Magic: The Gathering Arena draft tool that utilizes 17Lands data.
Steps for Windows
Step 1: Download and unzip the file or clone the repository.
Step 2: In Arena, go to Adjust Options, Account, and then check the Detailed Logs (Plugin Support) check box
Step 3: Double-click setup.exe to start the install.
- Note: The application must be installed to the main drive (C drive)
Step 4: Go to the installed folder and right-click the exectuable (.exe), click properties, compatibility tab, and check Run this program as an administrator
Step 5: Double-click the MTGA_Draft_Tool.exe to start the program.
Step 6: Download the sets that you plan on using (Data->View Sets).
Step 7: Start the draft in Arena.
Steps for Mac
Step 1: Download and unzip the file or clone the repository.
Step 2: In Arena, go to Adjust Options, Account, and then check the Detailed Logs (Plugin Support) check box.
Step 3: Download and install the latest version of python 3 from this location:
Step 4: Install the python package installer Pip by opening the Mac terminal and entering "python3.10 -m ensurepip --upgrade".
Step 5: Install the python image library Pillow by opening the Mac terminal and entering "python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow".
Step 6: Install the python input monitoring library Pynput by opening the Mac terminal and entering "python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade pynput".
Step 7: Install web certificates by going to "/Applications/Python 3.10/" and double-clicking the file "Install Certificates.command".
Step 8: Open the config.json file in a text editor and change the "hotkey_enabled" field from "true" to "false".
Step 9: Decrease the table width by setting the "table_width" field to 220 in the config.json file.
Step 10: Install the python widget library by opening the Mac terminal and entering "python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade ttkwidgets".
Step 11: Start the application by opening the Mac terminal and entering "python3.10 --os=MAC".
Step 12: Set Arena to window mode.
Step 13: Download the sets that you plan on using (Data->View Sets).
Step 14: Start the draft in Arena.
UI Features
Current Draft: Lists the current draft type (Premier, Quick, or Traditional) that the application has identified
- The application has been tested with Premier, Quick, and Traditional drafts.
- In the Arena logs, P1P1 doesn't appear for Premier and Traditional drafts until after P1P2
Deck Filter: A drop-down that lists all of the available deck color permutations that you can use to filter the deck card ratings.
- The percentage next to the number represents the win rate for that color combination. These percentage values are collected from the color ratings page on 17 Lands. If there are no values, then that means the sample size was too small to determine the win rate (unpopular deck combination).
- The "All Decks" option lists the combined rating across all of the deck color combinations -The "Auto" option will keep the filter at "All Decks" for the first 15 picks and then switch over to the filter that best matches your taken cards.
Pack, Pick Table: This table lists the cards contained in the current pack.
- The "All" column lists the card rating for the "All Decks" filter. This is visible regardless of the Deck Filter option chosen.
- The last column will list the card rating for the chosen Deck Filter option.
- The card rating is derived from the Games in Hand Win Rate, Average Last Seen At, and Improvement When Drawn fields from 17 Lands. The individual values can be seen by clicking on the card in the table.
- For Premier and Traditional drafts, P1P1 doesn't appear in the logs until after P1P2. Use the Card Compare feature to perform the card analysis.
- The "All" column lists the card rating for the "All Decks" filter. This is visible regardless of the Deck Filter option chosen.
Missing Cards Table: This table will list the cards missing from a pack that's already been seen.
- The user's chosen card will have an asterisk next to the name.
Deck Stats Table: This table lists the card distribution and total for creatures, noncreatures, and all cards.
- The numbered columns represent the cost of the card (cmc).
Menu Features
Read Draft Logs: Read the log file from a draft by selecting File->Open. Select a .log file to read the file.
Download Set Data: Get to the Add Sets window by selecting Data->View Sets. Enter the set information and click on the ADD SET button to begin downloading the set data.
- For the ID field, keep the value at 0.
- The download can take several minutes.
List Taken Cards: Get to the Taken Cards window by selecting Cards->Taken Cards.
- This table lists the cards that were taken by the user over the course of the draft.
List Suggested Decks: Get to the Suggested Decks window by selecting Cards->Suggested Decks.
- This table lists a 40 card deck that the application has built from your taken cards. You might see multiple decks if the application is able to build them.
- The application might be unable to build any decks if this option is selected before the draft is over or if too few creatures were taken.
- The application builds the decks based on a number of constraints including the Games in Hand Win Rate of the individual cards. The rating listed is the combined Games in Hand Win Rate of all the cards in the deck.
Card Compare: Get to the Card Compare window by selecting Cards->Compare Cards. This window will allow you to compare cards that you've entered in.
- This feature can be used to quickly compare cards for P1P1 of the Premier and Traditional drafts.
Additional Features
Hotkey: The user can use the hotkey ctrl+f to toggle between minimizing and maximizing the main application window.
- This feature doesn't work on Mac.
- You need to run the executable as an administrator for this feature to work in Arena.
Top-Level Window: The main application window, and subsequent windows, will act as an overlay and remain above all other windows, including the Arena screen.
Tooltips: Clicking on any field that lists a card will display a tooltip the contains the following information: Card image, Average Last Seen At, Improvement When Drawn, and Games in Hand Win Rate.