Sharpened cosine similarity torch - A Sharpened Cosine Similarity layer for PyTorch


Sharpened Cosine Similarity

A layer implementation for PyTorch


At your command line:

git clone

You'll need to install or upgrade PyTorch if you haven't already. If python3 is the command you use to invoke Python at your command line:

python3 -m pip install torch torchvision --upgrade


Run the Fashion MNIST demo to see sharpened cosine similarity in action.

cd sharpened_cosine_similarity_torch

When you run this it will take a few extra minutes the first time through to download and extract the Fashion MNIST data set. Its less than 100MB when fully extracted.

I run this entirely on laptop CPUs. I have a dual-core i7 that takes about 90 seconds per epoch and an 8-core i7 that takes about 45 seconds per epoch. Your mileage may vary.


You can check on the status of your runs at any time. In another console navigate to the smae directory and run


This will give a little console summary like this

testing errors for version test
mean  : 14.08%
stddev: 0.1099%
stderr: 0.03887%
n runs: 8

and drop a couple of plots like this in the plots directory showing how the classification error on the test data set decreases with each pass through the training data set.

A sample of testing error results over several runs

The demo will keep running for a long time if you let it. Kill it when you get bored of it. If you want to pick the sequence of runs back up, re-run the demo and it will load all the results it's generated so far and append to them.


If you'd like to experiment with the sharpened cosine similarity code, the demo, or with other data sets, you can keep track of each new run by adding a version argument at the command line.

To start a run with version string "v37" run

python3 v37

To check on its progress

python3 v37

The version string can be arbitrarily descriptive, for example "3_scs_layer_2_fully_connected_layer_learning_rate_003", but keep it alphanumeric with underscores.

Credit where it's due

Based on and copy/pasted heavily from code from Ze Wang and code from Oliver Batchelor and the TensorFlow implementation and blog post from Raphael Pisoni.

  • Single alpha per layer. Defaults changed.

    Single alpha per layer. Defaults changed.

    Playing with alpha, I found very strong results with 1 shared alpha value across the layer. Initial observations suggest that one alpha per kernel doesn't add anything to performance, while incurring the addition of extra parameters.

    Inspecting the alpha values chosen by LSUV_like_init(), they fall roughly on the range from 10-50 for a small model I'm running on Fashion MNIST. Choosing an initial alpha of 10 and disabling auto init generates the strongest results I've seen from my model yet.

    @ducha-aiki, what do you think about moving to a single alpha per layer and removing the LSUV init? You've spent the most time thinking about it, so it's possible you've built an intuition around it I don't have yet.

    @4rtemi5 based on what I've seen, the alpha boosts performance noticeably. Based on what implementation we settle on in PyTorch I plan to mimic it in the Jax code. It might make a difference in getting to 90% on CIFAR-10.

    This diff is a little messy-it also has some changes to the demo scripts to make them compatible with the new API.

    opened by brohrer 10
  • Reimplement SCS in terms of conv2d

    Reimplement SCS in terms of conv2d

    This PR proposes a change in implementation of SCS which uses Conv2D, a much more performant primitive. The gist of the idea is to

    1. Normalize the kernel as we already do
    2. Compute per-window normalization factor coming from the image by sqrt(avg_pool2d(input ** 2) * window_size)
    3. Compute the dot products via conv2d between the input and normalized kernel
    4. Normalize the output elementwise by the array obtained in step 2.
    5. Proceed as before

    On my laptop this achieves more than 2x performance improvement. I attach a quick test ( to verify that the two implementations yield (almost) the same results. This PR will obviously need some code unification and renaming before being merged, I submit it as it to facilitate easy comparisons by the maintainers :)

    opened by jatentaki 4
  • Confused about validation loss calculation

    Confused about validation loss calculation

    Hello, I am unable to understand the testing loss. Why loss = F.cross_entropy(preds, labels) is not also used for test loss with test preds?

    opened by quickgrid 3
  • Add absolute pooling

    Add absolute pooling

    Debug and test a maximum magnitude pooling layer

    @StephenHogg wrote a nice looking bit of code for this, but I haven't been able to get it to work just yet.

    Original code

    Copy/pasted to

    opened by brohrer 3
  • Parameter handling

    Parameter handling

    Updated PyTorch and Jax implementations Removed p parameter exponentiation Added weight clipping and p parameter lower limit Changed parameter initialization Removed alpha parameter

    Demo scripts and MNIST test all run.

    Any thought or comments? @ducha-aiki @4rtemi5

    opened by brohrer 1
  • added an Example using pytorch lightning

    added an Example using pytorch lightning

    This is an example application of the scsl fashion mnist example with PyTorch lightning. Lightning removes a lot of the boilerplate of PyTorch and helps to focus on the network. Furthermore, lightning makes training on GPUs very simple.

    opened by p-sodmann 1
  • Currently creates a lot of NaNs

    Currently creates a lot of NaNs

    I am a physician and don't know what I am doing, but this helps to prevent the NaNs, maybe it helps you to create a more sophisticated solution.

            out = inp.square()
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(out)):
                raise Exception("out")
            if self.groups == 1:
                out = out.sum(1, keepdim=True)
            norm = F.conv2d(
                torch.ones_like(self.weight[:1, :1]),
                self.dilation) + 1e-6
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(norm)):
                raise Exception("norm")
            # prevent 0 and inf
            q = torch.exp(-self.q / (self.q_scale**2 + 0.1))
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(q)):
                raise Exception("q")
            weight = self.weight / (self.weight.square().sum(dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True).sqrt() + q + 1e-6)
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(weight)):
                raise Exception("weight")
            out = F.conv2d(
            ) / ((norm**2).sqrt() + 1e-1)
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(out)):
                raise Exception("out2")
            # Comment these lines out for vanilla cosine similarity.
            # It's ~200x faster.
            abs = (out.square() + 1e-6).sqrt()
            sign = out / abs
            # prevent 0 and inf
            p = torch.exp(self.p / (self.p_scale**2 +0.1))
            out = abs ** p
            out = out * sign
            if torch.any(torch.isnan(out)):
                raise Exception("out3")
            return out```
    opened by p-sodmann 1
  • Reimplmentation & slight improvements.

    Reimplmentation & slight improvements.

    Hi! I played around with your code yesterday and ended up refactoring it quite heavy to ease usage. The code is nowhere ready for any pull request, but I hope that you find the changes somewhat useful.

    You can find the code here.


    • I were able to achieve 91.3% CIFAR-10 accuracy with a model of 1.2M parameters( see here for model implementation).
    • Residual connections seem to somewhat help deeper networks, however, training a much deeper model does not work out of the box (see here for implementation).
    • Either annotating the forward pass of the SCS layer or scripting the model will improve runtime at least 30% (measured on NVIDIA 1060 GPU).

    The code automatically uses a CUDA capable device if available, is quite cleaner than the original training script and will hopefully help you iterate on the idea :)

    You can view the tensorboard logs of my experiments here:

    opened by hukkelas 1
  • Fix for issue #4 with train progress

    Fix for issue #4 with train progress

    Issue due to progress bar after every epoch it prints something like,

    0it [00:00, ?it/s]run: 0   epoch: 0   duration: 75.29   training loss: 2.249   testing loss: 2.137   training accuracy: 40.17%   testing accuracy: 57.66%

    Instead of,

    run: 0   epoch: 0   duration: 75.29   training loss: 2.249   testing loss: 2.137   training accuracy: 40.17%   testing accuracy: 57.66%
    opened by quickgrid 1
  • Create a CIFAR 10 demo

    Create a CIFAR 10 demo

    So far sharpened cosine similarity has performed well on Fashion MNIST. The next step is to demonstrate it on CIFAR 10.

    Here are some partial implementations in case they help from Abhiraj Kanse

    from @oliver-batchelor

    opened by brohrer 1
  • Unused calculation fix

    Unused calculation fix


    • Needs a progress bar at least in train loader.


    Multiple files have the following issues.

    • Duplicate calculation of epoch time inside mini batch loader. Extra calculation of epoch_duration = time.time() - epoch_start_time inside train loader.

    • Test preds calculation not used and can be removed.

    • Make following consistent,

    opened by quickgrid 0
Brandon Rohrer
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