of your projects, and looks for imports that may cause a circular dependency problem.


  • Shows you the whole chain of the circular imports.
  • Gives you lines of code where each import is, for you to easily find and fix the problem.
  • Visualizes your imports in a graph (Not Yet Implemented)


$ pycycle
Usage: pycycle [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Get the circular imports in current project:
    $ pycycle --here
    Look for circular imports in another project
    $ pycycle --source /home/user/workspace/awesome_project
    Ignore specific directories when looking for circular import
    $ pycycle --source /home/user/workspace/awesome_project --ignore some_dir,some_dir2
    Get verbose output
    $ pycycle --source /home/user/workspace/awesome_project --verbose

  --verbose        Verbose output.
  --here           Try to find cycles in the current project.
  --source TEXT    Try to find cycles in the path provided.
  --ignore TEXT    Comma separated directories that will be ignored during
  --encoding TEXT  Change enconding with which the project is read.
  --help           Show this message then exit.
  --version        Show the version and exit.
$ pycycle --here
Project successfully transformed to AST, checking imports for cycles..
Cycle Found :(
a_module.a_file: Line 1 -> a_module.b_module.b_file: Line 1 -> c_module.c_file: Line 1 -> d_module.d_file: Line 1 =>> a_module.a_file
$ pycycle --source /Users/vkravcenko/workspace/awesome_project
Target source provided:/Users/vkravcenko/workspace/awesome_project
Project successfully transformed to AST, checking imports for cycles..
No worries, no cycles here!
If you think some cycle was missed, please open an Issue on Github.


$ pip install pycycle
  • Weird false positive

    Weird false positive

    Hello, here is a very weird false positive I found.

    Minimal reproductible code:

    Reproduce it:

    git clone
    cd 551dc93cae6c70df649db43aa859dd4a
    pycycle --here --verbose


    Trying to parse file: /tmp/551dc93cae6c70df649db43aa859dd4a/
    Trying to parse file: /tmp/551dc93cae6c70df649db43aa859dd4a/
    Trying to parse file: /tmp/551dc93cae6c70df649db43aa859dd4a/
    Project successfully transformed to AST, checking imports for cycles..
    Cycle Found :(
    tutu -> lala: Line 2 =>> tutu

    My environment:

    $ pycycle --version
    pycycle, version 0.0.8
    $ python --version
    Python 3.9.6

    The first weird thing is that it finds a circular import tutu -> lala -> tutu but lala doesn’t import tutu.

    There are other unrelated imports in these files, but if I change or remove a single one of them, the output changes. For example, if I remove import argparse from, the cycle disappears. If instead I remove import typing from that same file, there’s style a "Cycle Found" but it’s not printed.

    opened by bfontaine 1
  • apply python module import logic

    apply python module import logic

    It seems that in this moment, the program only takes into account the importation statement in each file, not integrated the python modules loading logic with context, for example, for the tests/_projects/large_circle case, if I change the tests/_projects/large_circle/a_module/ just by moving the function before import statement like this:

    def a_func():
        return "a func"
    from a_module.b_module.b_file import b_func

    Then this test case should be fine and we can run it successfully, but the program still give us circular import error.

    opened by PnPie 1
  • Update


    Set default to a string, instead of "False", which causes the type to be "BOOLEAN".


    Error: Invalid value for '--source': 'path_to_project/' is not a valid boolean.
      --source BOOLEAN  Try to find cycles in the path provided.
      --ignore TEXT     Comma separated directories that will be ignored during
    opened by MichaelQuaMan 0
  • cycle not detected

    cycle not detected

    A rather primitive module cycle is not detected. Minimal working example:

    ├── moduleA
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── moduleB

    reproduction > moduleA >

    from .a_class import ClassA

    reproduction > moduleA >

    import reproduction.moduleB
    class ClassA:

    reproduction > moduleB >

    from .b_class import ClassB

    reproduction > moduleB >

    from ..moduleA import ClassA
    class ClassB:

    When running pycycle:

    > pycycle --here --verbose
    Trying to parse file: /private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/
    Trying to parse file: /private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleB/
    Trying to parse file: /private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleB/
    Trying to parse file: /private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleA/
    Trying to parse file: /private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleA/
    Project successfully transformed to AST, checking imports for cycles..
    No worries, no cycles here!
    If you think some cycle was missed, please open an Issue on Github.

    when trying to import moduleA:

    > python3 -c 'import reproduction.moduleA'   
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleA/", line 1, in <module>
        from .a_class import ClassA
      File "/private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleA/", line 1, in <module>
        import reproduction.moduleB
      File "/private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleB/", line 1, in <module>
        from .b_class import ClassB
      File "/private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleB/", line 1, in <module>
        from ..moduleA import ClassA
    ImportError: cannot import name 'ClassA' from partially initialized module 'reproduction.moduleA' (most likely due to a circular import) (/private/tmp/reproduction/reproduction/moduleA/
    opened by Jofkos 0
  • Error: Invalid value for '--source': '.' is not a valid boolean.

    Error: Invalid value for '--source': '.' is not a valid boolean.

    Version: pycycle 0.0.8

    Tried to use but --source requires a BOOLEAN and not a string:

    Error: Invalid value for '--source': 'path_to_code' is not a valid boolean.
    Usage: pycycle [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      --source BOOLEAN  Try to find cycles in the path provided.
      --ignore TEXT     Comma separated directories that will be ignored during
    opened by MichaelQuaMan 2
  • No Cycles detected

    No Cycles detected

    My code have structure like this. I have multiple modules and

    A modules import B modules to work, B import C and C needs B to work. There are other dependancies are involved as well. But , this is general idea. I get 'No Cycles detected'.

    opened by Godcreatebugs 4
  • Bug: Subpackage circular imports not detected

    Bug: Subpackage circular imports not detected


    My example is the following package structure where package.subpackage.module imports from package.module and visa-versa.

    ├── package
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └── subpackage
    │       ├──
    │       └──

    from package.module import Anything


    from package.module import Anything
    class Thing:


    from package.subpackage.module import Thing
    class Anything:

    Expected behaviour

    I consider this a circular import but pycycle detects no errors.

    Executing results in a circular import error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1, in <module>
        from package.module import Anything
      File "/home/dom/Code/package/package/", line 1, in <module>
        from package.subpackage.module import Thing
      File "/home/dom/Code/package/package/subpackage/", line 1, in <module>
        from package.module import Anything
    ImportError: cannot import name 'Anything' from 'package.module' (/home/dom/Code/package/package/

    An archive containing the package structure and code. package.tar.gz

    opened by DomHudson 0
Vadim Kravcenko
CTO @ Mindnow AG
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